
The merchant coveted the woman's beauty and rescued her home, but destroyed the house because of his partiality

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

Let's talk about this bizarre folk tale today. It is said that in our far south, there is such a small place with beautiful mountains and rivers, called Bixia Town. It's a small town, but it's a great place with beautiful scenery and talent. There is a young girl in the town, her name is Qing Yao, she looks like a beauty, just like the one that came out of the painting, and she is one of the best beauty embryos in our town. Qing Yao looks so smart, which naturally attracts the covetousness of many young men.

Among them, there is a wealthy businessman from other places, named Zhao Fuhai, his money bag is bulging like something, but he is over forty years old, and there is no queen in the family. As soon as he saw Qing Yao's appearance, he had a small calculation in his heart, wanting to marry her home so that he could pass on the lineage. Zhao Fuhai is a thoughtful person, and he is very good to Qingyao on the surface, but in fact, he is worried about her good skin in his heart. He first sent someone to secretly observe Qing Yao and find out her living habits, and then carefully designed a scene of "heroes save beauty".

One day, Qingyao went up the mountain to collect medicine by herself, and she would have encountered a few fierce beasts on the way. She was so frightened that she couldn't run anywhere. At this moment, Zhao Fuhai happened to pass by, holding a long sword in his hand, and bravely rushed forward to fight the beast. After a fierce battle, Zhao Fuhai beat the beast away and saved Qing Yao. Qing Yao was so grateful that she was in tears, and she admired Zhao Fuhai so much. Zhao Fuhai took this opportunity to confess his heart to Qingyao, and promised to give her a happy home. Although Qing Yao was a little hesitant in her heart, her heart softened when she looked at Zhao Fuhai's sincere eyes. In the end, she agreed to Zhao Fuhai's marriage proposal and followed him home.

The merchant coveted the woman's beauty and rescued her home, but destroyed the house because of his partiality

Zhao Fuhai's home is in a mansion in the town, and there are a lot of servants in the house, which are glittering with gold. Qing Yao had just arrived, and she was both curious and unfamiliar with everything here. Zhao Fuhai took care of her in every way, asking for warmth every day, and taking care of her meticulously. Qing Yao was grateful, and slowly let down her guard. But the good days don't last long, although Zhao Fuhai is fond of Qingyao on the surface, he is actually a ruthless and greedy person. He already has several concubines in his family, and looking at Qingyao's beauty, he is jealous in his heart. In order to please Qing Yao, Zhao Fuhai was as cold as ice to them, and sometimes he beat and scolded them. These concubines felt so aggrieved in their hearts, and they began to speak ill of Qing Yao behind their backs. Zhao Fuhai listened to their words and began to be suspicious of Qing Yao. He suspected Qing Yao of having an affair with the family's servants, and also suspected her of stealing the family's belongings. In order to test Qing Yao's sincerity, Zhao Fuhai deliberately set a trap at home. One day, he deliberately put a priceless jade pendant in Qing Yao's room, and then secretly observed her reaction. Qing Yao found the jade pendant and was shocked, knowing that it was Zhao Fuhai who was testing her. But she didn't think much about it, so she returned the jade pendant to Zhao Fuhai. Zhao Fuhai saw that Qing Yao was so honest, although he was still a little suspicious in his heart, he didn't dig deeper. But how could Zhao Fuhai's concubines just give up. Zhao Fuhai's mothers-in-law saw that we Qingyao was favored, and they didn't feel good in their hearts, so they planned to make a trip for Qingyao. They secretly hooked up with the Taoist priest in the town, insisting that Qing Yao had monsters on her, which would bring bad luck to the family. Zhao Fuhai listened to the nonsense of these mothers-in-law, and his heart was panicked, and his suspicion of Qingyao became heavier and heavier. Finally one day, the suspicion and jealousy in Zhao Fuhai's heart turned over, and he decided to drive Qingyao out of the house. He asked someone to pack up Qingyao's things and send them out. Qing Yao left with tears in her eyes, feeling aggrieved and unconvinced. She couldn't figure out why she had ended up in this field, and where the future was. But just when Qing Yao stepped out of the gate of the Zhao family, the sky suddenly changed, dark clouds pressed on the top, and thunder roared. A bolt of lightning struck down and hit the Zhao family's mansion. The fire was out of control, burning the entire Zhao family. Zhao Fuhai and the mother-in-law were so frightened that they couldn't run away if they wanted to, and finally they all became ashes in the sea of fire. This is the end of Zhao Fuhai's greed for beauty and partiality and injustice. And although Qing Yao left the Zhao family, she also escaped. She left Bixia Town, went to a distant place, and started a new life. Since then, she has never returned to Bixia Town, nor has she mentioned this past. The people of Bixia Town have also slowly forgotten this once beautiful legend. The storyteller slapped the wood awake and continued to tell the bizarre folk tale. On the night when the Zhao family's mansion was reduced to ashes, Qing Yao tossed and turned in the distant inn. She looked at the stars outside the window, and her heart was mixed. She recalled the bits and pieces with Zhao Fuhai, and felt both gratitude and regret in her heart. I am grateful to him for saving his life, and I regret that I really made a mistake. Just then, there was a soft knock on the door of the inn. When Qing Yao opened the door, there was an old man in a fluttering Taoist robe standing outside the door, with white hair and wisdom in his eyes. He claimed to be a Taoist priest named Xuanjizi, who passed by this place and felt an unusual aura, and specially came to find Qing Yao. Qing Yao looked at the Xuanji Zi Immortal Wind Dao Bone, and her heart rose with respect. She told Xuanjizi everything about herself. After hearing this, Xuan Jizi nodded slightly and said, "Girl, all this you have experienced is destined. Zhao Fuhai was greedy for beauty, partiality and injustice, and finally suffered God's punishment. And you, although you have gone through hardships, have also escaped. This is providential, and it cannot be forced. When Qing Yao heard this, her heart suddenly brightened. She thanked Xuanjizi and asked about her future. Xuan Jizi smiled slightly, took out an ancient book from his sleeve, handed it to Qing Yao and said, "Girl, this book is the result of my many years of travel, and it records a lot of Taoist metaphysics and medical skills. If you want, you can practice with me, and maybe you can get a glimpse of the way of heaven. Qing Yao was holding the ancient book in her hand, and she was excited in her heart, as if she had drunk two pots. She understood that she had met a good person, and without saying a word, she nodded and agreed to Xuanjizi's request. Since then, Qing Yao has traveled with Xuan Jizi to learn Taoist metaphysics and medical skills. She was naturally smart and studied hard, and it didn't take long for her to figure it out. On the way of cultivation, Qing Yao met a group of like-minded friends, and everyone discussed the big topics of heaven, medicine, and human nature together, and grew and made progress together.

