
The Israeli foreign minister has spoken harshly about Iran, saying that Israel wants to destroy Iran

author:Shotaku Sansui

According to a report on the 30th, Israel released cruel words about the threat of Iran, and the Israeli Foreign Minister said that it was Iran that should be destroyed!

Iran has issued a strong warning to the far-right Zionist regime that if Israel dares to wage war in Lebanon, Israel will face a devastating war, and Iran threatens that the war in Lebanon will destroy the Jewish nation.

The Israeli foreign minister has spoken harshly about Iran, saying that Israel wants to destroy Iran

The threat of Iran's devastating war has infuriated the far-right Zionist regime, the Israeli war machine is clamoring to return Lebanon to the Stone Age, and Israel is openly threatening to destroy Iran.

The Israeli Foreign Minister stated that Israel would make every effort to deal with Allah Lebanon and eliminate its armed forces if Allah did not stop its attacks on Israel and if Allah did not stay away from the border areas with Israel.

The Israeli foreign minister has spoken harshly about Iran, saying that Israel wants to destroy Iran

Iran has warned Israel that if it invades Lebanon, it will make all Shiite armed forces in the Middle East stand firmly with the Lebanese, and all Shiite armed forces will join the Lebanese Allah in the war against the Israeli invaders.

The war in Lebanon is a war in the Middle East, a war of all-out showdown between the Shiite forces and the Israeli invaders in the Middle East, and Iran has warned the far-right Zionist regime that a war in the Middle East will be devastating for Israel.

The Israeli foreign minister has spoken harshly about Iran, saying that Israel wants to destroy Iran

If a war breaks out in the Middle East, both the United States and Iran will be involved in a Middle East war, Iran and the United States and Israel are a pair of mortal enemies, Iran's ultimate goal is to lead the Shiite forces to drive the United States out of the Middle East, and Iran calls on the people of the Middle East to stand up and get rid of the rule of US hegemony and fully restore the independence and sovereignty of the people of the Middle East.

The goal of the United States and Israel is to overthrow the religious regime in Iran, to prop pro-American forces to come to power, to create a proxy regime in Iran, and to completely destroy Iran's nuclear facilities.

The Israeli foreign minister has spoken harshly about Iran, saying that Israel wants to destroy Iran

The war in the Middle East is the ultimate showdown between the Islamic civilization and the evil civilization led by the United States, and it is a showdown war in which the people of the Middle East fully restore their independence and sovereignty.

The Israeli foreign minister has spoken harshly about Iran, saying that Israel wants to destroy Iran

The victorious war of the Afghans against the US imperial aggressors has sounded the clarion call for the people of the Middle East to resist the colonial occupiers of the United States, and if the Afghans were able to drive the United States imperialists out of their homes yesterday, the people of the Middle East will also drive the United States imperialists out of the Middle East tomorrow, and the days when the American imperialists and colonizers will be in the Middle East will surely become history.

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