
I was so embarrassed that I wrote a note to my child, telling me not to treat me if I got seriously ill in the future

author:Liu Youyi

What to do? I, a former security guard, quit my job and have been running around trying to find a new job. Originally, I had a few friends who helped me get in touch, and the relationship has always been good, and they are also a little capable and connected. I thought that with the help of a friend, it would not be too difficult to find an errand and just a temporary job.

I didn't think of this matter of finding a living, but it made it difficult for them. In the past few days, I have been to several companies, and the interviews are all young men and girls, who are about the same age as my children. I have a relationship with friends, and the interviewers are very polite to me, serving tea and water, but when it comes to the specific situation, these young people get serious and ask me what I can do? What will be done? What has been done?

I said I was a former security guard.

I was so embarrassed that I wrote a note to my child, telling me not to treat me if I got seriously ill in the future

The young men looked at each other. My friends advised me to find another chance. I also understand that my friends have the ability, but at my age, it is already embarrassing. People in their 50s, except for security guards in the company, even if they are given a vice president, I don't dare to take it.

In order to find an errand, I have been running for a long time, but I have not been found. But the body feels more and more strained. Yesterday, my daughter-in-law offered to accompany me to the hospital.

I didn't dare to disobey my daughter-in-law. My daughter-in-law drove the car, and then I went to the hospital. After a check, there was a problem, the blood sugar was very high, and the doctor said that it was definitely diabetes and recommended that I be hospitalized.

The daughter-in-law looked at me, and I looked at the daughter-in-law. I'm a little distressed. I feel sorry for my daughter-in-law's difficulty, marrying a poor man like me who has achieved nothing, and the second is that I feel sorry for money and is hospitalized for treatment, that is, when it rains and encounters strong winds, money is like flowing water.

I was reluctant to spend money on medical treatment, and I was worried about my mortgage.

I was so embarrassed that I wrote a note to my child, telling me not to treat me if I got seriously ill in the future

I pretended not to care and told my daughter-in-law that it was okay and that I would just go home and rest.

The daughter-in-law sighed. drove me home in the car.

I am a man who does not give his daughter-in-law peace of mind. She knows my temper.

Sitting in the study at night, my daughter-in-law gave me a cup of Mao Feng.

As I drank my tea, I made three decisions.

Before making a decision, I summarized my life.

I was so embarrassed that I wrote a note to my child, telling me not to treat me if I got seriously ill in the future

The summary is very simple, too. I'm ashamed of myself. After being mixed for half a lifetime, it is really rare to be like me.

I made three decisions.

One is to divorce his daughter-in-law. I can't afford to raise her. I don't want a deep love affair to happen to me. I also thought about the future, when I really reach my seventies and eighties, with my economic conditions, in addition to picking up garbage, what else can I rely on to support my family? It's better to plan ahead and give your daughter-in-law a way out.

Write down a piece of paper, you, where do you go? I can't afford to raise you, so I'll send you away.

I was so embarrassed that I wrote a note to my child, telling me not to treat me if I got seriously ill in the future

The second is the family's three houses, all of which are left to the daughter-in-law and children. The two of them discussed it. As for the monthly mortgage, I am still responsible for repaying it. I'll find a way to pay off the mortgage.

The third is about my illness. I don't want to live too long, "being old and not dying is called a thief", this is what Confucius said. I've long since figured it out. I cherish every day now. I treat every day as if it were my last day. When I get sick, don't send me to the hospital, I want to leave with dignity.

If the child wants to take me to the hospital, I will disown the child. I don't recognize him as a child.

I'm not afraid to be alone. I'm 53 years old, and I was content to live a long life before. The goal for the rest of his life is to pay off the mortgage. Help the child find a partner and become a family.

When that's done, I'll be fine. It's okay to think about it for yourself. I'll buy a broken van, load up my luggage, and wander the world.

I have disgraced my peers, and I have lived a life of shame.

I was so embarrassed that I wrote a note to my child, telling me not to treat me if I got seriously ill in the future