Qing Yao slowly came out of the shadows of the past and regained her confidence and happiness. In the past few years, her medical skills have reached the point of perfection, and she can cure any incurable diseases, and has become a miracle doctor in people's mouths. She has helped hundreds of people with her medical skills and won everyone's respect and love. But Qingyao was not satisfied, she knew that medical skills could save people for a while, but they could not fundamentally solve the problem. She also wanted to find a way to address people's suffering and illness at its roots.

So, she continued to practice with Xuanjizi and explore deeper Taoist metaphysics. During a trip, Qing Yao and Xuan Jizi came to the deep mountains and old forests, and met a reclusive master, who was superb in alchemy and could refine all kinds of magical pills. When Qing Yao saw it, she admired it in her heart, so she asked for advice from a master. When the master saw Yao's sincerity, he accepted her as an apprentice and taught her alchemy. Qing Yao worked hard to study, and finally mastered the essence of alchemy, refining the miraculous elixir that can cure diseases and prolong life, these elixirs have spread among the people and have become the elixir in people's mouths.

The merchant coveted the woman's beauty and rescued her home, but destroyed the house because of his partiality

As time passed, Qing Yao's reputation grew, she was not only a divine doctor with superb medical skills, but also an immortal who was proficient in alchemy. She used her wisdom and hard work to bring health and hope to people. But Qingyao was not complacent, she knew that her mission was not yet completed, and she wanted to pass on medical skills and alchemy to benefit more people. So, she began to open medical halls and alchemy rooms in various places, and cultivated a group of disciples. These disciples followed Qing Yao to learn medicine and alchemy, were diligent and studious, studied hard, and used their knowledge and skills to solve people's diseases and troubles, and became local famous doctors and alchemists, winning people's respect and love.

