
The benefits of tiptoeing to make health anytime, anywhere

author:Elegant white cloud fL
The benefits of tiptoeing to make health anytime, anywhere
The benefits of tiptoeing to make health anytime, anywhere
The benefits of tiptoeing to make health anytime, anywhere
The benefits of tiptoeing to make health anytime, anywhere
The benefits of tiptoeing to make health anytime, anywhere
The benefits of tiptoeing to make health anytime, anywhere
The benefits of tiptoeing to make health anytime, anywhere

In an ordinary city, the pace of life is breathless. Li Ming, an ordinary office worker, has to deal with all kinds of trivialities in life in addition to facing mountains of work every day. His days were like an endless assembly line, monotonous and exhausting.

One day, Li Ming worked overtime in the company until late at night, and when he was about to leave, he accidentally caught a glimpse of his colleague Xiao Zhang tiptoeing at the desk, gently holding the desktop with both hands, and looking like he was enjoying himself. Li Ming walked over curiously and quipped, "Xiao Zhang, what kind of magic skills are you practicing?" ”

Xiao Zhang smiled slightly and explained: "This is not a magic skill, it is a small trick I learned on the Internet - tiptoeing." It is said that tiptoeing for a few minutes a day is good for the body. ”

"On tiptoe? Can this also be considered a workout? Li Ming was skeptical.

"Don't underestimate it, it is said to improve blood circulation and relieve back pain caused by sitting for a long time. I'm going to try it, and it won't bother anyway. Xiao Zhang tiptoed a few more times as he spoke.

After Li Ming heard this, although he was a little unimpressed, he thought that he had indeed felt all kinds of discomfort because of sitting and working for a long time recently, so he decided to give it a try.

For the next few days, Li Ming would take a few minutes out of his work to tiptoe. At first, he thought it was a bit funny and even embarrassing, but gradually, he found that after each tiptoe movement, his legs did feel much lighter, and the pain in his lower back was relieved.

One day, Li Ming met Sister Wang, the company's health consultant, in the elevator. Sister Wang looked at Li Ming's good complexion, so she asked casually: "Li Ming, I have seen that you are in good spirits recently, do you have any new hobbies?" ”

Li Ming replied with a smile: "Sister Wang, don't say it, I have started tiptoeing recently, and I feel that the effect is not bad." ”

After hearing this, Sister Wang's eyes lit up: "On tiptoe? It's a good little habit. Did you know that, according to research, regular tiptoe exercise not only improves blood circulation, but also works the calf muscles and is even good for varicose veins? ”

When Li Ming heard this, he became even more determined to continue on tiptoe. It turns out that there is so much scientific evidence behind this seemingly simple action.

Over time, Li Ming found that his physical condition had improved significantly. Not only is the backache greatly reduced, but even the mental state has become fuller. He began to try tiptoe on more occasions, even while waiting for the bus and queuing for coffee.

However, the good times did not last long, and a major project of the company made Li Ming fall into a situation of continuous overtime. The intensity of the work made him almost forget the little habit of tiptoeing. Soon after, he began to experience various physical discomforts again, and his spirit became sluggish.

One day, while working overtime, Li Ming suddenly felt a sharp low back pain, so painful that he could barely stand up. Colleagues rushed him to the hospital. After examination, the doctor told him that it was a lumbar muscle strain caused by long-term sedentary and lack of exercise, and that he needed to rest well and exercise properly.

Li Ming, who was lying on the hospital bed, looked at the ceiling, his heart full of remorse. Reflecting on the benefits of tiptoeing before, he couldn't help but blame himself, "How could I have forgotten this simple habit?" Obviously it makes my body better. ”

After being discharged from the hospital, Li Ming seemed to be a different person. He restarted the habit of tiptoeing and paid more attention to the balance between work and rest. He also specially set a reminder on his mobile phone to get up and move every hour and tiptoe a few times.

A few months later, Li Ming's physical condition improved significantly. Not only did he have no pain in his lower back, but he also looked more energetic. Colleagues asked him for tips on staying healthy, and Li Ming replied with a smile: "The secret is - tiptoe!" ”

Over time, the little habit of tiptoeing quietly became popular in the company. Everyone found that this simple action can really bring a lot of changes to the body. And Li Ming, because of this experience, has a new understanding of life and work.

One day, Li Ming was walking in the park and met Xiao Zhang, who was also exercising on tiptoe. The two looked at each other and smiled, needless to say, and each understood that this little habit brought them not only a physical change, but also a change in their attitude towards life.

"I didn't expect that a small tiptoe could make such a difference in our lives." Li Ming said with emotion.

Xiao Zhang nodded in agreement: "Yes, health is actually so simple, anytime, anywhere, as long as we are willing to start." ”

Under the sunset, the figures of the two were stretched long, and they continued to tiptoe movements, as if to announce to the world: health, can really be anytime, anywhere.