
The scholar fantasized about beauty, and the monk said, I'll take you to the underworld to have a look

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

Hey, this Li Menghua has a small asset at home, but that bit of silver is enough for him to soak in those flower streets and willow alleys every day. He, always holding the "Peony Pavilion" in his hand, reciting the words "like a beautiful flower, like a year of water", all he thought about in his heart was Nadu Liniang. But in this world, how can there be so many Du Liniang, Li Menghua has been single, and she is almost thirty years old, and she is still alone.

One day, Li Menghua met a traveling monk at the entrance of the village. This high monk, whose Dharma name is Huiming, looks at his kind eyebrows, but his eyes are sharp. Seeing Li Menghua's sad face, he took the initiative to step forward and talk: "Donor, seeing that your brows are tightly locked, is there anything troublesome?" Li Menghua glanced at this monk, and wondered in his heart: Oh, this monk may be able to show me the way. So he poured his mind into Huiming because he only loved fantasy beauty, but he never met the bitter water of a beautiful woman.

After hearing this, Huiming smiled slightly and said, "Donor, you are so obsessed with beauty, why don't you let me take you to a place to see the real 'beauty'?" When Li Menghua heard this, his heart blossomed, and he hurriedly asked: "Senior monk, where is this place you are talking about?" Take me to see it! Huiming didn't say much, just pointed ahead and said, "You just come with me." So, Li Menghua followed the monk Huiming all the way forward.

The scholar fantasized about beauty, and the monk said, I'll take you to the underworld to have a look

This road, the more you walk, the more remote it becomes, the more desolate it becomes, and the surrounding scenery becomes more and more weird. Li Menghua began to muttered in his heart: Where is this monk going to take me? Why is it going wrong the more you go? But, although he muttered in his heart, he didn't dare to stop under his feet. After all, this monk looks kind and kind, so he shouldn't hurt him.

In this way, the two walked until late afternoon, and came to a desolate cemetery. This cemetery is full of lonely graves and mounds, and it is gloomy and terrifying. As soon as Li Menghua saw this place, his heart was half cold, and he couldn't help but ask Huiming monk: "Monk, what are you bringing me to this cemetery for?" What's so beautiful here? The monk smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, you come with me." After speaking, he took Li Menghua into the depths of the cemetery.

The depths of this graveyard are even more eerie. Li Menghua only felt that there was a gust of wind around him, as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him. He was afraid in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it, so he could only follow the monk Huiming forward. As soon as Li Menghua heard this, he muttered in his heart: Where does the beauty come from under this big tomb? Isn't this monk playing tricks on me? However, he saw that Huiming had a serious look on his face, and he didn't dare to ask more.

The scholar fantasized about beauty, and the monk said, I'll take you to the underworld to have a look

At this moment, a crack suddenly opened in the tomb, and bursts of strange light came out of it. When Li Menghua saw this scene, he was so frightened that he almost didn't scream. Oh, this young man hurriedly grabbed the sleeve of the senior monk Huiming, as anxious as if he was something: "Monk, monk, take me out of this ghost place, it's too scary!" But the senior monk Huiming called him calm, as if he was fine: "Don't panic, don't panic, come in with me and take a look." As soon as the words fell, the monk strode into the cracked tomb. Although Li Menghua was up and down in his heart, his curiosity was stronger than anything else, so he followed the monk in.

The two of them walked into the tomb one after the other, and inside was a spacious hall, surrounded by all kinds of treasures, which looked quite luxurious. But in Li Menghua's eyes, these treasures are like monsters, and the surroundings are gloomy, and he feels that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at him. Huiming monk continued to walk forward with Li Menghua like someone who had nothing to do.

They walked through one room after another, each room was full of treasures, but the fear in Li Menghua's heart was getting heavier and heavier, and he felt that this place was as weird as a netherworld. Just when they walked to the door of a large hall, Li Menghua suddenly heard a melodious singing, which was graceful to hear, but listening to it in this big tomb, it made people's hearts furious.

