
Addicted! Tennessee AIR family, a trip to China actually produced "sequelae", how to break it?

author:Talk about the world

It's so interesting!

When Americans come to China for a trip, they have "sequelae" because they have eaten too much food!

Can you believe it?

Addicted! Tennessee AIR family, a trip to China actually produced "sequelae", how to break it?

What's going on? It turns out that this is the way it happened.

Jay is a young man from Anhui Province, after graduating from university, he went to the United States to become a Chinese teacher. Later, he married an American girl, Air, and had a son.

Later, because of the epidemic, he did not return to China in the United States for four or five years, and it was not until some time ago that Jay took his American daughter-in-law, father-in-law, and mother-in-law to return to China to visit relatives and travel, and by the way, he also brought goods for some businesses.

For this reason, I also wrote an article about this matter before.

Addicted! Tennessee AIR family, a trip to China actually produced "sequelae", how to break it?

During their domestic travels, Jay's American family not only toured China's beautiful rivers and mountains, but also tasted local specialties.

But perhaps it is precisely because of the fact that they have tasted too much food in China, and after returning to the United States, the family even has "sequelae", and still remembers the food they ate in China.

One of the grilled fish eaten in China seems to be even more unforgettable for the American daughter-in-law, Air.

In order to let the American daughter-in-law relive the taste of the grilled fish, taking the opportunity of the father-in-law's mother-in-law, sister, and brother-in-law to come to her home as guests, Jay cooked the grilled fish herself, and remade the grilled fish, and said that she made it more delicious.

Addicted! Tennessee AIR family, a trip to China actually produced "sequelae", how to break it?

Non-stop, just do what you say, and soon the grilled fish is ready as soon as it arrives.

After Jay was ready, he made two more dishes. The family began to cook. After eating, the American family praised his cooking skills.

Addicted! Tennessee AIR family, a trip to China actually produced "sequelae", how to break it?

But the only thing that makes people speechless is that Jay clearly knows that his old mother-in-law has just undergone surgery. According to him, he still has not recovered and will still have to go for a follow-up examination in the future.

But when cooking fish, there are still a lot of chili peppers and chopped green onions. Don't you know that too spicy and irritating foods are not good for surgical patients, and for many patients, these things should be taboo?

Addicted! Tennessee AIR family, a trip to China actually produced "sequelae", how to break it?

After dinner, the family gradually dispersed, but when Air's father was leaving, a piece of news was revealed.

He said that he was going to China again in two and a half months, and it seemed that he was still going alone, but he did not explain why he came to China.

Is it really the onset of "sequelae", too hungry for our food, to taste it again?


But no matter why we come, as long as it's an American who is friendly to us, we're still welcome.

What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!
