
The first debate landed on Trump, who shouted to Biden that you were fired

author:Shotaku Sansui

The first debate between Trump and Biden made Trump win a lot of money, and Trump won the election and returned to the White House with more confidence, and Trump, who won the first debate, is now the master of the White House, Trump shouted to Biden, you are fired!

After the first debate, Trump sarcastically mocked Biden, saying that Biden had been training in Camp David retreat for a week, but still behaved so badly, and Trump said that Biden's shaky performance in 90 minutes showed that his aging health could not lead the United States for another four years.

The first debate landed on Trump, who shouted to Biden that you were fired

This debate is a huge disaster for Biden's presidential election, and Biden's disaster has brought panic to the Democratic Party, and the Democratic Party has called for Biden to be abandoned, and the call for replacement will become louder and louder.

Supporters of the Democratic Party believe that it is time for Biden to consider withdrawing from the election, and that Biden's poor performance will make people ignore Trump's lies, and the scene of Biden's catastrophic car accident has made Trump's lies worthless.

The first debate landed on Trump, who shouted to Biden that you were fired

The U.S. mainstream media still gave great respect to the aging Biden, and the U.S. mainstream media believed that Biden's withdrawal from the race, which was crumbling, often slurred, and difficult to finish a sentence, was the last and greatest contribution to the Americans.

Americans may not want to see a Trump full of lies to lead the United States, but Americans are even less willing to accept a dementia, a Biden who often stops thinking and falls into brain death, to continue to lead the United States.

The first debate landed on Trump, who shouted to Biden that you were fired

Biden's disaster is a victory for Trump and the Republican Party, Trump wants to fire Biden, the Republican Party is even more down, the Republican Party calls for Biden to be removed immediately, Republican lawmakers say that Biden is confused in his thinking and cannot express his views clearly, Biden, who suffers from severe Alzheimer's disease, is no longer suitable to continue as the leader of the United States, and the Republican Party calls for the removal of Biden and the transfer of presidential power to the vice president.

The first debate landed on Trump, who shouted to Biden that you were fired

Biden refuses to withdraw from the race, Biden wants to do it for another four years, Biden begins to prepare for the next debate in September, the first debate will bring Biden a disaster, bring panic to the Democratic Party and the American people, the next debate may not just be the scene of a car accident of disaster, but the scene of an unprecedented earthquake disaster.

The first debate landed on Trump, who shouted to Biden that you were fired

The next debate will not only destroy Biden's confidence in running for re-election, but will also hit the Democratic Party's approval ratings, and now it may be that the Democrats will have to consider the need for a replacement, and the crumbling, brain-dead Biden will no longer be able to prevent Trump from returning to the White House.