
How many women has Erhao ruined in total? It's definitely not just 16-year-old Keyun: Look at Aunt Xue who said this

author:A bewildering worm

Introduction: The drama "Deep Love and Rain" can be said to be the one with the most scumbags among so many TV series that Qiong Yao has filmed, Lu Zhenhua, who married Aunt Jiufang in order to miss her first love, He Shuhuan, who is vacillating between the two sisters Yiping and Ruping, and Lu Erhao, who is known as a playboy. It can be said that these are more scumbags than one another, I didn't understand Er Hao's scum before, but now I come back to this drama to know that Er Hao is the originator of the scumbag in the play.

The only girls who have had emotional entanglements with Er Hao in the play are Ke Yun and Fang Yu, in fact, far more than that, before his official girlfriend Fang Yu, the girl who has been ruined by Er Hao is definitely not the only one who has been ruined by Er Hao, let's analyze it together.

How many women has Erhao ruined in total? It's definitely not just 16-year-old Keyun: Look at Aunt Xue who said this

1. Yiping's attitude

Yiping can be said to be the sober person in the whole play, she is the most transparent and innocent person in life, and she has long seen through everything for Ruping's green tea and Er Hao's hypocrisy. Do you still remember that Mengping was raped by gangsters, Mengping obviously wanted Ruping to help her keep it a secret, but Ruping turned around and told Shuhuan, and then Shuhuan immediately told Yiping, at this time, it was Yiping's words, Mengping wanted Ruping to keep it secret, why did Ruping tell you? directly pointed out Ruping's green tea behavior.

After Yiping learned that Fang Yu and Er Hao were dating, her first reaction was not to bless, but to worry that Fang Yu would be hurt by Er Hao, and directly pointed out that Er Hao was not a good person, and reminded her good sister Fang Yu to stay away from Er Hao. Yiping's attitude is so strong, there is definitely a reason for this, the key is that at this time, Yiping didn't know that the man who made Keyun's belly was Er Hao, why did she conclude that Er Hao was not a good person? Is it just because Erhao is Aunt Xue's son?

How many women has Erhao ruined in total? It's definitely not just 16-year-old Keyun: Look at Aunt Xue who said this

Although Yiping has long been kicked out of the Lu family, but because of the need to return to the Lu family often to ask for money, Yiping must have often bumped into Er Hao dating many different women, knowing that Er Hao is an unreliable playboy, so he didn't want his good sister Fang Yu to be injured, and persuaded Fang Yu to stay away from Er Hao.

2. Keyun's own witness

After Er Hao slept with Ke Yun, who was only sixteen years old, not only did he not give Ke Yun a name, but also let Aunt Xue drive Ke Yun's father and daughter out of the Lu Mansion, and he left Ke Yun behind without asking half a word afterwards. Later, Ke Yun became pregnant, and Ke Yun, who had no other way, came to Er Hao's school to find him with a big belly, but he happened to see Er Hao talking and laughing with a beautiful girl, and his demeanor was intimate, and it was not an ordinary relationship at first glance.

Erhao just put his arm on the girl's shoulder and passed by Ke Yun's side, he didn't remember that there was such a person as Ke Yun at all, and Ke Yun, who was heartbroken, never went to Er Hao again.

How many women has Erhao ruined in total? It's definitely not just 16-year-old Keyun: Look at Aunt Xue who said this

3. Erhao's personal confession

Er Hao knew very well in his heart that Yiping had always had a lot of opinions about himself, and he also knew more or less about his many predecessors, he was especially afraid that Yiping would tell Fang Yu all about his past one day, so that he would be completely out of action. So Er Hao, who pretended to be smart, decided to take the initiative to confess himself and Fang Yu.

Er Hao said to Fang Yu, when I was in college, I did have a few girlfriends, but I didn't take it seriously a few times, I really only take you seriously. What a scumbag, if Erhao is not serious, are those girls stupid? Erhao didn't spend any time and threw himself on him?

How many women has Erhao ruined in total? It's definitely not just 16-year-old Keyun: Look at Aunt Xue who said this

Erhao is definitely not telling the truth here, Erhao must have had a lot of emotional entanglements with several girlfriends in the past, and even had skin-to-skin kisses. But these Erhao definitely didn't dare to say it to Fang Yu, and only a few short sentences passed by.

4. Aunt Xue's blurted out

I remember that once Aunt Xue and Er Hao had a big quarrel over Keyun's matter, and Aunt Xue blurted out outrageous words: "You don't pretend to be confused for me there, you cause me less trouble, I'll help you clean up the mess at the age of 16!" ”

How many women has Erhao ruined in total? It's definitely not just 16-year-old Keyun: Look at Aunt Xue who said this

It's really scary to think about it, this sentence shows that Er Hao is definitely not the only woman who has slept with Ke Yun, and it is very likely that he has also made other girls' stomachs bigger, so Er Hao can't do it, so he can only rely on Aunt Xue to help him clean up those messes.

Conclusion: Er Hao can really be regarded as the most scummy in the whole play, I remember that there is a plot, Er Hao and Shuhuan are going to the front line to fight, the night before life and death, Er Hao actually proposed to sleep with Fang Yu, it is best to leave a child, so that he can die without any regrets. The editor was really angry when he saw this, he really didn't think about Fang Yu at all.

How many women has Erhao ruined in total? It's definitely not just 16-year-old Keyun: Look at Aunt Xue who said this