
The scholar had a crush, but the widow appeared at the bed every night and said: You have made me so miserable


Oh, folks, let's talk about a mysterious thing in the mountains deep in the south. In that mountain, there is a green meditation temple, and the Taoist priests in the Taoist temple are all descendants of Maoshan art, all of them are skilled in magic, and they can drive away evil spirits and catch demons.

On the edge of Qingmingguan, there is a Bailing Village, and there is a young man named Li Moxuan in the village, who looks very energetic and has a flying literary talent, and the people in the village say that he is a genius. But this young man has a little secret in his heart, he secretly likes a widow in the village, Yueniang. Yueniang is lovely, but unfortunately her life is not good, her husband went early and became the object of sympathy for the villagers.

Li Moxuan, a young man, always likes to secretly go to Yue's mother's house to look at it when he is studying, and he is worried about it. But Yueniang didn't seem to have any feelings for Li Moxuan, and always avoided his gaze coldly, which made people confused.

One night, Li Moxuan read until the middle of the night, when he suddenly felt a cool breeze, and when he looked up, the moonlight outside was hazy, as if there was a figure dangling there. He was shocked, thinking it was a thief, plucked up his courage, walked to the window to look, and almost didn't pee his pants in fear - that figure was actually Yueniang! Yueniang stood outside the window, her face was pale and tearful, she looked at Li Moxuan, and said faintly: "Li Gongzi, you make me so miserable!" With that, it turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared into the night sky.

Li Moxuan was so frightened, he couldn't figure it out, why would Yueniang appear in front of his window and say such inexplicable words. He was in such a mess that he didn't sleep all night.

Early the next morning, Li Moxuan went to the old people in the village to inquire about it. After hearing this, the old man frowned, pondered for a long time before saying, "Mo Xuan, this matter is not simple. Do you know why Yueniang and her man died? Li Moxuan shook his head and said he didn't know. The old man sighed, and then said, "Yueniang's man, named Zhang Yunfeng, is a hunter. One winter, he went into the mountains to hunt, but he never returned. Later, the villagers found his body in the mountains, with a hideous expression on his face, scratches all over his body, and he looked like he had been torn by some wild beast. Everyone said that he touched the monster in the mountain and caused the monster to be harmed. ”

The scholar had a crush, but the widow appeared at the bed every night and said: You have made me so miserable

When Li Moxuan heard this, he was shocked in his heart, he had never heard of this. The old man said again: "Since Zhang Yunfeng died, Yueniang has become a little chattering, and she often cries at night. Some people say that she was haunted by Zhang Yunfeng's ghost. Li Moxuan's heart was even more chaotic, he didn't expect Yueniang to have such an encounter. He asked, "Old man, why did that Yueniang come to my window and say that I hurt her?" The old man shook his head and said, "I can't say for sure." However, I heard that the Taoist priests of the Qing Ming Temple are very slippery in Maoshan and can drive away ghosts and demons. "Listen to my advice, you might as well go to the Qing Ming Temple and ask, maybe they can help you figure this out." As soon as Li Moxuan heard this, he immediately had a score in his heart. He hurriedly thanked the elder, and hurried to the Qingming Temple.

When he arrived at the Qingming Temple, Li Moxuan told the Taoist priests about his own affairs. After hearing this, the Taoist priests all showed serious expressions on their faces. Among them, there was a Taoist priest named Qingfengzi, who was an old qualification in the temple, and he said in a deep voice: "Li Gongzi, this matter is not simple. That Yueniang may have really entangled Zhang Yunfeng's ghost. But why does she keep dangling in front of your window and talking those things, it's really confusing. ”

Li Moxuan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and hurriedly asked, "Dao Chief, what should I do?" Qingfengzi thought for a while and said, "In this way, you stay in the temple first, and we will find a way to investigate this matter." Also, I'll give you a talisman that you can take with you to keep you safe. ”

The scholar had a crush, but the widow appeared at the bed every night and said: You have made me so miserable

Li Moxuan took the talisman and felt a little more steady. He lived in the Qingming Temple, and studied Taoism with the Taoist priests every day, hoping to solve this mystery as soon as possible. But it wasn't as simple as he thought. Every time in the dead of night, Yueniang's shadow appeared in front of his window again, and it was still the same sentence: "Li Gongzi, you hurt me so hard!" Her voice was so sad and resentful that Li Moxuan couldn't sleep well at night.

Li Moxuan was in such a hurry, he really didn't know where he offended Yueniang and made her hate himself so much. He decided to ask Yueniang in person to understand. So, on a dark night, Li Moxuan secretly went to Yueniang's house with a talisman. As soon as he pushed the door, the room was dark, and the moonlight shone in through the window, reflecting the pale face of Yueniang.

