
The scholar came to ask for a kiss, and was broken by the housekeeper, and the Taoist priest said: This is a good thing

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

Hey, we have such a story in this Gada in the Northeast, and I have to tell you about it. In other words, there is a young man named Li Wencai in a small county town in the south, who is a talented man, with a flying style and a personable demeanor, and everyone praises him. Li Wencai, not only is the poetry and song at his fingertips, but the words are also written in a must, who doesn't recognize him from ten miles and eight towns?

This Li Wencai has always been thinking about one person in his heart, that is, Miss Wang from the neighboring village. Miss Wang looks like a clear spring in a mountain stream, clear and translucent, and everyone loves her. The two of them grew up together, went up the mountain to collect medicine, went down to the river to fish, that feeling, it was really a childhood sweetheart, and the two had no guesses.

In the blink of an eye, both of them reached the age when they should talk about marriage, and Li Wencai thought that he had to find an opportunity to come to the door to propose marriage. No, on an auspicious day, he put on new clothes, brought a dowry, and went to Miss Wang's house in a hurry.

The scholar came to ask for a kiss, and was broken by the housekeeper, and the Taoist priest said: This is a good thing

The place where Miss Wang's house is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is picturesque. As soon as Wencai entered the village, he saw Miss Wang's house from a distance, and the excitement in his heart was like a little rabbit in his arms. He took three steps and made two steps, and hurried to the door of Miss Wang's house. "Bang bang bang!" Wen Cai knocked on the door.

As soon as the door opened, it was not Miss Wang who came out, but the housekeeper of the Wang family. This housekeeper has a serious face, and it is not pleasing to look at Wencai. "What are you doing here?" The housekeeper looked Wencai up and down, and his tone was a little disdainful.

"Under Li Wencai, I came to propose to Miss Wang." Wen Cai bowed respectfully and explained his intention. As soon as the housekeeper heard that he was here to propose, his face immediately changed. As soon as he rolled his eyes, he had an idea in his heart.

The scholar came to ask for a kiss, and was broken by the housekeeper, and the Taoist priest said: This is a good thing

"Propose? Hmph, my young lady is a golden branch and jade leaf, where can a poor scholar like you deserve it? The housekeeper snorted coldly, suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed, pushing Wen Cai out of the door. Wen Cai didn't stand firm and fell a big heel. He was just about to get up, but the butler rushed up again and stomped on his leg with one foot.

"Ouch!" Wen Cai screamed in pain, feeling a sharp pain in his legs, as if his bones were broken. Only then did the housekeeper let go of his foot, glanced at Wen Cai coldly, and then closed the door with a "bang". Wen Cai was lying on the ground, in a cold sweat of pain. He tried to move his legs, but found that he couldn't do it at all.

He was so angry in his heart, this housekeeper was too bullying! But what can be done now? He could only endure the pain, slowly got up, and limped home. After returning home, Wen Cai told his parents what had happened. When his parents heard this, they were anxious and hurriedly asked a doctor to come and show him his legs. After examination, the doctor said that Wencai's leg was fractured and needed to recuperate for a period of time to recover.

The scholar came to ask for a kiss, and was broken by the housekeeper, and the Taoist priest said: This is a good thing

Wen Cai was lying on the bed, feeling so aggrieved in his heart. He thought about Miss Wang and the matter of proposing, and the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he felt. In this matter, everyone has to be aggrieved, right? Gee, that's a real headache. Wencai's kid can't even get out of bed now, let alone go to Miss Wang. But at this time, a Taoist priest came to our village. This Taoist priest, I heard that he is a capable man who travels south and north, and he can pinch and calculate, and he can cure diseases and save people. As soon as Wencai's father and mother heard the news, they hurriedly invited the Taoist priest into the house.

As soon as the Taoist priest entered the door, his eyes swept and he saw Wencai lying on the bed. He walked over and took a closer look at Wen Cai's two legs, and then frowned, as if he had found something. "This son, your leg was deliberately broken, right?" When the Taoist priest asked, Wen Cai's heart "chuckled", he glanced at the Taoist priest, and found that there was a sharpness in his eyes, as if he could see through people's hearts. Wen Cai hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, "That's right, it was deliberately interrupted." Wen Cai said.

