
Tianzun took his disciples down to earth, pretending to be beggars and being chased and beaten, but only the little boy came out to deliver steamed buns


Oh, the story of this Maoshan is really exciting! Let's start from the top of the mist-shrouded Maoshan Mountain, that place is really a place where cultivators dream of going. No, the Tianzun of Maoshan has finished his retreat and cultivation, and when he counts, hey, there will be a big disaster in the world, so he has to send a few apprentices to go down to experience and help the world tide over the difficulties.

Tianzun called three proud protégés, Lingzhi Zhenren, Xuanxu Dao Chang and Yu Qingzi, and said to them: "We have been practicing for so many years, and now we have big things to do, you have to go down the mountain to practice, and use the Tao to help the world eliminate harm." The three apprentices received the order, and Tianzun took them to exert their magical powers, and they arrived in the world with a whoosh.

To test the Dao hearts of his apprentices, Tianzun decided to transform into a mortal form. When they arrived at a lively market, Tianzun dressed up as an elderly beggar, and the three apprentices dressed as followers. The market is full of people, so it's not lively. Tianzun is a beggar with a crooked back, a broken stick in his hand, his clothes are in tatters, his hair is messy, and he looks like an ordinary beggar. The three apprentices, dressed in coarse cloth clothes and with humble smiles on their faces, followed behind Tianzun.

Tianzun took his disciples down to earth, pretending to be beggars and being chased and beaten, but only the little boy came out to deliver steamed buns

But behind the prosperity of this world, there are also a lot of bad intentions. There is a gang of bullies in the market, who usually love to bully the common people and do all the bad things. When they saw that Tianzun was dressed in tatters, they had bad thoughts and wanted to extort money. The bully leader walked up, snatched Tianzun's stick, spat on it, and said, "Phew! You old beggar, dare to ask for food on Lao Tzu's territory? Hurry up and hand over the valuable things, otherwise don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite! ”

Tianzun smiled slightly, not to take it seriously. Seeing Tianzun like this, the bully became even more arrogant, and he was about to hit with his fist. The three apprentices wanted to step forward, but Tianzun waved his hand lightly and told them not to move. Tianzun said slowly: "Slow down, slow down, I am a cultivator, and I have not asked about the world for a long time. Meeting you today is also fate. I have a message for you: good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the way of heaven is good for reincarnation. I don't believe you look up, the heavens forgive whom. The voice was soft, but there was a sense of majesty.

When the bully leader heard this, he became angry and scolded: "You old beggar, dare to teach Lao Tzu? See if I don't break your legs! As he spoke, he swung his fist and rushed over. Tianzun's figure flashed, and he easily dodged. The bully missed his punch and froze. Tianzun took the opportunity to take out the charm, recited a few incantations, and the charm turned into golden light and went straight to the bully leader. The bully only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and he was hit by a strong force, and the whole person flew out and fell to the ground. He tried to get up, but his whole body was in pain and he couldn't move. Hey, when these villagers saw this scene, they were all shocked and screamed. Seeing Tianzun's vast ability, the admiration in his heart surged up like a tide, and he rushed forward one by one to bow and salute. Tianzun waved his hand, meaning don't be so polite. At this moment, a little fart boy squeezed out of the crowd, holding two steamed buns in his hand, ran to Tianzun and said, "Old man, are you hungry?" This is the steamed bun that my mother asked me to send you, you can eat it quickly. When Tianzun saw this scene, he was moved in his heart, took the steamed bun and said, "Little brother, you are really a good person." It's a great honor for us to meet a good person like you today. As he spoke, he took a bite of the steamed bun and chewed it slowly.

Tianzun took his disciples down to earth, pretending to be beggars and being chased and beaten, but only the little boy came out to deliver steamed buns

The three apprentices looked at this scene, and their hearts were also mixed. How could they have imagined that in such a lively place, they could meet such an innocent and kind little guy. Don't look at this little kid's young age, but his heart is very good, it's really rare to see. After Tianzun finished eating the steamed buns, he said to the little brat: "Little brother, do you know why there are so many hardships in this world? The little kid shook his head, "I don't know." Tianzun sighed: "The suffering in this world is all because people's hearts are not ancient and they are insatiable. You have to remember that we cultivators have to have the world in our hearts and be based on goodness. The little fart nodded as if he didn't understand, and Tianzun turned his head to the three apprentices and said, "What you see and hear today is all the various situations in this world. You have to use these as mirrors and always remember our duty as cultivators. The three apprentices agreed in unison, but their hearts were full of waves. How did they think that this trip down the mountain could encounter so many adventures and insights. They know that there is still a long way to go, and there are still many unknown challenges ahead of them......

