
Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

author:The Age of Fun
Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Close-up of Mr. Ma Hansong (photo by Bao Zhongchuan)

Ma Hansong was born in 1949 in Tianjin, China. He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association. From 1978 to 1989, he published 70 comic books. In 1990, he won the second prize of painting and the excellent cover award of the 4th China Comic Book Awards. He has published more than 1,000 illustrations for literary works, and was named the National Outstanding Illustrator in 1985. After 1990, he turned to Chinese painting. In the same year, he held his first solo exhibition in Hong Kong and signed a contract.

In 1992, he signed a contract to live in the United States, and held many solo exhibitions in the United States, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. He has held solo exhibitions in many cities in China. His works were selected for the fourth, fifth and sixth national art exhibitions. A number of art theory articles have been published in professional journals around the world. He has published 15 personal painting collections. In 2015, he carried out the creation of modern aesthetic consciousness of Chinese ink painting in an all-round way, and has been doing so far. He is currently a researcher of Tianjin Fine Art Academy, a lifelong contracted painter of Tianjin Fine Art Academy, and a visiting professor of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts.

"Outside the Picture"

Written by Ma Hansong

My friend Mr. A came to my house and asked me to accompany him to have dinner with two distinguished guests from Beijing, and said that he had made an appointment with a few friends from the business world. Along the way, Mr. A instructed me not to talk nonsense, because the identity of the guest is very unusual, although the guest is a painter and a collector, they all have a deep background.

When the guests came, they were really imposing, not like mortals. The painter was not very old, thin and fair-skinned, with long hair in a shawl, like a woman. Dressed in a white suit, a pair of white leather shoes under his feet are very dazzling. The collector is slightly chubby, bald, dressed in Chinese-style silk trousers, and a pair of bull-nosed wine shoes. After the guests and hosts greeted each other, everyone hugged the guests and walked into the hotel VIP lounge.

The white leather shoes did not wait for courtesy, and sat in the middle of the chair, he seemed to be accustomed to this way of sitting. Seeing his grim expression, not squinting, and the feeling of no one around made me a little nervous. However, the collector was very casual, always with a smile on his face, very humble tea, one master at a time, and Mr. A also laughed. I had never seen such a formation, so I didn't dare to speak, so I just sat still.

The collector laughed a few times, took out a delicate photo album, opened it and said to everyone: "The master has just returned from Europe, and the fourteen heads of state are lining up to invite the master to receive and visit, all of whom want to get a few square feet of the master's paintings. This is a photo of the work given to the Führers. ”

I didn't have a good eye, and I saw that there were indeed some pictures in the album, vaguely like some spiders and some flowers.

"When the master returned from his visit, his first stop was Tianjin, and he really missed everyone. Tomorrow afternoon, we must rush back to the capital, the State Council and the Military Commission have just called, urging the master's works of national gifts! ”

Seeing the surprised look on the faces of the guests, the collector came to his senses, "The tropical fish painted by the master is now world-famous, and even the French president said that it was 'the world's first tropical fish' and carved a bronze plaque to send it, and I will go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs next Wednesday to pick it up." In China, the major media are about to publicize it, and it is preliminarily named 'Yusheng'. ”

The master sat there without expression, but whispered: "It's all an honor from the people, laughing, laughing." ”

Mr. A also seemed to sound a little mysterious, so he made a round and said, "Okay, let's have a 'fish feast' today!" ”

The dishes were served and were hearty. The service lady poured wine for everyone in turn, and the twenty-five years of cellaring Moutai were full of fragrance, and everyone took a sip and called it "good wine". Suddenly, the white leather shoes "slammed" on the table, the apricot eyes widened, and shouted at the waiter: "Go!" Call the manager here, dare to lie to me with fake wine, it's against you, don't you know who I often drink with?! ”

Everyone was stunned.

The hotel manager walked in and quickly explained: "Sir, don't get angry, I promise that this is definitely not fake wine, if there is a fake, I am willing to compensate many times!" ”

At this point, everyone really felt that they were not in the mood to eat this meal, and even said: "Let's stop fighting, change to another bar!" ”

White shoes also seem to be a bit excessive, and a little disappointing? The topic changed and said: "Forget it, it's not important to drink, the important thing is to make friends!" My brother is a collector in Beijing, he is really wealthy, loves art, and we artists want to make such friends. Turning around and pointing to the bald head he brought: "He has collected my works for three years, and now the value has appreciated, and it has risen to a mess, enough to buy half of Prince Gong's Mansion, right?" ”

After hearing this, everyone changed the tense atmosphere just now and burst out laughing. The bald collector was also excited, lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "There are no outsiders today, reveal a piece of news." Don't let the media know yet, once they are exposed, the world will be shaken! ”

Everyone quickly pricked up their ears. "I recently collected a rare treasure, which is ten times stronger than the "Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival"! It is called "Gusu Prosperous Map". Scroll! Listen, it's not Xu Yang of the Qing Dynasty. That one is in the museum. This one of mine belongs to the four Ming families, hehe! Three hundred years earlier than Xu Yang's! ”

Oh, my God! The people of the Ming Dynasty actually painted a long scroll with pigtails in the Qing Dynasty! I really don't know what to say, I can't say it anyway. I complained a little about Mr. A, it's really a waste of people to eat this meal, where did you get such two of them, we just don't know art anymore, no matter how layman, you can't be so ruthless!

Later, I heard that Mr. A had bought the paintings of these birdmen with a lot of money, and I thought that the money must be blind in vain, so it is better to donate it to the stray animal rescue station!

In the evening, I turned on the computer, saw a few blog articles, and copied them: "At present, some people in the art world especially believe in a saying, called three points of craftsmanship and seven points of shouting, saying that this is the truth, and there are indeed shouts that even believe in themselves. Print a scary business card, say that you are the 'vice president of the International Artists Association' or the 'president of the Universal Painters Union', etc., and if you can draw a cow, you will be called the 'Bull King' and you will be called the 'Dog King', or the 'World Dog Saint'! Claiming to be a king, a hegemon, a god and a saint, pretending to be a god and a ghost, wandering the rivers and lakes, playing karate, cheating money, sex, eating and drinking, this scourge is a hundred times worse than fake wine and medicine. ”

There seem to be more and more collectors. Don't look at that person who is not tall, who is not good-looking. Maybe you have Zhang Zheng Banqiao in your hand! Being a collector is a cultural thing, not coaxing, just grab one on the left and one on the right, and don't know how to pretend to understand. In fact, it is you who suffer. Collecting is a learning process, although the tuition is to be paid, but if you pay the tuition for a lifetime, you have to go to the hospital to see your IQ.

Appreciation of Ma Hansong's works

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: spring buds in the snowy region

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: Yarasso

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: appearance

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: Fengyi Pavilion

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: An actress who removes makeup

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: half family affection

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: The return of the great sage

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: Morning in Dawangdui

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's works: Qu Yuan, Nine Songs

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: flamenco

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: Kangba man and sheep

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: Journey to the West

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: Taoyuan Brothers

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: Elderly model team

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: Rushing to Wei

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: Hunter soap

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: sister-in-law next door

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: urban beauty

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: the breath of spring

Ma Hansong | "Outside the Picture"

Ma Hansong's work: The rhythm of the song

(Article source: Tianjin Art Network)