
The husband and wife spent the night on the boat, and the boy said, "Get off the boat quickly, be careful of your brother and sister."


Oh, this water town in the south of the Yangtze River is really a good place for dense water nets, fishing boats and singing at night, and a fairyland on earth. On this vast lake, there is such a couple, the man is called Ah Qiang, and the woman is called Xiulian, and the two of them rely on a small boat to fish and live.

In the evening of that day, when the setting sun illuminated the lake with golden light, Cuong cast the last net and sat on the bow of the boat with Xiulian, chatting about family life while waiting for the net to be collected. Suddenly, the net was churning, and Ah Qiang quickly closed the net, and when he saw it, the net flashed with silver light, and it was a strange fish with shiny scales and red eyes. This fish is different from other fish, its eyes, like torches, can see through people's hearts, and it can see Ah Qiang and Xiulian's hearts are hairy.

Xiulian was timid, and when she saw this fish, she said: "This fish monster is scary, don't be a jing, right?" Let's let it go. Ah Qiang shook his head and said with a smile: "How can there be so many refined fish, although this fish is strange, but it looks very fat, let's cook it tonight and add a meal to our baby." As they spoke, they brought the strange fish aboard the boat and prepared to cook it on a fire.

The husband and wife spent the night on the boat, and the boy said, "Get off the boat quickly, be careful of your brother and sister."

But this strange fish, out of the water, did not struggle like other fish, but did not move, those red eyes stared directly at Ah Qiang, and he could see that his heart was hairy. At this moment, the voice of his son Xiaoyong came from the cabin: "Daddy, get off the boat quickly, be careful of your brother and sister!" Ah Qiang and Xiulian were stunned, the two have been married for many years, and they have a son, who is only seven years old this year, and is playing in the cabin, where are the younger siblings?

The two glanced at each other, Xiulian hurriedly walked into the cabin, and saw her son Xiaoyong pointing out the window and saying, "Mother, look at the eyes of that fish, it's staring at us!" Xiulian looked in the direction of her son's finger, and the eyes of the strange fish were really staring at them, red and shiny, as if they were about to drip blood. Xiulian's heart tightened, and she quickly picked up her son and walked out of the cabin.

When Cuong saw the situation, he also felt that something was wrong, so he quickly untied the cable and prepared to row away. But the strange fish suddenly jumped out of the water, turned into a red light, and headed straight for them. Cuong swung his oars and tried to repel it, but the red light was nimble enough to avoid his attack and head straight for the cabin.

The husband and wife spent the night on the boat, and the boy said, "Get off the boat quickly, be careful of your brother and sister."

"Not good!" Ah Qiang was in a hurry, so he quickly dropped the oars and reached out to pull Xiulian and Xiaoyong. At this moment, the red light hit the cabin, and a loud "boom" was heard, and the cabin suddenly burst into flames. Ah Qiang didn't care so much, picked up his son and rushed to the side of the boat. The fire spread so fast that in the blink of an eye, the entire hull was surrounded by flames.

Ah Qiang jumped into the water with his son in his arms, and when he looked back, Xiulian also jumped into the water, and the two of them swam desperately to the shore. By the time he swam to shore, Cuong was too tired to do so. He looked back and saw that the boat had burned to the ground, and the strange fish had disappeared without a trace. Oh, this thing is really thrilling, Ah Qiang is afraid in his heart, if it weren't for his kid's sharp eyes, their family would almost be swallowed by the sea of fire. Ah Qiang sat on the shore with his son in his arms, looking at the flaming boat, and the taste in his heart was really mixed. At this time, Xiulian also swam to the shore, wet, her face was as white as paper, and she knew that she was scared at a glance. Cuong hurriedly stepped forward to support her, and the two hugged each other tightly.

"This fish...... What the hell is this fish? Xiulian's voice trembled. Ah Qiang shook his head, took a deep breath, and said, "I don't understand either, looking at its posture, it's definitely not a good thing." We'll have to be careful in the future. In this way, the family of three stayed up on the shore for the night.

The husband and wife spent the night on the boat, and the boy said, "Get off the boat quickly, be careful of your brother and sister."

Early the next morning, they returned to the village and told the villagers about the events of the previous night, and everyone was amazed when they heard it, some said that it was a strange fish possessed by water ghosts, and some said that it was a fish that had become a fine fish to take revenge. Ah Qiang and Xiulian listened to these words, and their hearts were also up and down. But they knew that no matter what the strange fish was, it had become a shadow in their hearts. Since then, they no longer dare to spend the night on the lake.

