
The merchant walked on the mountain road, and encountered two ghosts on the road to rob money, and his father's old friend helped him escape

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

We Northeast people speak straightforwardly, so let's get straight to the point. In the south of our big country, there is a businessman named Li Si, he is an authentic southerner, white and clean, with dripping eyes, and a thief who is clever. Li Si's business is doing well, and he often has to travel from north to south, going south to north. One day, Li Si set out on the mountain road to the north again, this time with a full load of goods, planning to go north to exchange for some strange goods.

The mountain road is rugged, but Li Si enjoys it, he likes the feeling of walking in nature, likes to listen to the birds chirping in the mountains, and likes to see the clouds and mist in the mountains. After walking for a day and a night, Li Si came to a remote valley. This valley is surrounded by cliffs, and there is only one path leading to the depths of the valley, Li Si thought to himself, this place is quiet, just enough to rest his feet and drink saliva. So, he put down his goods, sat down on a stone by the side of the road, took a kettle from his package, and took a few large sips.

At this moment, Li Si suddenly felt a gust of wind coming from behind him, and he looked back sharply, only to see two hideous-looking ghosts standing not far away, staring straight at him. Li Si chuckled in his heart, the secret path was not good, how could this barren country encounter such an evil thing? The two ghosts approached step by step, and one of the ghosts spoke, and his voice was gloomy: "I drove this road, I planted this tree, if you want to live from now on, stay and buy road money!" Li Siyi listened, isn't this a robber line often performed on TV? How did this goblin learn too?

The merchant walked on the mountain road, and encountered two ghosts on the road to rob money, and his father's old friend helped him escape

Although Li Si was afraid, he also knew that he couldn't just be caught. He took a deep breath, calmed down, and then pretended to be calm and said, "Two big brothers, where is the money for my small business?" Leave me alone. When the ghost heard this, he immediately became angry and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and hand over the money, otherwise don't blame us for being polite!" As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed Li Si's package. Seeing this, Li Si hurriedly protected the package and shouted loudly: "You can't be like this, I have the old and the young, you robbed me of my money, how can my family live?" ”

At this moment, a sudden gust of wind blew, and an old voice came from the valley: "Stop! When the two ghosts heard this, they immediately stopped, and saw a gray-haired old man walking out of the depths of the valley. The old man looked like a fairy and had a cane in his hand. He walked up to Li Si, looked up and down, and then said, "Li Si, you really still embarked on this road. When Li Si heard this, he was stunned, and he asked suspiciously: "Old man, do you know me?" The old man smiled slightly and said, "I naturally know you, your father saved my life back then, and I promised him to protect the safety of three generations of your Li family." When Li Siyi heard this, his heart was warm, tears were in his eyes, he knelt down busily, and kowtowed vigorously: "Old man, your life-saving grace, I Li Siji will remember it for a lifetime!" The old man waved his hand, signaled him not to kneel, and then said, "These two little devils are the spirits of our mountain, and they have been instructed to harm you. But with me, they can't touch a single hair of you. After saying that, the old man walked up to the two ghosts, glared at them, and said, "You two, get out of here, or I'm not welcome!" When the two ghosts heard this, they were so frightened that their souls were gone, and when they slipped away, they turned into green smoke, and disappeared with a swish.

When the old man saw the ghost running away, he turned his head to Li Si and said, "Li Si, you have escaped this time, but you have to pay attention in the future." In this world, people are unpredictable, and you have to be on guard at all times. Li Si nodded like pounding garlic, and then asked, "Old man, how do you know that I will take this path?" The old man smiled slightly and said, "Your father saved me back then, and I have been paying attention to your Li family." Knowing that you are going north to do business, I am waiting for you here. When Li Si heard this, he was grateful in his heart, knelt down and kowtowed again, and said, "Old man, your great kindness, my Li Si is unforgettable." I will definitely repay you if I have the opportunity in the future. The old man waved his hand and said, "Forget about repayment, you just need to remember that if you do good deeds and accumulate virtue, God will naturally have a good reward." With that, the old man turned and walked away, disappearing into the valley.

The merchant walked on the mountain road, and encountered two ghosts on the road to rob money, and his father's old friend helped him escape

Li Si stood there, watching the old man's back slowly disappear, his heart full of gratitude and respect. He knew that this time he could escape because of his father's good deeds. He secretly vowed to do more good deeds in the future to repay his father's kindness. In this way, Li Si set foot on the mountain road to the north again. Although the future is unknown, he knows the bottom of his heart, because he knows that as long as there is goodness in his heart, nothing can stop him.