After Tianzun finished speaking, he stood up and patted the shabby clothes, as if he had slapped off all the dust on his body. He glanced around with a far-reaching gaze, as if searching for the secrets of the world. "Let's go, move on." Tianzun said lightly, with a firmness in his voice. The three apprentices followed, knowing that the road ahead would be even more difficult. But they didn't back down because they understood that they could only grow through hardships. The group continued on their way, through the market, through the alleys, to a small and inconspicuous village. The village looked ordinary, but Tianzun felt an unusual aura. He stopped, closed his eyes, and felt the fluctuations around him. "There's a demonic spirit in this village." Tianzun suddenly spoke, his voice low and serious. When the three apprentices heard this, they immediately became vigilant. They knew that since Tianzun said so, it was definitely not that he was looking for trouble.

"Master, what should we do next?" Lingzhi Zhenren stepped forward and asked. Tianzun pondered for a while and said, "Don't worry, let's go to the village to see the situation." "Oh, you have to be careful about this, don't be reckless." As soon as Tianzun said this, he led the apprentices into the village. This village is remote, but you can see that the houses are one after another, and the smoke curls up, and it looks very peaceful. But Tianzun knew in his heart that behind this tranquility, there were some unknown cats.

Tianzun took his disciples down to earth, pretending to be beggars and being chased and beaten, but only the little boy came out to deliver steamed buns

When they came to an open field, they saw a crowd of people in a circle, gossiping. Tianzun leaned over and listened, it turned out that a child in the village suddenly fell ill, and he was so sick that even Lang Zhong in the village was helpless. "Well, why is this kid so unlucky?" One of the villagers sighed. "But it's not, his parents are running out of money in order to treat the disease, and they still haven't seen any better." Another villager answered. When Tianzun heard this, his heart moved, and he walked up to the child. The child's face was pale, his eyes were closed, and he was almost dead when he looked at it. Tianzun stretched out his hand to take the child's pulse and carefully probed it.

After a while, Tianzun let go of his hand and said with a solemn face: "This child's illness is demonic. As soon as these words came out, the people around him were shocked. They didn't expect that the child's illness was related to demonic spirit. "So, what should I do?" A villager was in a hurry. Tianzun pondered for a while and said, "Don't worry, I'll check where this demonic qi came from first, and then try to save this child." After saying that, Tianzun took his apprentices around the village.

After some searching, they finally found the source of the demonic energy in an abandoned temple - a fox spirit that had cultivated into a fine spirit. This fox spirit was originally cultivating in the mountains, and he was greedy for the excitement of the world, so he turned into a human form and came to the village. It uses demonic magic to confuse the villagers, suck their essence, and help itself cultivate. The child's illness was caused by it.

Tianzun took his disciples down to earth, pretending to be beggars and being chased and beaten, but only the little boy came out to deliver steamed buns

When Tianzun saw this situation, he was furious. He let out a loud shout, and the charm in his hand flipped over, turning into a stream of golden light, heading straight at the vixen. The fox spirit is not a vegetarian, waving his tail, releasing demonic energy, and fighting with Tianzun. The golden light and demonic energy in the temple are intertwined, and the rumbling sound is continuous. The apprentices were not far behind, and they showed their magical powers, and besieged the fox spirit with Tianzun. After a fierce battle, the fox spirit was finally defeated and was beaten back to its original form by Tianzun with a blow.

Then, Tianzun took Ergou and his apprentices away and started a new practice. Ergou encountered a lot of obstacles on the road of cultivation, but he remembered the words of Tianzun and his mother, studied hard, and cultivated to rise. He also maintains that kindness and integrity, influencing and helping others with his actions. Many years later, Ergou became a master of Taoism, not only deep Taoism, but also soft-hearted, and loved by everyone. He returned to the village and passed on what he had learned to the villagers, so that they could also feel the power of the Dao.

Ergou built a Taoist temple in the center of the village, where the statues of Tianzun and his disciples were enshrined. He often preached the scriptures and teachings so that more people could understand the true meaning of the Tao. The villagers all came to listen and gained a lot. Over time, the Taoist temple became the cultural center and spiritual pillar of the village. Ergou proved himself with his actions and became the pride of the village. When Tianzun and his disciples heard about Ergou's achievements, they were also happy and knew that the spirit of Taoism had been passed on. They walked away with peace of mind and went to pursue a higher realm. Ergou stayed in the village and guarded the land and people with wisdom and strength. He firmly believes that kindness can overcome everything. His story has also become a good story in the village.

Tianzun took his disciples down to earth, pretending to be beggars and being chased and beaten, but only the little boy came out to deliver steamed buns

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