
The scholar borrowed money to catch the exam, and on the way he transferred it to a poor couple, but because of this, he won the Jinshi

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

Our land in the northeast is cold and frozen, but the people are enthusiastic, and there are many talented and beautiful women. Today, let's talk about a young man named Li Qingyun, his family lives in a small town at the foot of Changbai Mountain, and the place is picturesque, but it is a little colder. Li Qingyun, a kid, was smart and clever when he was a child, and he read books very well, but his family was so poor that he couldn't even make up the money for the exam in Beijing.

No, it's time for the imperial examination again, Li Qingyun is in a hurry, seeing that his good future is about to be ruined because of money, he walks around the town every day, thinking about how to get some money. One day, he was drinking tea in a teahouse at the entrance of the town, and he heard that a rich man had come to the town and was looking for a scholar. Li Qingyun thought to himself, this was an opportunity, so he mustered up the courage to try. As soon as the rich man saw Li Qingyun, who looked like a talented person and spoke decently, he accepted him.

After staying at the rich man's house for a few days, Li Qingyun found that the rich man had a good heart, so he had the courage to borrow money from him. Seeing that Li Qingyun was so ambitious, the rich man boldly lent him fifty taels of silver, and told him to take the exam well and contribute to the country in the future. Li Qingyun was so moved that he took the silver, packed his things overnight, and prepared to set off.

The scholar borrowed money to catch the exam, and on the way he transferred it to a poor couple, but because of this, he won the Jinshi

He walked down the road, excited and nervous. After all, this is the first time he has run away from home to fight for his dreams. After walking for a day and a night, I came to a remote mountain village. When it got dark, he saw a dilapidated hut at the entrance of the village, and wanted to spend the night. knocked on the door and entered, and the person who opened the door was a middle-aged man named Wang Dazhu. Wang Dazhu saw that Li Qingyun was a scholar, so he warmly invited him into the house.

When I entered the house, Wang Dazhu's family was so poor that in addition to him and his daughter-in-law, there was also a seriously ill old mother. Wang Dazhu said that their family was originally doing well, but because of his mother's illness, the family's money was spent and they still owed a lot of debts. Now I don't even have the money to buy medicine for my mother. Li Qingyun listened, it was not a taste in his heart, he touched the silver in his arms, hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and decided to give the silver to Wang Dazhu. He said, "Brother Dazhu, I have fifty taels of silver here, you can take it to buy medicine for your aunt." I'm rushing to take the exam, and I'm thinking about it again. ”

When Wang Dazhu heard this, he was stunned, and waved his hand again and again and said, "I can't help it, I can't help it!" You borrowed this money to take the exam, how can I ask for it? Li Qingyun said with a smile: "Brother Dazhu, money is a bastard, let's make it if it's gone." Auntie's body is important, you can take it, I have my own way. As he spoke, he stuffed the silver into Wang Dazhu's hand. Wang Dazhu and his daughter-in-law were moved to tears, thanked him repeatedly, and prayed that Li Qingyun would succeed in the exam and would repay his great kindness in the future.

The scholar borrowed money to catch the exam, and on the way he transferred it to a poor couple, but because of this, he won the Jinshi

Besides, Wang Dazhu's family, it was also joy from heaven. Li Qingyun was hit by the Jinshi, but he didn't forget them, sent someone to send silver taels and medicinal materials, and wrote a letter in his own handwriting, encouraging them to straighten their waists and poles, believing that good days were still ahead. This matter has become a good story in our town, people say that Li Qingyun is a good person with affection and righteousness, he not only realized his dream, but also used his good deeds to change the fate of others. This is the character of our Northeast people - bold, righteous and helpful!

The news of Li Qingyunzhong's Jinshi not only spread in the capital, but also our town under Changbai Mountain. The villagers all talked about the legendary experience of this young scholar, saying that he was a lucky star from heaven, not only did he go to high school, but also saved Wang Dazhu's family from fire and water. But Li Qingyun, this kid, has become famous, and he has not forgotten his roots. He knew that all these achievements were inseparable from the support of the villagers and the help of Wang Dazhu's family.