When Yueniang saw Li Moxuan, her eyes were startled at first, and then she became resentful. She whispered, "Li Gongzi, why are you here?" Li Moxuan took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to say, "Yueniang, I really don't know where you offended me. But every time you are in front of my window, you say that I have hurt you. I want to figure out, what the hell is going on? ”

The scholar had a crush, but the widow appeared at the bed every night and said: You have made me so miserable

Yueniang was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke, with a little grievance in her voice: "Li Gongzi, do you know what kind of person my husband Zhang Yunfeng was when he was alive?" Li Moxuan shook his head and said, "I knew that he was hunting, and I didn't know anything else." Yueniang sighed and said, "Yunfeng, he was a good person when he was alive, but he was also stubborn. He always believed that there were immortals in the mountains, and every day he went into the mountains to hunt, looking forward to meeting immortals and seeking immortality. ”

Li Moxuan's heart moved, and asked, "Then has he met it?" Yueniang nodded, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes: "I have met, but what he met is not an immortal, but a ......" She said this, and suddenly stopped, as if she didn't want to say any more. Li Moxuan hurriedly asked: "Yueniang, what did he meet?" Yueniang took a deep breath and said slowly: "I met a person who claimed to be a Taoist priest of Maoshan Mountain. "That buddy told Yun Feng that he had the secret book of Benmao Mountain in his hand, which could make people cultivate into immortals. Yun Feng, this kid, believed it, took out all the family's savings, and bought this cheatbook. Li Moxuan's eyes widened and asked, "What happened later?" Yueniang continued: "After Yun Feng got the cheats, he cultivated every day, and he didn't even enter the mountain. He became babbling, talking to himself and saying things I didn't understand. One night, he rushed out of the house like crazy and never returned. The next day, the villagers found his body in the mountains......" Li Moxuan heard this, and probably understood in his heart. He asked, "Yueniang, do you suspect that I hurt your man?" Yueniang shook her head and said, "No, I didn't doubt you. It's just that after Yun Feng's death, his ghost always haunted me, saying that I had harmed him. He said that it was the Maoshan cheats that went wrong, and he went mad when he was cultivating, so he ended up in this end. He hated me because I didn't stop him from cultivating that secret book. Li Moxuan suddenly realized and said, "That's why you came to me and said that I hurt you?" Yueniang nodded, tears in her eyes: "The ghost of Yunfeng thinks that you are the descendant of that Maoshan Taoist priest, and you hurt him." He came to me every night and asked me to help him get revenge. Li Moxuan's heart tightened, and said, "Yueniang, don't worry, I will definitely help you untie this knot." Yueniang looked at Li Moxuan gratefully and said, "Thank you, Master Li." Actually, I have always envied you, you are a learned person who can write so many beautiful poems. If Yun Feng were like you, he wouldn't have embarked on that road of no return. Li Moxuan's heart moved, and said, "Yueniang, I may be able to help your man fulfill his wish." Yueniang looked at Li Moxuan suspiciously, and asked, "How is it done?" Li Moxuan thought for a while and said, "I can write a biography of him, recording his life and his pursuit of immortality." In this way, his wish can be regarded as a fulfillment. After hearing this, a glimmer of light flashed in Yueniang's eyes: "Really? That's great! So, Li Moxuan began to work hard to write a biography of Zhang Yunfeng. He inquired everywhere, learned about Yun Feng's life, and wrote down all his stories. He also asked the Taoist priest of the Qingming Temple for advice on the Maoshan technique, trying to find a way to let the ghost of Yunfeng rest in peace. After some hard work, Li Moxuan finally finished writing Yun Feng's biography. He put the biography in front of Yueniang's house and told Yueniang: "Yueniang, this is Yunfeng's biography. I wrote down all his stories. I believe that when he reads this biography, the ghost will rest in peace. Yueniang was moved to tears and said, "Thank you Li Gongzi!" You are truly our great benefactor! "Since then, the ghost of Yunfeng has never appeared in front of Yueniang's window. Li Moxuan's biography not only won the respect and praise of the people in the village, but also made him famous and became an official a few years later. He always remembered the story of Yueniang and Zhang Yunfeng, and believed in the theory of ghosts and gods in Taoism. He often reminds those around him to be in awe and respect every life. And the story of Maoshan full of mystery has also become a good story in Bailing Village through the ages. When night falls, people always think of the legend of the scholar's crush on the widow, and their hearts are filled with infinite reverie.

After Li Moxuan completed Zhang Yunfeng's biography, Yueniang's life also returned to its former tranquility. However, this tranquility did not last long, as Li Moxuan unexpectedly found himself also involved in this uncertain Maoshan secret technique. One day, when he was flipping through ancient books in the study, he inadvertently found a worn-out book with the four big characters "Maoshan Secret Technique" written on the cover. He was shocked in his heart, wasn't this the secret technique that Zhang Yunfeng had cultivated? Why is it suddenly here? Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and when Li Moxuan came back to his senses, it was already moonlight. He found that he was able to perceive the flow of aura around him, as if he had established a magical connection with nature. He was shocked in his heart, could it be that he had really inadvertently cultivated this Maoshan secret technique?

