
In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

author:The second sister looks at the world from the perspective

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In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

Text| Second Sister Editor|Second Sister

In the school of four people, at the age of 10, she scored first in the county in three subjects


The video comes from

I just brushed up on a touching video of "China Net Sannong".

The little girl in the video, who is 10 years old this year, is studying at a school in our mountain village in Shanxi

There are only 4 children in the school, and there are only her and her sister in the class

In the county's unified examination, the child scored full marks in three subjects, and the first score in the county

This achievement also gave the child the opportunity to come to Taiyuan to go to school

The child said in an interview: "Coming to Taiyuan to go to school is a great luck and a great responsibility

It also means that I bear the fate of the whole family"

At such a young age, the words spoken have a kind of spirit that stands up to the sky!

In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

It's so touching! How can this kid be so reasonable? The great truth is said in such simple language

Some netizens said, "The children of the poor are in charge early", "This little girl is by no means a thing in the pool, from her clear and confident eyes, I see the future" "Unpretentious language, but the logic is clear, and what is even more rare is that the parents do not dislike the daughter"

Let's take a look at the wonderful speeches of netizens

This child is only ten years old, has such a deep understanding of life, and the small body lives the soul of a mature adult, who dares to take responsibility, and the future is promising

In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

It is not enough for children to give good things, but also to let children have a correct outlook on life, values, and morals

In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

A child said that because we were born by a mother, it was better than many adults

In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

The children of the poor must also have the correct guidance of the three views, the child's fine character is inseparable from the words and deeds of his parents, although the family is poor, but the parents must be kind, and there is righteousness in their hearts

In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

At a young age, you dare to take responsibility, and this awareness will surely illuminate others

In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

Keep the instructions of parents in mind, this is the innocence of rural children, mountain village life is a little more bitter than urban life, but it retains that innocence, responsibility and responsibility

In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

The meaning of reading is perfectly interpreted by a ten-year-old child

In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

Such an excellent child will definitely have a bright future, let's look forward to his infinite possibilities together!

In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

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In the school of four people, she took the first place in the county, and at a young age, she said a kind of spirit that stood up to the sky

(The views in this article are all from netizens, do not represent a personal position, please judge the authenticity for yourself, for entertainment only, do not take it seriously, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete) #山西##山西头条##太原##太原头条##太原身边事##在四个人的学校她考出全县第一#