
I'm 54 years old, and menopause is like a time bomb that can explode at any moment, and blow you up beyond recognition

author:Demure and elegant orange WR3
I'm 54 years old, and menopause is like a time bomb that can explode at any moment, and blow you up beyond recognition

If you haven't experienced it yourself, you can't experience the pain of menopause, and at this time, it is what kind of pain it is to go into the hospital to take care of terminally ill patients.

I am 54 years old, I have been in menopause at the age of 50 for four years, I have experienced the first stage of menopause, premenopause, the second stage of menopause, menopause, and now I have come to the third stage of menopause, postmenopause.

The years, more than a thousand days and nights, just like this, I have survived step by step, and even if the menopause is difficult, I still have to survive.

Yes, you can't see a rainbow without wind and rain.

When I entered the first stage of menopause, I was ignorant, I didn't know about menopause, and I didn't have any big menopausal reactions, so I rushed by.

Entering the second stage of menopause, menopause, I still don't know or understand menopause, when menstrual disorders, menopausal symptoms are on the body, I panicked, my face was discolored, and I scared myself half to death.

First of all, the numbness of the hand, the pain of the arm and the shoulder, the soreness and numbness of this line have tormented me for half a year, especially the right side is much more serious than the left, when it is serious, the hand is almost unconscious, and then the arm is sleepy and then extends to the shoulder, this whole side of the arm sleepy just want not to want this arm, I am scared half dead all day long, only afraid of what is the serious illness?

I'm 54 years old, and menopause is like a time bomb that can explode at any moment, and blow you up beyond recognition

At that time, I didn't recognize the symptoms of menopause, and I was worried and fearful every day.

Later, when I went online again, I accidentally found out that this was a symptom of menopause, and I suddenly realized that my fear was unfounded.

Menopause is not a disease, menopause will heal itself, menopause is a physiological phenomenon that occurs before and after menopause in female friends, with the loss of estrogen, various reactions in women's bodies.

Later, all kinds of inexplicable pains came out, neck pain, finger pain, arm pain, leg pain, butt pain, hip pain and other symptoms; There are also all kinds of inexplicable emotional problems, such as depression, lack of desire, self-doubt, temper tantrums and so on; There are also various symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, lack of energy, palpitations, etc.

These symptoms can come at any time, and this menopausal symptom is like a time bomb that can explode at any time and blow you up beyond recognition.

I've been menstrual for six months now, and I think I'm in the third stage of menopause, but the menopausal symptoms still come back at any time.

I am also actively looking for ways to alleviate menopausal syndrome and learn to help myself, but whenever menopause comes, I still fail and have no choice.

Just as I was suffering from menopause, I went to the hospital again to take care of my mother-in-law, who was terminally ill in her kidney disease, and it has been two and a half months since she was hospitalized on April 11.

I don't know how to describe my mood, how to describe this torment, the menopausal symptoms have not improved a little, so it is my turn to go to the hospital to take care of my mother-in-law, and the moment I stepped into the hospital gate, I completely collapsed.

The inner breakdown can no longer be hidden, and taking care of terminally ill patients in the hospital is like a fuse, which detonates my person and my heart in an instant.

Mother-in-law is not an obedient patient, she is a person who is picky and noisy in every way, but what can be done? can only follow her and coax her, that is not beaten, scolded or trained.

Those who have not passed through it can't feel what it's like, it's a person who is always taking care of, who is very close to death, and is in contact with this type of patient every day, what a breakdown it is.

On the second floor of the hospital, all the terminal patients lived, and the corridor was filled with the sound of ghosts crying and howling wolves every day, and just the afternoon before yesterday, a terminal lung cancer patient on the left side of my mother-in-law's ward was pulled home to prepare for the funeral, and the man was only 58 years old.

has been taking care of his wife, who has been vicissitudes of life like an old lady of sixty or seventy years old, any words of persuasion are pale and powerless, any words of comfort are like the wind blowing, and no language is pale and weak.

No one can empathize, no one can understand the pain, no one can understand the suffering.

And I am also taking care of my mother-in-law, a terminally ill patient, she is not the one who gave birth to me and raised me, and she has no blood relationship, but I have been in his house for more than 30 years, and I have been in love and killed each other for decades, how can I not involve my heart and lungs?

In the torment of menopause, I took care of the elderly at the end of my life in this way, and the torment was doubled, and the torment was doubled, and it was not something that could be comforted by a simple sentence.

I literally collapsed and collapsed, self-healing and collapsing, collapsing and healing, collapsing and collapsing, collapsing and collapsing.

I'm 54 years old, and menopause is like a time bomb that can explode at any moment, and blow you up beyond recognition