
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!

author:Elegant white cloud fL
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!
Daughter Zhejiang University, son is a top child, and the chicken baby is the truth for 12 years! Puwa can be copied!

In a corner of the bustling city, there is an ordinary but extraordinary family. The mother of this family, Li Wan, is a well-known "chicken baby" master in the neighborhood. Her daughter has just been admitted to Zhejiang University, and her son is also among the top students in the school. Whenever someone asks her about her parenting secrets, Li Wan always smiles and doesn't say anything, but today, she decided to share her mental journey in the past 12 years.

It all started with a simple wish from Li Wan: to let her children have a better future than herself. At that time, her daughter Xiaoyue had just entered elementary school, and her son Xiaojie was still in kindergarten. At a parent-teacher conference, Li Wan heard a lecture from an education expert who said that "every child has the potential to be the best version of themselves." This sentence is like a seed that takes root in Li Wan's heart.

Li Wan began to experiment with various educational methods, from traditional rote memorization to emerging thinking training. However, the process was not smooth. Xiao Yue has no interest in mathematics, and Xiao Jie is bored with reciting ancient poems. The house was often filled with quarrels and tears.

"Mom, why do I have to learn this?" Xiao Yue cried during a late-night argument.

Li Wan had mixed feelings in her heart, and she began to reflect, was there something wrong with her own method? She recalled the words of education experts and realized that real education should stimulate children's inner motivation, not force.

As a result, Li Wan began to adjust her strategy, no longer blindly pursuing scores, but trying to understand the children's interests and guide them to take the initiative to learn. She found that Xiaoyue was curious about scientific experiments, while Xiaojie had a soft spot for historical stories. So, she bought science experiment kits and history picture books for the children, encouraging them to learn by playing and learning to play.

"Mom, it turns out that learning can be so much fun!" Xiao Yue said excitedly after a successful experiment.

When Xiaojie was also reading historical picture books, he took the initiative to memorize a few more ancient poems for the first time, because he wanted to better understand the stories of those ancient heroes.

With the passage of time, Xiaoyue and Xiaojie's attitude towards learning has changed dramatically. Instead of resisting learning, they begin to enjoy exploring the unknown. Xiaoyue has won many awards in science competitions, and Xiaojie has also won many awards in school essay competitions. Their self-confidence and social skills have also improved, and they have become little stars in the eyes of their classmates.

However, the real test is in high school. Faced with more onerous academic pressure, Li Wan worries that the children will fall into confusion again. But this time, the children showed amazing self-drive.

"Mom, we know what we want, and we'll do it." Xiao Yue said firmly.

Xiaojie also nodded in agreement: "Yes, we have to prove it to ourselves, and we can also let others see our light." ”

In the end, Xiaoyue was admitted to Zhejiang University with excellent results, and Xiaojie also maintained the status of a top student in high school. The moment I received the acceptance letter, the joy of the whole family was indescribable.

"Thank you, Mom, for teaching us how to fly." Xiao Yue hugged Li Wan tightly, tears flashing in her eyes.

Li Wan's heart swelled with an unprecedented sense of satisfaction. She knows that the hard work of the past 12 years is not only for the children's achievements, but also for them to become independent, confident and pursuing people.

In the face of the curiosity and inquiries of the neighbors, Li Wan finally opened her heart: "Actually, there is no so-called secret, the key is to understand the children, stimulate their interest, and let them feel the joy of learning." Every child is unique, and finding a way that suits them can also be counterattacked. ”

Li Wan's story spread in the community and became a model for many parents to learn. They began to realize that the real "chicken baby" is not cramming education, but careful guidance, so that children can grow up in love and freedom.

And Li Wan is still in that small but warm home, continuing her road of "introducing babies", because she knows that every child has infinite possibilities, waiting to be discovered and illuminated.