
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.

author:Elegant white cloud fL
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.
This is the interview, you call it a blind chat.

On a spring afternoon, sunlight shines through floor-to-ceiling windows in a conference room at a well-known technology company. The company is holding a unique interview that has attracted the attention of many job seekers. Among them, Zhang Wei, a seemingly ordinary young man with dreams, also sat in the waiting area, nervously waiting for his interview moment.

Zhang Wei is a programmer with solid technical skills, but he always lacks a little self-confidence. He has been through countless interviews, and each time he has missed out on opportunities due to nervousness and poor words. This time, he decided he wanted something different.

"Zhang Wei, you can come in." The interviewer's voice came through the conference room door, with a hint of majesty in his voice.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath, pushed open the door and walked in. The interviewer was a middle-aged man with sharp eyes and a serious face. He glanced at Zhang Wei's resume, and then slowly spoke: "Zhang Wei, your resume looks good, but I need to know, what is special about you?" ”

Zhang Wei's heart raced, but he tried to keep himself calm. He remembered the failure of countless previous interviews, and a wave of strength surged in his heart not to admit defeat. He decided not to let nervousness and bad words get in his way this time.

"Special?" Zhang Wei smiled slightly, "I think my love for technology and the spirit of continuous learning are one of my special features." ”

The interviewer raised an eyebrow, seemingly dissatisfied with Zhang Wei's answer: "Love and learning spirit? Everyone says they have that. Can you give me an example? ”

Zhang Wei's heart tightened, but he quickly adjusted his state and began to tell about his experience of staying up late for three days in a row to solve a technical problem. He describes his struggles in a difficult situation, the thought process, and the joy of finally finding a solution. His narration was vivid and infectious, and the interviewer's face gradually showed interest.

"It seems that you are really obsessed with technology." The interviewer nodded, "However, we don't just need people with good skills, we also need people who are team players." Can you tell me what you do in this regard? ”

Zhang Wei was happy in his heart, he knew that this was a good opportunity to show another side of himself. He recalls his role as a team coordinator on a previous project, helping team members communicate, solve problems, and ultimately bring the project to a successful conclusion. He narrates these experiences, and every detail is full of emotion and authenticity.

After listening to this, the interviewer showed a satisfied smile on his face: "Zhang Wei, your narration made me see your love for technology and your value in the team. However, I have one more question, what do you think is your biggest shortcoming? And how did you overcome it? ”

Zhang Wei's heart tightened, he knew that this was a key issue. He candidly talked about his experience of repeatedly failing interviews due to his lack of self-confidence, and how he improved his communication skills and self-confidence through continuous mock interviews and technical exchange meetings.

"I realized that self-confidence is not innate, but needs to be cultivated through continuous hard work and practice." Zhang Wei said sincerely, "Now, I have learned how to stay calm under pressure and prove myself with strength. ”

After listening to Zhang Wei's answer, the interviewer nodded with satisfaction. He stood up, walked up to Zhang Wei, and stretched out his hand: "Zhang Wei, congratulations, you have passed this interview." We believe that you can be part of our team and bring value to the company. ”

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, and then a bright smile bloomed on his face. He held the interviewer's hand tightly: "Thank you, I will definitely work hard!" ”

Walking out of the company's gate, Zhang Wei was extremely excited. He realized that this interview was not only a job search experience, but also a process of self-growth and counterattack. He finally understood that the interview is not a simple chat, but needs to show his worth through sincerity, strength and self-confidence.

Since then, Zhang Wei has embarked on a new career journey. With his strength and hard work, he has continuously proved his value and become an indispensable member of the company. Whenever he recalls the experience of that interview, he will sigh in his heart: that is the real interview, and the previous ones can only be regarded as blind chats.

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