
The United States once again made an attack at the United Nations, but the Chinese representative was not accustomed to it, and hit back three times in person, asking the United States to reflect

author:Study point soldiers

On June 28, local time, the United Nations Security Council held a meeting on the North Korean nuclear issue. In view of the recent visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the DPRK and the signing of a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement with the DPRK side, relations and cooperation between the two countries have been greatly enhanced, which is highly worrying to the US side. Therefore, the US representatives criticized and attacked Russia at this meeting, and at the same time pointed the finger at China. US representative Robert Wood has repeatedly and arrogantly criticized China's position on the Korean Peninsula issue, and at the same time demanded that China use its influence to prevent Russia and the DPRK from strengthening cooperation. In response to such unreasonable accusations and demands, Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, made three consecutive strong responses to the US representatives, and directly pointed out that the old problems of the US side should be changed.

The United States once again made an attack at the United Nations, but the Chinese representative was not accustomed to it, and hit back three times in person, asking the United States to reflect

In fact, the delegates of the participating countries had already expected that the Americans would take the opportunity of this meeting to point fingers at the North Korean issue, but they probably did not expect that Wood would point the finger at China. In fact, the reason behind it is not complicated, because it is impossible for Russia and North Korea to pay attention to the Americans, and if the United States excessively stimulates Russia and North Korea, it will promote cooperation between them. It is impossible for the Americans to really think that the Chinese side will do what the Americans want, they are just using the topic to play.

Geng Shuang was not used to the Americans' nonsense, and directly refuted them face to face. The DPRK issue is a legacy of the Cold War, which has been over for more than 30 years, but the DPRK issue has not yet been resolved, and the fundamental reason for the unresolved problem is the blockade and sanctions imposed by the United States on the DPRK. In recent years, the United States has frequently conducted joint military exercises in the vicinity of the DPRK, constantly exerted pressure on the DPRK, and has never attempted to communicate and exchange with the DPRK in a peaceful way. What is even more infuriating is that the Americans are now putting the blame for this on China.

The United States once again made an attack at the United Nations, but the Chinese representative was not accustomed to it, and hit back three times in person, asking the United States to reflect

Geng Shuang made it clear that China's position on the DPRK issue is consistent and clear. It's not like the Americans, who change their orders and don't keep their word. In addition, China's policy and stance toward the DPRK are completely determined by China, and the Americans have no right to point fingers at China, and it is impossible for China to ignore the opinions of the United States.

On the DPRK issue, the United States has repeatedly accused Russian-DPRK cooperation of threatening US security. You must know that North Korea and the United States are thousands of miles apart, how can poor and weak North Korea threaten the United States? It's just that the United States drove its own warships to other people's doorsteps, and instead slandered others and threatened itself. The Americans have been playing this trick for too many years, and most countries have seen it clearly, but the Americans themselves do not think that there is anything wrong with it, because it is for the interests of the United States.

Wood brazenly demanded that China should use its influence to prevent secret military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, and also threatened that the United States would have to take steps if Russia and North Korea continued to expand cooperation. In the end, Geng Shuang ruthlessly fought back for the third time. I would like to advise the US side to change its old mistakes, not to find the cause of any problems without looking for the reasons from itself, and to habitually blame and blame others, which is not constructive.

The United States once again made an attack at the United Nations, but the Chinese representative was not accustomed to it, and hit back three times in person, asking the United States to reflect

Of course, we also understand that it is impossible for the Americans to get rid of this old problem, and this is a distinctive feature of American-style hegemonism, and they will absolutely not realize their mistakes unless they pay a heavy price for it. Only by having a painful lesson can we fundamentally change this disease, which is deeply hated by the whole world!

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