In this way, Qing Yao used her medical skills and alchemy to benefit countless people, and her deeds spread all over the south and became a legend. People say that she is a true immortal who can save people's lives and souls with magical healing and alchemy. And what about Qing Yao herself? She still traveled far and wide, continuing to explore deeper Taoist metaphysics. With wisdom and hard work, she constantly surpasses herself and challenges her limits. She had a dream that one day she would find a way to eradicate human suffering and disease once and for all. She firmly believes that with continuous and unremitting efforts, this dream will eventually come true. Time flies, the years go by, and in a blink of an eye, Qing Yao is already a gray-haired old man. She has traveled all over the world, traveled all over the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, appreciated the customs and customs of various places, and cured countless patients. During these years, she not only taught her disciples the art of medicine and alchemy, but also taught them how to do good with medicine and have the world in mind.

However, in Qing Yao's heart, there is always an unfulfilled wish - that is, to find an ultimate solution that can completely solve people's pain and illness. She knew very well that this was not an easy task, and it required profound cultivation and endless wisdom. But she never gave up and kept moving forward on the road of exploration.

The merchant coveted the woman's beauty and rescued her home, but destroyed the house because of his partiality

One day, Qingyao came to a remote mountain village. Although the village is poor and backward, the villagers are simple, kind and hospitable. Touched by this simplicity, Qingyao decided to settle down here and use her medical skills and alchemy skills to relieve the pain of the villagers. In the daily life of the mountain village, Qingyao went up the mountain to collect medicinal herbs during the day, and refined pills at night to treat diseases for the villagers. Her medical skills and miraculous elixir soon won her the respect and love of the villagers, who affectionately called her "Living Bodhisattva" and thanked her for the hope and light she brought to the mountain village.

Despite this, Qingyao was not complacent. She noticed that children in mountain villages were generally physically weak, and that many children had lost their childhood happiness due to illness. This made her heart ache and she was determined to find a way for the children to grow up healthy. As a result, Qing Yao began to delve into herbal medicine and alchemy techniques, trying to develop an elixir that could enhance children's physique. She researched and experimented day and night, and finally discovered a magical herb by chance-fairy spirit grass. This kind of fairy spirit grass grows in the deep mountains, which is extremely rare, but Qing Yao desperately went deep into the mountains and successfully collected enough fairy spirit grass.

With these precious herbs, Qing Yao returned to the mountain village and immediately began refining the elixir. After several days of unremitting efforts, she finally refined a magical elixir called "Fairy Elixir". This elixir not only strengthens children's physique, but also cures various diseases. Qing Yao distributed the pill to the children in the village, and the effect was immediate. The children's bodies gradually became stronger, the diseases slowly disappeared, and they regained the joy and vitality of their childhood, running and playing happily in the mountain village.

The merchant coveted the woman's beauty and rescued her home, but destroyed the house because of his partiality

Seeing all this, Qing Yao's heart was full of relief. She realized that she had finally found the solution to people's pain and illness once and for all. She decided to pass on her medical skills and alchemy skills to more disciples, so that they could pass on this love and hope to more people. Therefore, Qing Yao established a school in the mountain village to teach medical skills and alchemy skills, in order to cultivate more inheritors and continue this light and hope. This eldest sister is really warm-hearted, she taught her disciples hand in hand, and poured out all her little skills, without hiding anything. The apprentices are not ambiguous one by one, they are as diligent as anything, they study hard, and they learn the skills of medicine and alchemy in a few days. Follow Qing Yao everywhere, cure diseases and save people, alchemy to save people, that really saved a lot of people.

They have used their skills to bring health and hope to people, and have become heroes and role models in everyone's hearts. As for Qing Yao, she is still like that, walking around, continuing to explore those unfathomable Taoist knowledge. In her heart, she is no longer confused or anxious, because she knows her mission and value - that is, to use medical skills and alchemy to bring happiness to the people of the world and help the suffering!

Time flies, and Qingyao's story, like a song, has spread all over the streets and alleys, becoming everyone's after-dinner conversation and a legend. Her story has inspired many people to pursue their dreams, to find their own value, to use their own strength to change the world, and to benefit the people.

The merchant coveted the woman's beauty and rescued her home, but destroyed the house because of his partiality

Those of us who listened to the story were also moved by Qingyao's story? Do you want to be like her, to chase your dreams and realize your own value? Then don't hesitate, let's go together! Use our wisdom and strength to create our own legend and create our own brilliance!

Alright, that's all for today's story. Thank you for your ears and thank you for your support! See you next time!