
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child

author:Elegant white cloud fL
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child
Your suppression is the real reason for ruining your child

On a sunny afternoon, in the library of the town, a teenager named Lin Hao was buried in a pile of books. His eyes flashed with a thirst for knowledge, as if every book could open the door to a new world for him. However, no one would have thought that this seemingly ordinary teenager was experiencing an inner counterattack battle.

Lin Hao's family is not wealthy, but his parents have high hopes for him. His father, a person with a strict personality and a high pursuit of success, was always dissatisfied with Lin Hao's grades and performance. "Why can't you be as good as someone else's child?" This sentence has become Lin Hao's deepest memory in his childhood. Whenever Lin Hao came home with a fairly good report card, what he got was not encouragement, but his father's indifferent eyes and higher requirements.

"Dad, I scored 90 points in math this time." Lin Hao reported cautiously.

"90 points? And what about the 10 points? Why can't you get a perfect score? The father's tone was full of disdain.

This kind of conversation echoed in Lin Hao's ears countless times, like an invisible knife, cutting his confidence little by little. He began to wonder if he was really that bad, if he really would never be able to meet his father's expectations.

However, under this suppression, Lin Hao did not choose to give up. Instead, a rebellious fire ignited in his heart. He began to study harder, not to gain his father's approval, but to prove to himself that he, Lin Hao, was not a failure.

The library became his safe haven. There, he can temporarily forget the repressions at home and immerse himself in the ocean of knowledge. He reads history, science, philosophy, and every book is like a wise man, whispering in his ear, telling him how vast the world is and how diverse life is. Lin Hao began to realize that his value did not depend on a few words of evaluation from his father, but was defined by himself.

One day, Lin Hao accidentally found a book about psychology in the library. The book mentions the dangers of "repressive education" and how it destroys children's self-confidence and self-worth. Lin Hao seemed to have found resonance, and his heart was deeply touched. He began to try to communicate with his father, hoping that he would understand his feelings, even if only a little.

"Dad, I know you want me to be good, but can you also look at my efforts? Even a little bit of progress is worth encouraging, isn't it? Lin Hao plucked up his courage and said the words hidden in his heart.

The father was stunned, he never thought that his suppression would have such a big impact on the child. He looked at Lin Hao's eyes full of anticipation, and a trace of guilt welled up in his heart.

"Haozi, I'm sorry. I may indeed be too harsh. I will try to encourage you more in the future, instead of just seeing your shortcomings. Father's voice was a little choked.

At this moment, Lin Hao felt more relaxed than ever. He finally understood that the counterattack was not only a leap in performance, but also an awakening of the soul. He began to face life more positively, no longer for the expectations of others, but for his own dreams and happiness.

A few years later, Lin Hao was admitted to a top university with excellent grades and achieved remarkable academic achievements. More importantly, he became a confident and optimistic person. He used his own experience to tell those around him that repression is not an inspiration, but a destruction. True growth comes from inner recognition and unremitting pursuit.

Lin Hao's story spread in the town and became an opportunity for many parents to reflect on their own education methods. They begin to realize that every child is unique, and what they need is not ruthless repression, but warm encouragement and support.

And Lin Hao, whenever he recalls that time of counterattack, his heart is always full of gratitude. He knew that it was the persistence that was not favored that made him finally shine of his own. He proved with his actions that even in the most oppressive environments, he can find upward strength and bloom with the brilliance of life.