When the Taoist priest heard this, he suddenly laughed, patted Wen Cai's shoulder, and said, "Childe, you are a double happy coming!" When Wen Cai heard this, he was stunned, he looked at the Taoist priest with a puzzled face, "Double happiness is coming?" My leg is broken, can I still have a happy event? Wen Cai asked. The Taoist priest smiled, didn't answer directly, turned to Wen Cai and his father and said, "Don't worry, I can heal my son's leg." But first, I have to say a few words to Childe. When Wencai's father and mother heard that they could heal their son's leg, they hurriedly nodded and agreed.

The scholar came to ask for a kiss, and was broken by the housekeeper, and the Taoist priest said: This is a good thing

The Taoist priest walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, and began to chat with Wen Cai. It turned out that this Taoist priest saw that Wen Cai was a blessed person, and he would definitely be able to do great things in the future. This time his leg was broken, although it looked unlucky, it was actually a fateful turn for the better. "Childe, although your injury this time hurts terribly, it also allows you to see people's hearts clearly. You will become stronger and more mature as a result. The Taoist priest said.

Wen Cai listened to the words of the Taoist priest, and his heart suddenly brightened. He glanced at the Taoist priest gratefully, and then asked, "Then may I ask the Taoist chief, how should I get through this difficulty?" The Taoist priest smiled slightly and said, "You just need to take care of your injuries and wait for the time to come." Remember, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must maintain a calm heart, so that you can turn danger into good fortune. Wen Cai listened to the words of the Taoist priest, and began to recuperate with peace of mind, no longer thinking about those messy things.

As the days passed, Wen Cai lay in bed for more than a month, and the injury on his leg slowly improved. During this period, the Taoist priest came to bring him medicine every day, chatted with him, and taught him some principles of life. Wen Cai felt that this Taoist priest was not only a skilled doctor, but also a learned person, and he respected and admired him in his heart.

The scholar came to ask for a kiss, and was broken by the housekeeper, and the Taoist priest said: This is a good thing

On this day, Wen Cai was lying on the bed reading a book, when he suddenly heard a commotion outside. Oh, this kid, when the book is thrown, his ears are erected straighter than a rabbit, and he listens to the movement of the girl Wang's house. His heart tightened, wondering if Miss Wang had something going on, and hurriedly called his parents to ask what was going on. Mom and Dad said that Miss Wang's family has not been peaceful recently, first the housekeeper suddenly disappeared from the world, and then there were many strange things in the family. Some said that the housekeeper had done something bad and suffered retribution, and some said that the house had recruited unclean things. Anyway, Miss Wang's family is now panicked, and they don't even dare to go out.

As soon as Wen Cai heard it, he understood the little Jiujiu in his heart. He remembered that day when he was broken by the housekeeper, and the fire in his heart was rubbing. He pondered for a while and decided to consult with the Taoist priest to see if he could help Miss Wang's family solve this tricky matter. The Taoist priest listened to Wen Caiyi's words, pondered for a while, and then said slowly: "I can see that this matter is someone making trouble." However, this matter has nothing to do with you. When Wen Cai heard this, he was stunned and asked eagerly: "What does it have to do with me?" The Taoist priest smiled and said, "Don't worry, listen to me slowly." The fact that you broke your leg that day when you came to propose a relative, it was actually a sign. It is a sign that you will have a great calamity in the future, but you will also get a great blessing for it. And this catastrophe is related to Miss Wang's family. ”

Wen Cai heard it in a fog, but he still nodded, expressing his willingness to listen to the Taoist priest's arrangement. The Taoist priest gave him a bag and told him to open it in front of Miss Wang's house at noon the next day, and then follow the instructions inside. At noon the next day, Wen Cai arrived at the door of Miss Wang's house on time. He opened the bag and saw that it read, "Knock on the door three times and wait for a moment." Wen Cai drew a scoop according to the gourd, and then stood in front of the door and waited. After a while, the door opened, and it was Miss Wang. When she saw Wen Cai, she was stunned, and then hurriedly invited him into the house. Wen Cai followed Miss Wang into the house and found that the people in the house were staring at him, their eyes full of surprise and curiosity. It turned out that the people in Miss Wang's family had already heard about Wen Cai's broken leg, and they also knew that he came to propose marriage. They thought that Wen would hold a grudge, but they didn't expect him to take the initiative to come to the door today. This surprised and moved them at the same time.

