
2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP


NIP 1-0 UP:单带牵制兵线运营显成效,NIP全程压制先下一城

06/29 讯 【GAME1】UP蓝色方,NIP红色方

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP

UP banned: Rambo, Senna, Kenan, Dead Song, Pig Girl

UP use: Qingtian scorpion, H4cker Jeela, Yuekai aircraft, Doggo Aishi, Niket Rui

NIP banned: Bomberman, Calista, Fire Man, Bron, Titan


【Brief Introduction】

In 3 minutes, the Yuekai plane hesitated, and the small cannon finally flashed to dodge the skill to complete the single kill

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP

In 6 minutes, the two sides exchanged resources, NIP got the three worms, and UP got the electric dragon

In 7 minutes, Shanji's yellow card cooperated with the rock to lift back the scorpion, and the card flashed to keep up with the damage to complete the kill

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP

In the 14th minute, NIP Ueno scored twice and cooperated again to kill the scorpion

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP

In the 19th minute, the NIP people crossed the tower to kill the scorpion, and took advantage of the situation to uproot the second tower of the UP lower road

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP

In the 34th minute, NIP won Dalong, and the two sides broke out in a scuffle in the wild area and fought 3 for 3

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP

At 36 minutes, NIP ended the game with a high wave

【Post-match data】

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP
2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP


2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP

NIP 2-0 UP:NIP下路优势辐射全局,UP惨遭横扫跌入涅槃组

06/29 讯 【GAME2】NIP蓝色方,UP红色方

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP

NIP banned: Leona, Fire Man, Cannon, Titan, Card Master


UP BAN: Rambo, Senna, Bomberman, Calista, Varus

UP: Qingtian 森桑,H4cker,死歌,Yuekai永恩, Doggo 伊泽瑞尔, Niket 洛

【Brief Introduction】

In 8 minutes, UP took Xiaolong but was chased by NIP, and Rookie got a death song

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP

In the 16th minute, Photic shot Quisanti with an arrow, and Bing Bron cooperated with the plane to kill Quisanti

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP

In 20 minutes, NIP pushed to the high ground, and the economic difference came to 11,000

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP

At 22 minutes, NIP ended the game in a wave

【Post-match data】

2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP
2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP


2024LPL夏季赛NIP 2-0 UP