
The scholar wanted to cross the river by boat, but the woman hurriedly stopped her, and the woman said, "This boat cannot be sitting."


Let's talk about this thrilling story today, this thing happened in our picturesque Jiangnan water town, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the people are also enthusiastic, but there are so many things like dumplings. Let's first come to a small corner of this water town in the south of the Yangtze River, there is a place called Wenhe Village, and there is a scholar in the village, named Zhao Zixuan. Zhao Zixuan, a young man, is young and promising, and he is rich and rich, but he is ill-fated, his family is in the middle of the road, his father and mother are gone, and he is left alone.

On this day, Zhao Zixuan was going to enter the city for the exam, thinking that this time he would be a blockbuster and glorify his ancestors. Kewenhe Village is far away from the city, and there is a big river in the middle, and it usually crosses the river by the village ferry. When Zhao Zixuan arrived at the river, he saw the ferry swaying on the shore, and there was no one on the boat. He wondered in his heart, "Why is this boatman gone?" How am I crossing the river? I was worried, and suddenly I heard a woman's voice behind me: "Zhao Gongzi, this boat can't sit down!" As soon as Zhao Zixuan turned around, it turned out to be Aunt Wang in the village, she was usually nosy, but she was warm-hearted, and the people in the village called her "warm-hearted".

Zhao Zixuan asked suspiciously: "Aunt Wang, what do you mean by this?" I'm in a hurry to go to the city for the exam, what can I do if I can't sit on this boat? Aunt Wang was so anxious that she grabbed Zhao Zixuan's sleeve and said, "Zhao Gongzi, you have to listen to me." This ship has been going on strange things lately. First, the boatman Lao Zhang disappeared inexplicably, and then something strange happened on the ship. It is rumored in the village that this boat is entangled in something unclean, and whoever sits on it is unlucky! When Zhao Zixuan heard this, he also muttered a little in his heart, but after thinking about it, he was a scholar and didn't believe in those ghosts and gods, so he smiled and said, "Aunt Wang, what you say is really mysterious." Although I, Zhao Zixuan, am not good, but I am upright, how can I be afraid of these evil crooked ways? Besides, if I miss this ship, won't it be a big delay? ”

The scholar wanted to cross the river by boat, but the woman hurriedly stopped her, and the woman said, "This boat cannot be sitting."

Seeing that Zhao Zixuan didn't listen to persuasion, Aunt Wang was so anxious that she stomped her feet: "Oh, Zhao Gongzi, don't believe in evil!" This ship really can't sit down! If you don't believe it, I, I'm ......" Before the words were finished, Aunt Wang knelt down with a "plop" and tears in her eyes. When Zhao Zixuan saw this situation, he also panicked, and quickly helped Aunt Wang up: "Aunt Wang, what are you doing here?" Hurry up, hurry up! I, I'll think again, think again. Aunt Wang saw that Zhao Zixuan was a little tempted, and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "Zhao Gongzi, you listen to my advice." This ship really can't sit down. If you don't believe me, I—I'll tell you a story. As soon as Zhao Zixuan heard the story, he also came to his senses, nodded, and let Aunt Wang continue. Aunt Wang wiped her tears and began to say slowly: "This boat was originally the heirloom of the old Zhang family...... "When Lao Zhang's father was alive, this boat was in our village, and it was stable and safe." But as soon as Lao Zhang's father left, the boat became a little evil. First of all, Lao Zhang disappeared unconsciously, and then later, the villagers could always hear the crying and laughter from the boat at night.

Let's talk about it a few days ago, there was a stunned young man who wanted to save some trouble, so he took this boat. The result? Two days after he came ashore, he fell ill, lying in bed with a high fever and still reciting words. The doctors in the village all said that he had hit an evil spirit and was hopeless. In the end, the young man was so burned unconscious, it was really distressing.

Zhao Zixuan listened to Aunt Wang'er's words, and his heart was also full of emotions. He looked at the swaying ferryboat and began to mumble in his heart. But when he thought of his future, he still gritted his teeth and decided to let it go. Aunt Wang saw that Zhao Zixuan had made up her mind, so she didn't stop it anymore. She sighed and said, "Zhao Gongzi, be careful yourself." If you come back safely, that's a blessing to you. If there is any accident......" As she spoke, Aunt Wang wiped her tears again.

The scholar wanted to cross the river by boat, but the woman hurriedly stopped her, and the woman said, "This boat cannot be sitting."