The story of the strange fish spread in the village and became a topic of conversation after dinner. Some say it's the embodiment of a water ghost, and some say it's a fish that comes to repay its kindness. But in any case, the strange fish has become an unsolvable mystery. Ah Qiang and Xiulian's family also became more cautious because of this encounter. They know that in this world, something big can happen if they are not careful. So they always remembered the little boy's warning: "Get off the boat, watch out of your brother and sister!" This sentence became a wake-up call in their hearts.

Since then, Cuong and Xiulian have been more careful in their lives. In the evenings, they always go home early and no longer linger on the lake. The villagers also knew what happened to them and warned their children not to play by the lake too late. But the strange thing didn't stop there. In the dead of night, there would always be bursts of strange singing voices from the depths of the lake, and the singing was poignant and long, as if a woman was crying in a low voice. The villagers said that it was the strange fish singing, and it was looking for its children. When these words reached the ears of Ah Qiang and Xiulian, both of them were shocked. They remembered what had happened that night, and a chill rose in their hearts. Xiulian was even more worried, would the strange fish really come to them for revenge?

The husband and wife spent the night on the boat, and the boy said, "Get off the boat quickly, be careful of your brother and sister."

Just when they were nervous, a mysterious old man came to the village. The old man had white hair, wore a cyan robe, and held a cane, looking like a fairy. He claimed to be a Taoist priest who traveled all over the world, and when he heard about the strange things here, he came to check them out. The villagers gathered around and told the old man the story of the strange fish. When the old man heard this, he nodded like pounding garlic, and his heart was like a mirror. He slipped to the edge of the lake, closed his eyes, and began to chant incantations. Look at the ripples on the surface of the lake, in circles, as if something was churning under the water. After a while, the strange fish appeared again, and it jumped out, turned into a red light, and went straight to the old man. The old man was as steady as Mount Tai, waving the crutch in his hand, and a golden light shot out of the crutch, colliding with the red light. Listening to the "boom", the red light was dispersed by the golden light, and the strange fish also "plopped" and fell back into the lake. The old man took a long breath and said to the villagers: "This strange fish is not a monster, it is the guardian spirit of our lake." It was originally an ordinary fish, but as it grew up, it cultivated in the lake and absorbed a lot of heaven and earth aura, and then it became spiritual. It has always guarded this water and protected the creatures in it. ”

"Then why is it attacking us?" Cuong scratched his head and asked. The old man sighed, and then said, "That's because you accidentally caught its cubs. That cub was a spiritual creature that it had only given birth to after years of cultivation, and you killed it. In a fit of rage, it attacked you. "So what should we do?" Xiulian was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. The old man pondered for a while, and then said, "You have to make amends to the strange fish, and then return the bones of the cub to it." Then it will forgive you. Ah Qiang and Xiulian listened and nodded again and again. They went home to find the strange fish they had caught that night, carefully removed the bones, and then went to the lake to apologize to the strange fish. The ripples on the surface of the lake reappeared, and the strange fish reappeared. It looked at the bones in Ah Qiang and Xiulian's hands, and a trace of sadness flashed in its eyes. But it didn't attack again, but slowly swam to the bones, gently picked up, and sank to the bottom of the lake. Since then, the strange fish has not been seen again. The singing in the lake was gone, and only silence remained. The villagers all said that the strange fish forgave them and went back to the bottom of the lake to cultivate. Cuong and Xiulian also let go of the fear and anxiety in their hearts. They know that their mistakes have been made up. They also learned from this experience how small and ignorant man is in the face of nature. We have to respect, revere and protect nature in order to live in harmony with nature.

Time flies, and it's spring again. The peach blossoms by the lake are in full bloom, attracting a group of tourists. Ah Qiang and Xiulian still live by fishing and selling fish, although they are not rich, but they live a very fulfilling and happy life. The mysterious old man never showed up again. However, when the villagers mentioned him, they would say, "That old fairy is really amazing, he helped us solve the problem of strange fish, and also taught us how to live in harmony with nature." Cuong and Xiulian were silently grateful to the old man and the strange fish in the depths of their hearts. It was they who made Cuong and Xiulian realize the inseparable connection between man and nature and their dependence on each other. They decided to pass on this experience from generation to generation so that more people could understand this profound truth. Although the story comes to an end, it leaves people with a never-ending period to think about. In this world full of mystery and wonder, we should learn to respect, revere and protect nature. Only in this way can we live in harmony with nature and work together to create a better future.

