
The husband and wife took shelter from the rain, and helped the distressed woman outside the inn, and the woman said not to stay in the last room


On this day, the couple went to the town to catch the market, who would have thought, the sky was not beautiful, the clouds were thick, and the rain was loud. The two of them didn't bring umbrellas, so they had to quickly find a place to hide from the rain. After a while, they saw a dilapidated inn in front of them, with a sign on the door that read "Yunlai Inn". Li Tianzhu pulled Wang Xiulian and ran inside, although the store was simple, it was able to hide from the rain. The two of them found a place to sit down and asked for a bowl of hot tea to warm up.

was drinking tea and chatting about homely things, when there was a sudden knock on the door outside. As soon as the shopkeeper ran over and opened the door, a good fellow, a soaking wet woman broke in. The woman's face was haggard, and her clothes were in tatters, and she knew at first glance that she was in trouble. As soon as she entered the door, she knelt down with a "plop" and begged the shopkeeper: "Please, let me hide from the rain, I really have no place to go." Seeing this situation, the shopkeeper felt uncomfortable, so he quickly helped the woman up and let her sit by the fire.

Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian saw this situation, also stood up, and asked the woman what was going on. It turned out that this woman's name was Cui'e, she was originally a peasant woman in the countryside, there was an accident at home, her husband was gone, her son was sick again, and she had no choice but to come out to beg for a living. Who knows, the sky is not beautiful, and it rains, so she has to find a place to hide from the rain everywhere. Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian listened, and it was not a taste in their hearts, so they invited Cui'e to sit down together, drink tea, and chat.

The husband and wife took shelter from the rain, and helped the distressed woman outside the inn, and the woman said not to stay in the last room

The three chatted for a while, and Cui'e's mood slowly stabilized. The shopkeeper saw that she was pitiful, so he asked her to stay in the store for one night and wait until tomorrow when the weather was fine before leaving. Cui'e was grateful, tearful, and thanked her repeatedly. The shopkeeper took her to pick a room, Li Tianzhu suddenly stopped him and whispered: "Little Er, I heard that the last room of this inn is not very clean, don't let that woman live there." The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, then nodded, indicating that he understood. He took Cui'e to another room, settled in, and returned to the lobby.

Li Tianzhu was relieved at this time, pulled Wang Xiulian, and whispered: "In the last room of this inn, I have heard that strange things often happen. That woman is pitiful enough, and we can't frighten her anymore. Wang Xiulian listened and nodded in agreement. The two chatted for a while, and then went back to their rooms to rest. But just as they were about to fall asleep, a sudden gust of wind blew, and the lights in the inn flickered and flickered. Li Tianzhu felt a twitch in his heart, and felt a smell of evil. He held Wang Xiulian's little hand tightly, and asked in a low voice, "Xiulian, do you think something is wrong?" Wang Xiulian also felt the strange smell, nodded and replied softly: "Tianzhu, I feel it too." There really seems to be something unclean in this inn. The two of them looked at each other, and they both knew in their hearts that the journey of this inn was estimated to be bumpy. But it's all here, and they can only go down.

Just as the two of them were up and down in their hearts, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside. Immediately after, a low and gloomy voice sounded outside the door: "Shop, is there still a vacant room?" Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian's hearts tightened again, this voice was terrible when they heard it, they didn't dare to slack off, quickly got dressed, and walked to the door to see. Outside the door stood a stranger dressed in black, with a black mask on his face and only a pair of eerie eyes. When the shopkeeper saw this posture, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him: "Guest officer, you came just in time, and the last room is empty." The man in black nodded, didn't say anything, and went upstairs. Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian looked at this scene, and their hearts were even more up.

The husband and wife took shelter from the rain, and helped the distressed woman outside the inn, and the woman said not to stay in the last room

At this moment, Na Cui'e suddenly ran out of the room, with a panicked face, and shouted in her mouth: "Help! In that room...... There are youkai! As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian were even tighter, they knew that the secret in this inn might be about to be revealed. Cui'e breathlessly said, "I'...... As soon as I lay down, I felt that something was wrong in the room, as if something was staring at me. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a dark shadow wandering around the room, and it was not human! When the shopkeeper heard this, his face turned white, although he had usually heard of some unclean things in the inn, but he had always been suspicious, but he didn't expect to really bump into it today. He looked in the direction where the man in black had disappeared, and his heart was also up and down.