The scholar came to ask for a kiss, and was broken by the housekeeper, and the Taoist priest said: This is a good thing

Wen Cai sat in the room for a while, then got up and took his leave. When he reached the door, he suddenly turned back to Miss Wang and said, "Don't worry, Miss Wang, I will do my best to help you solve this trouble." With that, he turned and walked away. Not long after Wencai left, a strange thing happened at Miss Wang's house. That night, a strong wind suddenly blew and made a mess of things in the house. But the strange thing is that this wind only blows in the courtyard of Miss Wang's house, and there is no wind at all in other places. Early the next morning, Miss Wang's family found that there was an extra black fox in the yard. This fox has a shiny coat and sharp eyes, which makes people feel furious when they look at it. The people of the Wang family were terrified by the sudden appearance of the fox, and they did not know the origin of the fox or its intentions. At this moment, Wen Cai reappeared, holding a peachwood sword in his hand, and said firmly to Miss Wang: "This fox is the culprit of the rebellion, and I will subdue it immediately." As soon as he finished speaking, he swung his peachwood sword and attacked the fox. Seeing this, the fox showed no weakness, showed its sharp teeth, and pounced on Wen Cai. The two sides went back and forth, and the battle was extremely fierce.

At this critical juncture, a Taoist priest suddenly appeared, and with a flick of the dust in his hand, he fixed the fox in place. The Taoist priest explained: "This fox has been cultivated to the essence, and in order to improve its own spells, it has possessed the steward of your family and has done many evils. He continued: "Now that the fox has been subdued by me, you can rest assured." After hearing this, the people of the Wang family finally relieved the burden in their hearts, and expressed their gratitude to the Taoist priest and Wencai. The Taoist priest waved his hand lightly and said, "No need to thank you, I'm just here to help Wencai." With that, he turned and departed.

Wen Cai looked at the back of the Taoist priest, and his heart was full of gratitude. He knew that without the help of the Taoist priest, he would never be able to subdue this monster, let alone help the Wang family solve this problem. He secretly made up his mind that in the future, he would study hard and become a useful talent. Since then, Wencai and Miss Wang's lives have become happier and happier, they read and write together, traveled through mountains and rivers, and enjoyed the life they dreamed of. And the subdued monster was also taken back to the mountains by the Taoist priest to continue cultivating.

The scholar came to ask for a kiss, and was broken by the housekeeper, and the Taoist priest said: This is a good thing

This story is called "Good Things Come in Pairs", and I hope it can bring inspiration and insight to everyone. Life is like spiritual practice, and only through hardships and setbacks can one become stronger and more mature. Since then, Wencai and Miss Wang's life has become more and more prosperous, Wencai has gained fame by virtue of his talent and hard work, and has become a respected county magistrate, and Miss Wang has become his virtuous helper, and the two jointly govern the place and win the hearts of the people.

However, things are unpredictable. One day, Wen Cai received a secret letter from the capital, and the content of the letter made his face change greatly. It turned out that a powerful person in the capital took a fancy to the talent of Wencai and wanted to recruit him for his own use. In the face of the huge power of the powerful, if you refuse, you may incur endless trouble. Wen Cai sat in the study, his brows furrowed, and his heart was full of contradictions. He looked out the window and saw Miss Wang watering the flowers in the garden, with a happy smile on her face. He understood that he could not sacrifice the peace of Miss Wang and the people for the sake of his personal future. However, in the face of pressure from the powerful, what should he do?