Li Si continued his journey, grateful to the mysterious old man in his heart. He muttered in his heart, what kind of immortal is this old man, why is he so powerful. But he didn't think much about it, after all, he had something to do on his way north, so he had to hurry up and don't delay. The mountain road is getting steeper and steeper, and Li Si has to walk carefully. He enjoyed the scenery as he walked, and the clouds and mist in the mountains were like a fairyland. But he didn't dare to stay long, this mountain road is no joke, if you are not careful, you will have to fall down the mountain.

After walking all day, Li Si finally arrived at a small village at the foot of the mountain. It's a small village, but it's lively. He found an inn and planned to rest for the night and then continue the next day. The innkeeper was a warm-hearted old man, and when he saw that Li Si was tired, he took the initiative to come over and ask questions. Li Si, this buddy, he really didn't hide it, and shook out all the ghosts and monsters he encountered. When the boss heard this, his eyes widened like copper bells, and he shouted: "Oh mom, there is indeed a bit of evil in our mountain, you have to pay attention!" As soon as Li Si heard this, the seven up and eight in his heart was like a roller coaster.

The merchant walked on the mountain road, and encountered two ghosts on the road to rob money, and his father's old friend helped him escape

However, he also knew in his heart that the most important thing at the moment was to get a good night's sleep, otherwise he would have the energy to travel tomorrow. So, he asked the boss for a room, planning to take care of himself. But this night, Li Si slept so unsteadily, and returned to that valley in his dream, and the two ghosts came to make trouble again, trying to rob him of his things. He was so frightened that he jumped up from his dream, and when he saw it, it was dawn. Li Si rubbed his eyes, he was still in the room of the inn, he sighed, thinking that this dream was too realistic. However, he also knew that he had to hurry up and get on the road now, and don't think about those useless things.

After breakfast, Li Si said hello to the boss, put the package on his back, and embarked on the journey again. This time he was much more cautious, for fear of encountering something strange again. After walking for a whole day, Li Si finally arrived at his destination - a lively town. He found a shop and sold the goods in exchange for a large sum of money. Li Si felt that he was so beautiful in his heart, and he felt that he had really made a lot of money on this trip to the north. But he didn't dare to stay long, there were still a lot of things waiting for him at home. So, he packed his bags and prepared to head back to the south.

On the way home, Li Si passed by the valley again. He couldn't help but get nervous when he thought of the two ghosts from before. But when he walked to the mouth of the valley, he saw a familiar figure - it was the old man who had saved him before. Li Si hurriedly stepped forward, saluted respectfully, and said gratefully, "Uncle, why are you here?" The old man smiled slightly and said, "I've been waiting for you for a while." Li Si was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously: "Are you waiting for me?" The old man nodded and said, "I know that you have made a lot of money this time in the north, but I also know that you are not steadfast in your heart." So, I'm waiting for you here, I want to tell you something. Li Si hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?" The old man said in a deep voice, "Although you have made money, you have also caused trouble. Someone is jealous of your wealth and wants to treat you badly. You'll have to be extra careful on your way back. ”

The merchant walked on the mountain road, and encountered two ghosts on the road to rob money, and his father's old friend helped him escape

When Li Si heard this, he was nervous in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "Then what should I do?" The old man smiled slightly, took out a piece of jade pendant from his arms, handed it to Li Si and said, "This jade pendant is a talisman I gave you, and if you carry it, you can keep you safe." Li Si took the jade pendant and looked at it as crystal clear and a little shiny. He was so grateful in his heart that he hurriedly thanked the old man again. The old man waved his hand lightly and said softly, "You're welcome, it's my business." On the way back, it's important to exercise caution to avoid getting involved in unnecessary disputes again. Li Si nodded seriously and responded sincerely: "I will take your words to heart." As soon as the words fell, the old man turned around and walked away slowly, and his figure gradually disappeared into the depths of the valley. Li Si stood quietly, looking at the old man's back, his heart full of gratitude and admiration.