Li Tianzhu is a bold and careful person, he comforted Cui'e a few words, and then turned to the shopkeeper and said: "Xiao Er, you go and invite the Maoshan Taoist priest in the town, I am afraid that there is really evil and chaos in this inn." When the shopkeeper heard this, he quickly nodded yes, and ran to the town. Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian stayed in the lobby of the inn, always ready to deal with possible changes. It didn't take long for the shopkeeper to return with a Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe and holding a peachwood sword. This Taoist priest's name is Qingfengzi, and he is the most famous Maoshan Taoist priest in the town, specializing in subduing demons and eliminating demons. As soon as he arrived at the inn, he felt an unusual smell, and his brows couldn't help but lock up. Qingfengzi circled around the inn, her eyes as sharp as an eagle, and swept every corner. Then he stood in front of the door of the house where the man in black lived, closed his eyes, and began to whisper a incantation. After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, his face sank as if the bottom of a pot, and said, "There is a demon in this house, and it is not an ordinary demon, it is quite powerful." When Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian heard this, they were so nervous in their hearts, as if they had been hit by a hammer. How could they have thought that there was really a monster hidden in this inn, and he was still a powerful master.

Qing Fengzi continued: "This monster has cultivated to the point where it can transform into a human form and confuse people's hearts. I pondered that it might be making a fuss in the inn to suck people's yang energy. When Li Tianzhu heard this, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: "What's the matter?" We can't just watch the monsters hurt people! Qingfengzi nodded and said, "Don't worry, since I'm here, I will definitely have to clean up this monster." However, I need your help. Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian immediately expressed their willingness to help.

The husband and wife took shelter from the rain, and helped the distressed woman outside the inn, and the woman said not to stay in the last room

Qingfengzi asked them to stay in the lobby of the inn, and he took the peachwood sword and walked into the dark room. There was nothing to see in the room except for the peach wood sword in Qingfengzi's hand. He looked around, looking for traces of youkai. Suddenly, he felt a strong demonic aura coming from the corner, and he slashed away with his sword, but only to hear a scream, but the monster was gone. Qingfengzi knew in her heart that this monster was not a fuel-efficient lamp. He took a deep breath and began to chant a mantra to mobilize his mana. After a while, the entire room was filled with mana fluctuations, as if it was about to tear the space apart.

At this moment, the monster suddenly appeared in front of Qing Fengzi and turned into a man in black, with a hideous smile on his face. Seeing this, Qingfengzi didn't panic, waved his peachwood sword, and fought with the monster. This battle lasted all night, and the inn was almost collapsed. Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian were in the lobby, very nervous, staring at the battle situation without blinking.

Finally, when the first rays of sunlight shone in the morning, Qingfengzi roared, and the peach sword slashed at the youkai. With a scream, the monster turned into a puff of black smoke and dissipated into the air. Qingfengzi gasped and put away his sword. He walked to the door and said to Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian: "The monster has been cleaned up by me, you can rest assured." When Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian heard this, they were so excited that tears came out, and they hurriedly stepped forward to thank Qingfengzi.

The husband and wife took shelter from the rain, and helped the distressed woman outside the inn, and the woman said not to stay in the last room

Qingfengzi waved his hand and said, "This is what I should do." However, this inn is now unoccupied, so you better hurry up. Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian nodded, hurriedly packed their luggage, and prepared to leave the inn that made them tremble. Before leaving, they thanked Qingfengzi again, and promised to do more good deeds in the future to repay Qingfengzi's great kindness. Since Qingfengzi Dao Chang eradicated the monsters in the Yunlai Inn, Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian said goodbye to that place and have never set foot again. The two returned to their hometown and told the story of this experience, and the villagers were all shocked when they heard it, as if their jaws were about to fall off. "Oh, is Yunlai Inn really that weird?" "But no, that monster is vicious and abnormal, if it weren't for the help of Qingfeng Zidao Chief, I'm afraid we would have died in Huangquan." Li Tianzhu shook his head as he spoke, his face showing horror. Wang Xiulian also echoed: "The appearance of that monster is really terrifying, dressed in black, with a hideous face, like a ghost. After hearing this, the villagers said that they did not dare to step into the Yunlai Inn for half a step, for fear of encountering something hoodoo. With the passage of time, Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian's lives gradually returned to their former tranquility. They still follow the simple life of sunrise and sunset, and only occasionally in the dead of night will recall that thrilling past.