At this moment, the Taoist priest reappeared. He walked into the study, looked at Wen Cai, and said, "I know you're facing a problem, but please believe that it's actually a good thing. As soon as Wen Cai heard this, he was immediately stunned, and looked at the Taoist priest, his face full of doubts. The Taoist priest grinned, and then said, "When you encounter this problem, it is because God has taken a fancy to your talent and character. God wants to give you a bigger stage, so that you can show yourself well and bring benefits to more people. Wen Cai listened to the words of the Taoist priest, and his heart suddenly brightened. He knew he couldn't hide from this challenge, and he couldn't let God down. So, he was determined to go to the capital to meet this challenge.

The scholar came to ask for a kiss, and was broken by the housekeeper, and the Taoist priest said: This is a good thing

When Miss Wang heard about Wencai's decision, although she was a little worried, she also knew that this was a good opportunity for Wencai to pursue her dream. She encouraged Wencai to face challenges bravely, and promised to take good care of her parents and fellow villagers at home. Wen Cai looked at Miss Wang's firm eyes, his heart was warm and grateful. In this way, Wen Cai bid farewell to Miss Wang and her hometown, and embarked on the road to the capital. Along the way, he went through ups and downs and finally came to the capital. He followed the instructions in the letter, found the powerful man, and expressed his wishes. When the magnate saw that he was talented and talented, his heart blossomed. He immediately recruited Wencai to his subordinates and gave him a heavy responsibility. Relying on his ingenuity and courage, Wencai soon made a name for himself in the capital and won everyone's respect and trust.

But the world of the powerful is not all smooth sailing. Wencai soon discovered that although this powerful person was powerful, he was insidious and cunning in his work, and he also bullied the common people. Although he was not happy in his heart, he also knew that he could not act rashly. So, he began to secretly investigate the crimes of this powerful man and looked for an opportunity to expose him. After a period of hard work, Wen Cai finally collected enough evidence. He presented these evidences to the emperor and asked the emperor to eliminate the harm for the people. After hearing Wencai's words, the emperor was furious and immediately ordered the powerful to be arrested and severely punished. After the powerful man was arrested, the people in the capital were very happy, and they praised Wen Cai as a good official who eliminated harm for the people. Wencai became famous in the capital and became an admired hero.

But Wencai did not become complacent because of this. He knows he still has a long way to go and a lot of work to do. So, he continued to study hard and work hard to bring more benefits to the people. One day a few years later, Wen Cai received a letter from his hometown. The letter said that his father was seriously ill and hoped that he would go back to see him. Wen Cai was anxious, and immediately said goodbye to the capital and returned to his hometown. After returning to his hometown, Wen found that his father was very sick and his time was running out. His heart was like a knife, and he knelt in front of his father's bed, weeping silently. After his father saw Wencai, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes, and then he said slowly: "Son, you have grown up and become promising, I am very pleased." I have only one wish, that is, I hope that you can take good care of Miss Wang and the people and not live up to their expectations. Wen Cai heard his father say this, and the taste in his heart was more bitter than eating Coptis chinensis. But he understands that he can't let his father's hard work go to waste. He nodded heavily, with firmness in his eyes, and told his father that he must take good care of Miss Wang and the people.

The scholar came to ask for a kiss, and was broken by the housekeeper, and the Taoist priest said: This is a good thing

Within a few days, his father died. Wen Cai's heart was uncomfortable, like a knife cut. But he knew that he couldn't just collapse like this, and there were still a lot of things waiting for him. He gritted his teeth, handled his father's funeral properly, and then turned around, returned to the capital, and continued to run for the people.

Since then, Wen Cai and Miss Wang, the two of them are like mandarin ducks playing in the water, sweet and sweet, and together they have made the people's lives prosperous. The Taoist priest is also a warm-hearted person, and from time to time he comes to visit the door to bring them something new and do them a small favor. They are like a family, shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, and rushing forward together.

That's the story we're going to tell today, and that's the end of it. I hope this story can bring some inspiration to everyone, and give it a little bit: no matter what obstacles or difficulties we encounter, we have to fight hard and work hard to get through. In this way, we can become stronger and realize our dreams.

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