Zhao Zixuan glanced at Aunt Wang gratefully and said, "Aunt Wang, don't worry, although I, Zhao Zixuan, am not a big person, but I am not the kind of person who will fall down at the slightest touch." I have to sit on this boat, no matter what the result is, I admit it! After speaking, Zhao Zixuan strode towards the ferry. Aunt Wang stood on the shore, looking at Zhao Zixuan's back, and prayed silently in her heart: "I hope Zhao Gongzi can be safe......

Ladies and gentlemen, guess what? After Zhao Zixuan got on the ferry, something unexpected really happened. Let's break it down next time!

Zhao Zixuan's heart was horizontal, and as soon as he stomped his feet, he got on the swaying ferry. The boat swayed in the water, like a man who had drunk too much, staggering forward. Zhao Zixuan sat at the bow of the boat, and his heart was also up and down, but when he thought of his future, he also sat down. The boat was in the middle of the river, and suddenly a strange wind blew. The wind, as if coming out of the ground, carried a cold breath that made people shiver. Zhao Zixuan's heart tightened, feeling that something was wrong. He looked around, only to see the fog on the river, he couldn't see anything clearly, and his heart was bottomless.

The scholar wanted to cross the river by boat, but the woman hurriedly stopped her, and the woman said, "This boat cannot be sitting."

Just when the black shadow was about to reach Zhao Zixuan, he suddenly shouted: "Stop!" The sound shook people's ears, and Zhao Zixuan and the black shadow were trembling with fright. Zhao Zixuan looked up, yo, there was an old Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe and holding a dust whisk in his hand standing at the bow of the boat, his eyes were sharp, staring directly at the black shadow. The black shadow glanced at the old Taoist priest, and his footsteps paused, and he seemed to be a little hairy in his heart. The old Taoist priest didn't say much, and with a wave of his hand, the dust flew over. The dust seemed to come alive, and it went straight to the shadows. The black shadow couldn't dodge, was hit by the dust, screamed, turned into a puff of black smoke, and dispersed. Zhao Zixuan was dumbfounded, and thought to himself: "This old Taoist priest really didn't cover it!" He hurriedly stepped forward and said gratefully, "Thank you, Dao Chief, for saving your life!" The old Taoist priest waved his hand and said, "No thanks, I happened to be passing by here, and I saw that you were in trouble, so I helped you." There's something unclean on the ship, but it's not a big deal. You mortals do not understand, and you are vulnerable. ”

When Zhao Zixuan heard this, he hurriedly asked, "Dao Chief, what is the matter with the evil thing on this ship?" How can we eradicate it completely? The old Taoist priest sighed and said, "This evil thing was changed by the resentment of Lao Zhang, the former owner of this ship. Lao Zhang was a good man during his lifetime, but after his death, he was framed and his reputation was ruined. The breath in his heart could not get out, so he became an evil thing and made trouble on this ship. If you want to completely eradicate it, you have to find Lao Zhang's bones and bury it in a feng shui treasure to make his resentment disappear. When Zhao Zixuan heard this, he felt a dilemma: "Where are Lao Zhang's bones?" How am I looking? The old Taoist priest smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about this, I have a way." If you follow me, you can find Lao Zhang's bones. ”

So, Zhao Zixuan followed the old Taoist priest off the boat and went all the way to a place with beautiful mountains and rivers. The old Taoist priest searched in the mountains and finally found Lao Zhang's bones. He pulled out a piece of talisman paper, recited the incantation, and pasted it on the bones. The rune paper burned in an instant, burning the bones clean. The old Taoist priest put away the ashes and said, "Lao Zhang's resentment is gone, and the evil things on this ship are gone." In the future, if you cross the river by boat, you don't have to be afraid. Zhao Zixuan was so moved that he thanked him again and again: "Thank you for saving your life!" If it weren't for the Dao Master, I would have died a long time ago. The old Taoist priest waved his hand and said, "Don't thank you, this is all your fate." Now that the calamity is over, you can go to the city to take the exam with peace of mind. Zhao Zixuan nodded, grateful in his heart. After saying goodbye to the old Taoist priest, he once again stepped on the ferry to the city to continue his imperial examination. Soon after, Zhao Zixuan really became a blockbuster and won the champion position. When he returned to his hometown, he first visited Aunt Wang and expressed his gratitude for her reminder and care. Aunt Wang listened to Zhao Zixuan's experience and was full of emotion, she said to Zhao Zixuan: "Zhao Gongzi, you are really lucky!" If it weren't for the Taoist Chief's rescue, you might have ......" She didn't continue, but emphasized that Zhao Zixuan would be a good person in the future and do more good deeds to repay the Taoist for saving his life. Zhao Zixuan nodded seriously, his heart was full of deep gratitude and respect for the Dao Master, he understood that his success and destiny were inseparable from the Dao Master's help.