The scholar fantasized about beauty, and the monk said, I'll take you to the underworld to have a look

Li Menghua couldn't help but shudder and asked Huiming monk: "Monk, where did this song come from?" Monk Huiming smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, this song is the lead singer here, and you will be able to see it in a while." After saying that, the monk pushed open the door of the main hall and walked in. Although Li Menghua was scared, his curiosity drove him, and he followed in.

The hall was brightly lit, and there was a large stage in the center, on which sat a beautiful woman, playing the lute, singing. The woman was really good-looking, with willow eyebrows, apricot eyes, a small cherry mouth, skin as white as snow, hair as black as ink, and the whole person as if out of a painting. When Li Menghua looked at this woman, her eyes straightened, and she thought to herself: "Oh mom, this is much better looking than the girl in the Qinglou, isn't this the beauty I dreamed of?" He couldn't help but step forward, wanting to be close to the woman.

But just as he was about to reach the edge of the stage, the woman suddenly stopped playing and singing, and stared at him coldly. Li Menghua was furious by the woman's eyes, and he couldn't help asking, "Girl, why are you looking at me like this?" But the woman did not speak, but laughed coldly, and then suddenly changed her countenance, and became hideous and terrifying. She opened her bloody mouth, revealing her sharp fangs, and pounced towards Li Menghua.

The scholar fantasized about beauty, and the monk said, I'll take you to the underworld to have a look

When Li Menghua saw this scene, he was so frightened that he turned around and wanted to run. But the woman was wrapped around him like a ghost, and she couldn't shake him off. Li Menghua only felt that there was darkness around him, and he desperately called for help, but no one responded to him. Hey, at that moment, the monk Huiming suddenly flashed like that, appeared next to him like a shadow, grabbed his wrist, and said, "Don't be afraid, buddy, I'll save you." Before the words fell, the monk Huiming dragged Li Menghua all the way and rushed out of the hall. The two of them ran as if they were running for their lives, and finally escaped from the gloomy tomb.

As soon as he returned to the entrance of the village, Li Menghua collapsed directly on the ground, panting like a broken bellows. He looked up at the senior monk Huiming, gasped and asked, "Senior monk, what the hell is going on?" So why are there so many scary things in the tomb? The monk sighed and said, "Dude, do you know that under the big tomb is the underworld? You think about those beautiful things all the time, but you don't know what horror and evil are hidden behind those beautiful things. The woman you see today is actually a powerful ghost in the underworld, she seduces people with beauty, leads people to the evil path, and finally makes people fall into the pit that will never return. ”

When Li Menghua heard this, he was so frightened that he trembled, and hurriedly asked, "Senior monk, what should I do?" I'm not going to get caught up in that ghost, am I? The monk shook his head and said, "Don't be afraid, buddy, that ghost has been beaten away by me, as long as you think about things in your heart in the future, don't keep thinking about those beautiful things with empty heads, you will naturally be safe." ”

The scholar fantasized about beauty, and the monk said, I'll take you to the underworld to have a look

When Li Menghua heard this, he felt a little more at ease, and hurriedly thanked the monk Huiming for saving his life, and vowed to change his evil and return to the right in the future, and no longer have those daydreams. Senior monk Huiming nodded and said, "It's right that buddy can think like this, I'm going back to the mountain to practice today, and we'll have a meeting later." After speaking, the monk Huiming turned around and left.

Since then, Li Menghua has really changed as if he was a different person, never going to those places where he spends his days drinking, nor fantasizing about those empty beautiful things, and began to concentrate on reading and cultivating himself. It didn't take long for him to be admitted to fame, and he married a virtuous and virtuous daughter-in-law, and lived a happy life. As for the powerful ghost of the Netherworld, it is said that it has never appeared again, and it may have been overtaken by the Huiming monks. And that tomb has also become a mysterious place, and the people in the village say that it is the door to the underworld, and only those who have evil thoughts in their hearts will go there.