The scholar had a crush, but the widow appeared at the bed every night and said: You have made me so miserable

At this moment, the door of the study was suddenly pushed open, and a figure walked in. Li Moxuan looked up and saw that it was the Qingfeng Zidao Leader of the Qing Ming Temple. He was overjoyed in his heart, and hurriedly stepped forward: "Dao Chief, why are you here?" Daoist Qingfeng looked at Li Moxuan with a solemn expression and said, "Moxuan, I see that your complexion is different, it seems that you have cultivated some kind of secret art. Do you know that this Maoshan secret technique is not trivial, and if you are not careful, you may go mad? Li Moxuan nodded, and told Daoist Qingfengzi about his unintentional cultivation of Maoshan Secret Technique.

After hearing this, Daoist Qingfengzi sighed and said, "This Maoshan secret technique is one of the supreme methods of Taoism. However, cultivating this art requires extremely high talent and perseverance, and the slightest carelessness will lead to a place from which there will be no return. Now that you have cultivated, you need to be careful not to be disturbed by evil thoughts. After hearing this, Li Moxuan was a little scared, but he also knew that he had embarked on this road of no return. He asked Daoist Qingfeng Zi for advice on how to practice this technique, hoping to grasp the mysteries of it.

Seeing that Li Moxuan had made up his mind, Qingfengzi Dao Chang began to teach him the key to the secret art of Maoshan Mountain. He told Li Moxuan that cultivating this technique required no distractions and concentration. At the same time, it is also necessary to use the aura between heaven and earth to enhance one's own cultivation. Li Moxuan followed the instructions of Qingfeng Zidao Leader and began to cultivate the secret technique of Maoshan Mountain. He practiced diligently every day, got up early and went to bed late, and finally gradually grasped the mystery. His cultivation is becoming more and more sophisticated, and he can not only feel the flow of aura around him, but also be able to use aura to cast some simple spells. Oh, this Li Moxuan's cultivation path is really full of twists and turns. At first, his desire for aura, just like the desire for hot kang heads in the winter of our Northeast people, became stronger and stronger, and even a little greedy and insufficient. He knew in his heart that this was a side effect of cultivating that secret technique, but just like us Northeast people who couldn't control drilling into the hot kang head in winter, he couldn't control himself.

The scholar had a crush, but the widow appeared at the bed every night and said: You have made me so miserable

That night, when Li Moxuan was cultivating, he suddenly became like he had been beaten with chicken blood, and he went crazy, and the whole person was like crazy, and he began to smash and beat indiscriminately, even letting go of the people around him. As soon as Yueniang and Qingfengzi saw this situation, they immediately stepped forward to stop them. After a scuffle, Li Moxuan was finally subdued. But at this time, Li Moxuan had become unrecognizable, and his eyes were full of madness and greed, which made people's hearts furious.

Yueniang looked at Li Moxuan in front of her, and felt uncomfortable in her heart, just like eating an unripe sour date. Daoist Qingfengzi looked at him, sighed, and said, "Mo Xuan, your cultivation secret technique is quite powerful, but you have to have a strong heart to control it." Before you got home, you wanted to be greedy and chew more, and as a result, you went mad. When Li Moxuan heard this, he regretted it in his heart, it was as uncomfortable as eating a fly. He knew he had made a big mistake and that there was no way to undo it.

He apologized to Yueniang and Qingfengzi, hoping that they would forgive him. Yueniang looked at him, a trace of complicated emotions flashed in her eyes, and said, "Mo Xuan, you used to be such a good person, why did you come to this point?" But no matter what, I hope you can go back and find your original intention. Qingfengzi Daoist also said: "Mo Xuan, although you have made a mistake, it is not hopeless. As long as you can let go of your greed and re-cultivate, you still have a chance to return to the right path. ”

The scholar had a crush, but the widow appeared at the bed every night and said: You have made me so miserable

Under the persuasion of Yueniang and Qingfengzi Dao Chang, Li Moxuan finally woke up, and he made up his mind to re-cultivate and find his true heart. He said goodbye to Yueniang and Qingfengzi Dao Elder and embarked on a new path of cultivation. A few years later, Li Moxuan finally succeeded in cultivation and became a real Taoist master. He used his own cultivation to help the people exorcise ghosts and cure diseases, and won everyone's respect and love. And the treacherous story of Maoshan has also become a good story in Bailing Village that has been passed down through the ages. Whenever there is a dead of night, people will always think of the former scholar and the current Taoist master - Li Moxuan......