The scholar wanted to cross the river by boat, but the woman hurriedly stopped her, and the woman said, "This boat cannot be sitting."

Since then, Zhao Zixuan has studied harder, actively done good deeds, and gradually became a respected and loved official. And nothing out of the ordinary happened on that ferry. The villagers all said that it was because of Zhao Zixuan's good deeds and the magical power of the Taoist that together dispelled the ominous atmosphere on the ship. After this incident spread, everyone's admiration for Zhao Zixuan deepened. They think that Zhao Zixuan is not only knowledgeable, but also kind-hearted, knows how to be grateful, and is a rare good person. The ferry has also become the mascot of the village, and it is believed that people will be able to ride it safely and smoothly, and their wishes will come true.

With the passage of time, Zhao Zixuan's status in the officialdom has become higher and higher, and he has always remembered the kindness of the Taoist and never forgot his original intention and mission. He governed diligently, was fair and honest, and won the love and respect of the people. One day, when Zhao Zixuan was on official business, he received a letter from afar. The letter was written by the Taoist Chief, who said that he had traveled all over the world for many years, and now he had found a suitable place to practice, and he planned to retreat and practice there instead of engaging in worldly affairs. In the letter, he thanked Zhao Zixuan for his trust and respect in the past, and wished Zhao Zixuan to continue to adhere to his original intention and benefit the people.

After Zhao Zixuan read the letter, his heart was full of emotion. He thought of the Taoist who had helped him in order to save him, and now he had stayed away from the world for the sake of cultivation, and his heart was full of respect and gratitude. He immediately arranged for his subordinates to prepare a generous gift and personally went to the cave where the Taoist chief was located to express his gratitude. After a long journey, Zhao Zixuan finally arrived at the cave where the Taoist master practiced. Seeing that the Taoist chief was meditating with his eyes closed and his demeanor calm, Zhao Zixuan didn't dare to disturb, so he knelt outside the cave three times, put the gift at the entrance of the cave, and then left silently. Back in the village, Zhao Zixuan told the villagers the news of the Taoist chief, and everyone was amazed by the noble quality of the Taoist chief, thinking that he could give up everything for the sake of cultivation. Zhao Zixuan, this buddy, sighed in his heart: "Hey, Dao Chang is really the dragon and phoenix among people, although we can't become immortals in cultivation, we have to learn from the noble energy and the spirit of cultivation, for the sake of our people, we have to work harder!" Since then, Zhao Zixuan has been more attentive to his work. He always remembers the good of the Taoist, and does not forget his original intention and mission. When he was an official, he was honest and honest, diligent and loved the people, and he was also innocent, and he became a good and respected official. The ferry, still dangling on the river. Whoever sits on it, as soon as he can remember the story of Zhao Zixuan and the Taoist, he has to say: "This boat is really a treasure, and if you sit on it, you will be safe, and your wishes will come true." ”

The scholar wanted to cross the river by boat, but the woman hurriedly stopped her, and the woman said, "This boat cannot be sitting."

Time flies, and in a flash of decades, Zhao Zixuan has also changed from a young man to a white-haired old man. He was still conscientious in officialdom until his last breath. The night before leaving, he dreamed of the Taoist chief he met when he was crossing the river in a boat. The Taoist chief smiled and said to him: "Zhao Zixuan, your good deeds and cultivation spirit, heaven and earth have been moved. Now you can leave with peace of mind, because your mission has been accomplished and it has brought blessings to our people. When Zhao Zixuan heard this, his heart was so comfortable and grateful. He knew that his mission was accomplished, and he could close his eyes with peace of mind. So, he smiled in his dream and left forever.

After Zhao Zixuan left, the people in the village spontaneously came to mourn and worship in order to commemorate him. They thanked Zhao Zixuan for everything he had done for them, and they were also grateful for the auspiciousness and peace that the Taoist chief had brought to the village. The villagers erected a stone monument on the bow of the ferry, engraved with Zhao Zixuan's name and deeds, to commemorate this great official. Since then, the ferry boat has become a scenery in the village, and whoever crosses the river and takes a boat can see the stone monument, thinking of Zhao Zixuan and the Taoist, as well as the auspiciousness and peace they brought to the village. The ferry, still roaming the river, seemed to tell the story of that legend......