So, let's be human beings, we have to pretend to be serious in our hearts, don't keep thinking about those crooked things, so that we can live a peaceful life. As the days passed, Li Menghua's reputation became bigger and bigger, and he became a celebrity in the village, and some people even called him "Li Zhuangyuan". But the more fame he had, the heavier the pimple in his heart, and he began to worry about whether his good fortune would end because of that terrible ghost.

The scholar fantasized about beauty, and the monk said, I'll take you to the underworld to have a look

One day, a wandering Taoist priest came to the village, who was said to be able to drive away ghosts and evil spirits, and subdue demons and eliminate demons. When Li Menghua heard this, he was so excited in his heart that he quickly found the Taoist priest and told him about his experience. After hearing this, the Taoist priest nodded, and said, "This buddy, you do have some unclean things on you, but it's not a big deal, there is a way to solve it." "Come with me to the tomb, I have my own solution." When Li Menghua heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little afraid in his heart, but thinking of his fate, he still gritted his teeth and agreed to the Taoist priest's request. The two of them carried the magic weapon and embarked on a journey to the tomb. After arriving at the tomb, the Taoist priest first went around the tomb, recited words in his mouth, and then took out the rune paper from his arms and pasted it on the tomb door. Then, he asked Li Menghua to stand aside, and he pulled out his peachwood sword and began to dance a strange dance in front of the tomb. As the dance progressed, the door of the tomb slowly opened, and a cold wind rushed in front of you. Li Menghua felt cold all over, as if he was being watched by something invisible. He shuddered involuntarily, but still insisted on not flinching. Seeing this, the Taoist priest smiled slightly and comforted: "Don't be afraid, just enter with me." With that, he led Li Menghua into the depths of the tomb. The tomb was pitch black, and only the peachwood sword in the Taoist priest's hand emitted a faint light. The two walked along the tomb until they reached the front of the main hall. I saw that the lights in the hall were brilliant, and a beautiful and terrifying ghost was sitting on the platform, looking at them coldly. When Li Menghua saw the ghost, his heart suddenly panicked, and he almost wanted to retreat. However, the Taoist priest held his hand tightly and encouraged: "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm here." Immediately, he brandished his peachwood sword and charged at the ghost. Seeing this, the powerful ghost let out a sharp scream, turned into a cloud of black smoke, and pounced on the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest held a peachwood sword and engaged in a fierce struggle with the black smoke. Li Menghua witnessed all this from the sidelines, although he was terrified in his heart, he understood that he could not retreat, he could only cheer for the Taoist priest. After a fierce battle, the Taoist priest finally subdued the ghost. He took out the talisman paper, put it on the forehead of the ghost, and said, "You ghost, you should have been punished in the underworld, but you came to make trouble in the world. Today I will overtake you and return you to Hades. As the incantation was chanted, the ghost's figure gradually blurred, and finally turned into a wisp of light smoke that dissipated into the air. The Taoist priest packed up the magic weapon, turned to Li Menghua and said, "Donor, the evil ghost has been eliminated, you can rest assured." After Li Menghua heard this, he was grateful and thanked him repeatedly. Since then, Li Menghua has never encountered anything strange, lived a peaceful life, lived in harmony with his family, and had a full house of children and grandchildren. And no one dared to approach that big tomb. The villagers say that it is the entrance to the underworld, and that only those with malicious intentions are attracted to it. Whenever Li Menghua recalls this experience, he is always full of emotion. He was deeply grateful for the life-saving grace of the monk Huiming and the Taoist priest, and he was also grateful for his original choice. He realized a truth: in life, we should not blindly pursue ethereal things, but should cherish the people in front of us and cherish the existing life. If you want to live a comfortable life, you have to be like Li Menghua, you have to be courageous, knowledgeable, and kind-hearted. The big tomb in the village is now an heirloom, and when it comes to it, everyone can't help but praise Li Menghua and the Taoist priest for their bravery. Li Menghua, because of this incident, has become a celebrity in the village, and everyone admires him.