After returning to the south, Li Si did encounter a lot of difficulties. But at all times, he always remembered the old man's teachings, acted prudently, and always turned the tide in the end. That jade pendant was always by his side and became the guardian talisman of his soul. With the passage of time, Li Si's career flourished, and he became a well-known and wealthy local businessman. He was always grateful, believing that it was the mysterious old man who had changed his fate. Therefore, he revisited the valley every year to express his gratitude to the old man. The valley has gradually become a mysterious place, and it is said that it is inhabited by a god who can bless people's safety. Whenever someone passes by, they will stop and pray silently, hoping to be protected by the gods.

The story of Li Si was widely circulated in the south and became a good story. And that valley and the old man have also become a mystery in people's hearts, forever engraved in their memories. With deep gratitude and awe, Li Si returned to the south. He knows that his success is not accidental, and he has the silent support of the old man behind him. Therefore, he decided to take this kindness to heart and give back to the community in his own way. Back in his hometown, Li Si began to renovate the school, subsidize poor students, and set up scholarships to encourage aspiring young people to study hard. His good deeds gradually spread throughout the south, and people affectionately called him the "Living Bodhisattva".

The merchant walked on the mountain road, and encountered two ghosts on the road to rob money, and his father's old friend helped him escape

Despite this, Li Si was not complacent. He is well aware that his wealth and status are temporary, and only those who truly contribute to society can win people's respect. Therefore, he worked harder to run his own business, hoping to create greater value for society. By chance, at the market, Li Si met an old man in rags. The old man looked old, his face was covered with the marks of time, and he held a worn-out bowl in his hand and begged passers-by for alms. Li Si felt sympathy, stepped forward, and threw a silver dollar into the old man's bowl. The old man raised his head, looked at Li Si with grateful eyes, and said in a slightly trembling voice, "Thank you, kind man." It's been a long time since I've had a full meal. Hearing this, Li Si's heart moved, and he asked with concern: "Old man, why did you fall into such a situation?" The old man sighed and said slowly, "I was also a businessman when I was young, but because of a failed business, I went bankrupt. "Oh, I look at this buddy, he really has no home and no job, wandering around, like a stray dog." When Li Si heard this, the taste in his heart was like eating sour dates, and he went straight to his heart. He patted the buddy on the shoulder and said, "Brother, don't be frustrated, as long as we are willing to work, there will always be a day to get ahead." As soon as the words fell, Li Si turned his head and left the market, but the matter in his heart was like a soldering iron, which made him uncomfortable.

He pondered that in this society, there are many people like this buddy, and they all end up helpless for various reasons. Li Siyi slapped his thigh and decided to do something, so he set up a charitable foundation to help those in need. He personally picks people, sets the rules, and has to ensure that every penny is spent on the blade.

As soon as the Foundation was founded, calls and letters for help were like snowflakes. Li Si looked at the materials by himself, assessed the situation, and found that there are really many people in need of help in this society, and their difficulties made him feel uncomfortable in his heart, as if he had drunk bitter medicine. So, Li Si began to run around to raise money and materials. He personally went to the company to lobby, hoping that people could support it. He also used his connections to contact some celebrities and philanthropists to donate money and materials together.

The merchant walked on the mountain road, and encountered two ghosts on the road to rob money, and his father's old friend helped him escape

Under Li Si's tossing, the foundation is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people are helping. They build schools for children in poor areas, find shelter for the homeless, and pay for medical care for the sick...... Everyone who was helped was grateful to Li Si. But Li Si didn't stop, he knew that his mission was still long, and he wanted to use his little strength to change the fate of more people.

In this way, Li Si became a legend. His story has been told, praised, and admired...... He proved with his actions what true kindness and love are. The mysterious old man who once saved him also appeared in his dreams from time to time. The old man always smiled, as if to say, "Good job, young man, keep up the good work!" Every time Li Si woke up, he felt a warm current, which was the encouragement and blessing of the old man. He has strengthened his belief and determination - to use his actions to help more people and change more destinies!

Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Li Si has also changed from a young man to a white-haired old man. But his faith and determination, like the old pine tree, stand tall - to use his own actions to help more people and change more destinies! In the last moments of his life, he lay in bed and recalled his life...... Oh, look at this buddy, his heart is really delicious, like drinking honey. Why? Because of his small actions, he has added bricks and tiles to our society, and also helped those guys who need help! In the end, the corners of his mouth were raised, his eyes were closed, and he knew in his heart that his mission and aspirations in this life were complete!