So, he decided to go home and give back to society with his talents and wealth. Back in the town, Li Qingyun first went to visit Wang Dazhu's family. Seeing that Wang Dazhu's mother had recovered and the family had rejuvenated, he was so happy in his heart. When Wang Dazhu and Wang saw Li Qingyun coming back, they were so excited that they burst into tears and thanked them repeatedly. Li Qingyun waved his hand and said with a smile: "We are all villagers, so there is no need to be so polite." If there is anything in the future, just come to me. ”

The scholar borrowed money to catch the exam, and on the way he transferred it to a poor couple, but because of this, he won the Jinshi

Then, Li Qingyun began to improve the education situation in his hometown. He funded the construction of schools and hired famous teachers so that more children could receive a good education. He also set up scholarships to encourage students with excellent character and academic performance to continue their studies. Thanks to his efforts, the education level in the town has been significantly improved, and more and more children have come out of the mountains to realize their dreams.

In addition to education, Li Qingyun is also concerned about the economic development of his hometown. He used his network to bring in many businessmen and investors from other places, and opened factories and shops in the town, providing more employment opportunities for the villagers. He also advocated that everyone plant special agricultural products and sell them to all parts of the country through e-commerce platforms, so that the town's specialties have gone out of the mountains and into thousands of households.

Li Qingyun's good deeds have been widely praised and supported by the villagers. Everyone said that he was the pride and role model of the town, and his deeds were also praised as a good story. However, Li Qingyun, this kid, was not complacent because of this. Our Northeast buddy, Li Qingyun, knows in his heart that he still has a long way to go, and there are many things to do. So, he studied day and night, just to improve his ability and quality. He not only worked books, but also ran around, went to other places to investigate, and learned the advanced ideas and techniques of others, so as to contribute to our hometown.

The scholar borrowed money to catch the exam, and on the way he transferred it to a poor couple, but because of this, he won the Jinshi

Once, Li Qingyun met a merchant from the Western Regions in the capital, named Alimu. This guy has a bunch of bizarre goods in his hands, as well as the unique culture of the Western Regions. Li Qingyun and Alimu hit it off at first sight, and they chatted happily. Chatting and chatting, Li Qingyun found that the silk and jewelry in the Western Regions are particularly popular here, and in turn, the tea and porcelain in our Central Plains are also in demand in the Western Regions. This made him move in his heart, and he came up with a bold idea - to open a trading company to specialize in trading in the Central Plains and the Western Regions.

Li Qingyun told Alimu about this idea, and the two hit it off. The two of them partnered and opened a trading company called "Yunzhongjin" in the capital. They pay attention to honesty and mutual benefit in doing business, coupled with their keen insight into the market, "Yunzhongjin" quickly gained a firm foothold in the business world. They sold tea and porcelain from the Central Plains to the Western Regions, and also brought in silk and jewelry from the Western Regions, and their business became bigger and bigger, making no small contribution to the economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

As the business of "Yunzhongjin" became bigger and bigger, Li Qingyun's reputation became more and more famous. He is a figure in the business community in Beijing, and he has also won more opportunities and resources for the development of our hometown. Driven by him, the economy of our town has also grown by leaps and bounds. But no matter how much he has achieved, Li Qingyun has never forgotten his original intention and mission. He has always believed in the principle of "being poor and helping the world", and practiced it with practical actions.

The scholar borrowed money to catch the exam, and on the way he transferred it to a poor couple, but because of this, he won the Jinshi

Time flies, and Li Qingyun's story has become a legend. When he was mentioned, people admired him. It is said that he is a man with affection, righteousness, courage and knowledge, and with his own efforts and wisdom, he not only changed his fate, but also changed the face of his hometown. Now at the foot of Changbai Mountain, the town has changed greatly. Books are loud in the school, machines are roaring in the factory, and people are coming and going in the shops...... This is inseparable from Li Qingyun's contributions.