However, one day, a stranger Bai Yunzi, who claimed to be Qingfengzi's apprentice, came to the village and deliberately searched for Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian. "Two benefactors, Master sent me to you." As soon as Bai Yunzi met, he saluted respectfully, "Master said that although the monsters in the Yunlai Inn have been eradicated, the demonic spirit has not dispersed, and I am afraid that there will be troubles." He hopes that you can go back with me and completely clear the inn of demonic energy. Hearing this, Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian both seemed hesitant. The Yunlai Inn was undoubtedly a nightmare for them, and they really didn't want to set foot in it again. But thinking of Qingfeng Zidao's kindness to them, they felt obligated again. "Alright, let's go with you!" Li Tianzhu finally made up his mind and resolutely followed Bai Yunzi. Although Wang Xiulian was apprehensive, she saw her husband's firmness, so she had no choice but to walk hard.

When the three of them came to the Yunlai Inn again, they saw that the inn was still dilapidated, and the doors and windows were closed, as if they had been forgotten by the world. Bai Yunzi took out the rune paper from his backpack, chanted the words in his mouth, and then pasted the rune paper on the door of the inn. "Master said that this rune paper can temporarily seal the demonic energy in the inn and prevent it from spreading." Bai Yunzi explained. Later, the three of them entered the inn, only to see that there was chaos inside, tables and chairs were crooked, and broken porcelain and clothes were scattered on the floor. Bai Yunzi took out the peachwood sword and incense burner from his backpack and began to set up the magic circle. "Two benefactors, please stand in the circle, and don't leave no matter what happens later." Bai Yunzi admonished. Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian nodded in agreement and stood in the center of the circle. Bai Yunzi held a peachwood sword, chanted words in his mouth, and then swung his sword violently, pointing to the corner of the inn. "Broken!" With Bai Yunzi shouting, a cloud of black smoke suddenly poured out of the corner of the inn, accompanied by a sharp scream. The monster looked at this posture and thought to himself that someone else dared to tease it, so angry that it rushed straight at Bai Yunzi. Bai Yunzi, this buddy, was prepared, and he fought with the monster with the peachwood sword in his hand. For a while, the sword shadow flew wildly, the demonic aura overflowed, and the entire inn was almost overturned. Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian stood in the formation, their eyes were as wide as copper bells, and their hearts were up and down, although they couldn't help much, but Bai Yunzi's skills were really admirable.

The husband and wife took shelter from the rain, and helped the distressed woman outside the inn, and the woman said not to stay in the last room

After a world of upside down, Bai Yunzi finally forced the monster into a corner, and with a sword down, the golden light flashed, and the monster screamed, and it disappeared. Bai Yunzi put away his sword and let out a long breath. Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly stepped forward, thanked Bai Yunzi for saving his life, and asked what happened to the demonic spirit of the inn next.

Bai Yunzi pondered for a while and said, "Master said that the demonic aura of this inn has been deeply ingrained and is not easy to rectify. Then he continued, "But we can seal this place off and prevent it from harming people again." So, the servants worked together to seal the doors and windows of the inn tightly, and a charm was posted at the door to prevent the demonic energy from leaking out. In this way, the Yunlai Inn became a forgotten corner, and no one dared to approach it again.

After this incident, Li Tianzhu and Wang Xiulian know how to cherish the present day even more. They understand that anything strange in life can happen, but as long as they face it bravely, think in one place, and work hard in one place, nothing can stop them.

The husband and wife took shelter from the rain, and helped the distressed woman outside the inn, and the woman said not to stay in the last room