The husband and wife spent the night on the boat, and the boy said, "Get off the boat quickly, be careful of your brother and sister."

Since then, Keung and Siu-lian's lives have gradually returned to their former tranquility. They still fish on the lake every day, but when night falls, they always return to the shore early, light a fire, and prepare dinner. The villagers have gradually become accustomed to this peaceful life, but whenever the story of the strange fish is mentioned, they are always full of emotion, as if that experience happened yesterday.

As the days go by, summer arrives quietly. The sun shines on the lake, sparkling and the sky is blue. Ah Qiang and Xiulian were busy on the lake, when suddenly, a rapid cry for help came from afar: "Help! Someone overboard! Hearing this voice, Ah Qiang and Xiulian's hearts tightened, and they immediately put down their work and galloped away in the direction where the cries for help came. They saw a child struggling in the water, about to sink to the bottom. Without hesitation, Cuong jumped into the water and quickly swam towards the child. After some effort, he finally got the child on board. Although the child choked on a few mouthfuls of water, fortunately it was fine. He trembled and thanked Cuong and Xiulian in a childish voice.

Ah Qiang and Xiulian were relieved to see that the child was safe and sound. When they asked the child why he had fallen into the water, the child sobbed and recounted what had happened: "I was playing by the lake with a few friends and accidentally slipped into the water. I couldn't swim, so I could only desperately call for help. Hearing this, Ah Qiang and Xiulian felt scared for a while, they knew that if they hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would be unimaginable. They warned the children not to play by the lake again in the future, so as not to be in danger again. The child nodded repeatedly, indicating that he would remember it.

The husband and wife spent the night on the boat, and the boy said, "Get off the boat quickly, be careful of your brother and sister."

The child raised his head, his eyes flashed with gratitude, and suddenly asked, "Uncle and aunt, are you the ones who saved the child of that strange fish?" Ah Qiang and Xiulian were stunned, they didn't expect the child to suddenly mention this matter. They nod their heads in acknowledgment and ask how the child knew. The child wiped away his tears and said, "My grandfather is an old man in the village, and he told me your story. He said you were brave and kind. He also said that the strange fish had been silently guarding the lake, and that it did not want to hurt anyone. Hearing this, Ah Qiang and Xiulian's hearts were full of emotion. They didn't expect that their small act would spread so widely in the village. We Northeast people speak straight, this matter has to be so neat. Their dedication to protecting nature is really iron-hearted. Not only do you have to do a good job, but you also have to pass on this energy to your son and the old and young masters in the village, and take care of the environment together. Time flies, and in a flash, it's autumn again. On this day, Cuong and Xiulian cast nets on the lake to catch fish, and suddenly saw an old lotus flower floating on the lake. This lotus flower is as white as jade, and it also exudes a faint fragrance. The two of them sighed in their hearts, they had never seen this thing before.

Just then, the strange fish appeared again. It leaped out, turned into a red light, and went straight to the lotus flower. The red light and the lotus touched, crackling and radiant. When the light dissipated, the lotus flower disappeared, and the strange fish sank back to the bottom of the lake. Ah Qiang and Xiulian looked at this scene, their hearts full of doubts. They couldn't figure out what the lotus had to do with the strange fish, and they didn't know what it meant. But they knew that it must be some mysterious force in nature at work.

Since then, the strange fish has not been seen. But the villagers by the lake can always see some strange things. Sometimes a rainbow suddenly appears on the surface of the lake, stretching across the sky; Sometimes there would be bursts of beautiful songs from the sky, like fairies singing. These things made the villagers surprised and respected. They know that it is the forces of nature that are showing them its mystery and beauty.

The husband and wife spent the night on the boat, and the boy said, "Get off the boat quickly, be careful of your brother and sister."

They also cherish the lake more and work harder to protect it. Cuong and Xiulian are no exception. They go to the lake every day to fish, but every time they are cautious, for fear of destroying the ecological balance of the lake. They also taught their son and the villagers to take care of the environment and respect nature. The years are like songs, slowly flowing through this land, leaving behind countless stories and legends. The story of the strange fish has become an eternal memory of this land, always reminding people of the importance of protecting nature.