
In the Security Council, the United States struck first, China retaliated three times, and Russia also took action

author:See the world in the vernacular

The Security Council once again broke out into a fierce confrontation, this time because of the North Korean nuclear issue, the United States preemptively struck at the scene, and China retaliated three times. What is the attitude of the Russian side?

On the morning of June 28, the United Nations Security Council held a public meeting on the North Korean nuclear issue, at which the US side preemptively attempted to slander and smear China's position on the Korean Peninsula issue, and launched groundless accusations against China one after another. In this regard, Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, spoke three times at the meeting, refuting the false remarks made by the US side. So what did Deputy Geng Shuang say?

First, with regard to China's position on the Korean Peninsula issue, Geng Shuang once again reiterated that China has been pushing for peace talks between relevant parties on the Korean Peninsula issue, making positive efforts to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and has played an important role.

In the Security Council, the United States struck first, China retaliated three times, and Russia also took action

Second, the reason why the Korean Peninsula issue has been delayed to this day is related to the long-term deterrence and pressure exerted by the United States on the DPRK, and the situation in recent years has shown the importance and urgency of establishing a peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula.

Third, on the Korean Peninsula issue, China's efforts also need the cooperation of all parties, especially the United States, to remind the United States to get rid of its old mistakes, not to habitually blame others and shift the blame whenever problems arise, and that the United States should find more reasons from itself.

It is conceivable that the United States must have gone too far on the DPRK issue, and the Chinese side hopes that the United States will listen to these words and carry them through with concrete actions to the end, so as to truly play a constructive role in peace and stability on the peninsula, instead of continuing to be obsessed.

In the Security Council, the United States struck first, China retaliated three times, and Russia also took action

Prior to this, the Security Council had held a number of meetings on the issue of the Korean Peninsula, and it can be said that the United States behaved without exception, always launching an offensive against China and Russia at the first opportunity, and talking about cooperation between Russia and the DPRK in an attempt to further deter the DPRK and achieve its goal of controlling the entire Korean Peninsula. To put it bluntly, the recent manifestations of the United States on the Korean Peninsula issue have been to unite with Japan and South Korea and other countries to put pressure on the DPRK in the international arena and to frequently hold large-scale military exercises with Japan and South Korea. Apparently not. Therefore, in the face of the groundless accusations made by the US side, China is naturally resolutely opposed. Similarly, Russia has acted in response to the United States' frequent pressure on North Korea in the Security Council.

In the Security Council, the United States struck first, China retaliated three times, and Russia also took action

Russia has had fierce confrontations with the United States over North Korea in the Security Council more than once, after Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Nebenzya, made it clear that Russia "will not allow" the UN Security Council to reinstate the mechanism of blaming North Korea. Earlier, the Russian side resolutely voted against the draft resolution on "Extending the mandate of the panel of experts of the DPRK sanctions committee for one year". Even when North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile last year, which was raised by the United States as a "danger of nuclear war," Russia launched a strong condemnation of the United States. Regardless of whether the United States admits it or not, under the suppression and sanctions of the United States, Russia and the DPRK are now getting closer and closer. If the United States does not return to the peace mechanism, once the war on the peninsula is ignited, the United States will inevitably be caught in flames.

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