As for Li Qingyun himself, he is still so modest and low-key, continuing to study and work hard, and contributing his wisdom and strength to the development of his hometown. His story and spirit will continue to inspire us to keep moving forward and pursue higher goals and a better future. Li Qingyun's story has been circulating in our town for a long time, just like the snow in the northeast, falling in every corner, which makes people's hearts warm. Time passed, and Li Qingyun's traces gradually faded away in the sight of the town's residents, as if the hero who had brought a turning point to the town had quietly disappeared into the dust of history. But just when people thought that Li Qingyun had left and the town would return to its former tranquility, an unexpected piece of news broke the peace. In fact, Li Qingyun is not far away, he has always been secretly paying attention to the changes in his hometown, and silently contributing to the prosperity of the town behind the scenes.

On this day, the town welcomed a distinguished visitor, a messenger from the Western Regions. The envoy held in his hand a letter from the king of the Western Regions, which was full of high respect and deep gratitude to Li Qingyun. The king of the Western Regions was deeply touched by Li Qingyun's contribution to the trade between the Central Plains and the Western Regions, and sent an envoy to express his gratitude and hoped to deepen the trade cooperation between the two countries. The news caused a huge shock in the town, and residents discussed the legend of Li Qingyun. Some people praise him as an outstanding figure in the business world, some regard him as the glory of his hometown, and some regard him as a hero who changed the fate of the times. But no matter what the outside world says, Li Qingyun has always maintained a modest and low-key attitude, and has not been complacent about his achievements, but has worked more diligently and contributed his own strength to the prosperity of the town.

The scholar borrowed money to catch the exam, and on the way he transferred it to a poor couple, but because of this, he won the Jinshi

Under the impetus of Li Qingyun, the trade between the town and the Western Regions became increasingly close, and all kinds of goods circulated between the two places, bringing unprecedented prosperity to the town. At the same time, Li Qingyun also actively introduced advanced technology and culture from the Western Regions, injecting new vitality into the development of the town. In the process, Li Qingyun did not forget those who helped him. He knew that without the support of the villagers and the assistance of Wang Dazhu's family, his achievements would be impossible. Therefore, he used his wealth and influence to provide strong support and assistance to his hometown in various fields such as education, medical care, and culture.

In the town's school, children study in spacious and bright classrooms with happy smiles on their faces. In the town's hospital, advanced medical equipment and technology have freed the villagers from the torment of illness. In the cultural square of the town, a variety of cultural activities make the life of the villagers more fulfilling and colorful. All these changes are inseparable from Li Qingyun's silent dedication and selfless dedication. His good deeds and spirit inspire everyone and bring the town's inhabitants closer together. They understand that only by working together and walking hand in hand can they make their hometown a better place.

However, just as the town's prosperity and harmony are at their peak, an unexpected disaster strikes and shatters the tranquility. A rare heavy snowfall covered the entire town, roads were blocked, houses were crushed by snow, and the villagers faced a difficult situation. In the face of this disaster, Li Qingyun did not hesitate to step forward. Our eldest brother Li Qingyun, that is really an authentic Northeast man, he led the old and young masters in our village to do the work of self-help and mutual rescue, and did not forget to go around and ask for help. Under his leadership, everyone in our town, thinking in one place and working hard in one place, insisted on taking this disaster back. After several days of hard fighting, our town finally survived this catastrophe. The villagers were grateful, surrounded Li Qingyun, and expressed their admiration and gratitude to him. But as for Li Qingyun, he just smiled slightly and said, "We are all a family, what is there to thank for." As long as we are united, we can get through any difficulty. ”

The scholar borrowed money to catch the exam, and on the way he transferred it to a poor couple, but because of this, he won the Jinshi

This disaster has made the hearts of the people in our town tighter, and they also understand Li Qingyun's weight better. Everyone knows that only a good man like Li Qingyun can lead us to a good life. So, in the square of the town, people spontaneously erected a statue of him as a sign of respect and gratitude to him. The statue is engraved with his name and deeds, so that everyone who passes by can feel his majesty and nobility. As for Li Qingyun himself, he is still that humble and low-key appearance, and continues to silently contribute to the future of the town. His story and spirit will always inspire us to move forward towards a higher goal and a better tomorrow.