
Most of the people who live past the age of 90 often do these 3 things before the age of 40, and I hope you will take them all

author:Makumaki life
Most of the people who live past the age of 90 often do these 3 things before the age of 40, and I hope you will take them all

Writer Wu Xiaobo said: "In the afternoon of middle age, you have enough mood and knowledge to read a slightly boring book. All of this comes at a cost, and they are all invested in your adolescence. ”

When people reach middle age, we will face various life stuck points such as health, career, family, education, etc.

However, what kind of life a person can live in middle age depends entirely on his hard work and dedication when he is young.

How hard you work when you are young, how comfortable you will be in the second half of your life.

If you want to live an elegant and calm life after middle age, you have to pave the road for the second half of your life before the age of 40.

Most of the people who live past the age of 90 often do these 3 things before the age of 40, and I hope you will take them all

Sharpen your skills and deepen your abilities

Luo Zhenyu said: "The efforts of ordinary people, under the compound interest of long-termism, will accumulate into miracles. ”

In real life, there are always people who are half-hearted, hesitant, and constantly change the industry, and finally the bamboo basket is empty.

And those who are really powerful know how to identify goals and insist on deep cultivation in the field.

Chinese boxing champion Xu Can, this is a name that makes the five-star red flag fly in various countries.

His super "stunt" is that he can throw 111 punches in 10 seconds, which is jaw-droppingly fast.

But this "stunt" that is far beyond ordinary people is not innate.

Xu Can's head coach once said that Xu Can spent almost 24 hours in the gym.

He can repeat the practice for more than 12 hours without any holidays or days off.

Three-quarters of the day he spends three quarters of the day practicing basic skills, such as skipping rope, running, or stretching.

For the remaining three hours, he focused on training his punches.

It is with repeated practice day after day that every movement becomes a muscle memory engraved in his bones.

At the age of 25, he once faced Rojas in Houston, an American belt holder.

Roxas was aggressive, but Xu Can did not panic, but used his fast punching speed to calmly look for every opportunity to counterattack.

After a few rounds, Rojas's stamina was depleted.

Most of the people who live past the age of 90 often do these 3 things before the age of 40, and I hope you will take them all

At this time, Xu Can took advantage of the victory to chase and quickly attacked Roxas with punches, making him fall behind.

In the end, Xu Can won the competition and became the new world boxing champion.

Gladwell once said, "The reason why people think of genius as extraordinary is not that they are superhuman, but that they put in continuous effort." ”

In this world, there has never been a one-step success, and there is no master who can achieve it in one stroke.

Any genius who has achieved extraordinary achievements in a certain field is inseparable from perseverance and perseverance.

Calm down, stabilize your heart, continue to cultivate your own pastoral, and one day you will usher in your own fruits.

Most of the people who live past the age of 90 often do these 3 things before the age of 40, and I hope you will take them all

Be diligent in reading and enrich your brain

Lin Yutang once said in "The Art of Reading": "Anyone who has no reading habit will completely fall into daily confinement all his life. ”

A person who doesn't like to read, their life can only be limited by the people around them, there is no way to distinguish between right and wrong, let alone the direction of life.

Only reading can allow you to hold a key in your hand, pull out the fog again and again in times of difficulty, and see a wider world.

Writer @王耳, once shared a true story.

A wealthy businessman in the town died unexpectedly in a car accident.

Because it happened so suddenly, he had not yet found a lawyer to make any wills.

Therefore, under the auspices of the elders, the property of the family is divided equally between the two sons.

These properties include houses, companies, shops, luxury cars, etc., as well as millions of bank deposits.

After dividing the property, the two sons disposed of completely differently, resulting in their subsequent lives being completely different.

The eldest son dropped out of school after getting the money, and he spent his days with a gang of thugs in the town, and he didn't do his job.

The pig friends and dog friends beside him instigated him to squander it one by one.

Soon after, all of his fortune was squandered by him, and he was imprisoned for committing crimes.

But the youngest son's life path is completely different.

After he got the inheritance, he directly chose to save the money.

Most of the people who live past the age of 90 often do these 3 things before the age of 40, and I hope you will take them all

At the same time, he handed over the business to his father's trusted subordinates.

He himself went abroad to study for a master's degree in business administration to learn the latest management concepts.

After graduating and returning to China, he reformed and innovated the industry left by his father, transforming and iterating the family business.

After a few years, he established himself in the business world, and his business expanded several times.

Media person @良Master said: "Books read before the age of 40 are a stable and lasting source of knowledge. It will propel you to become a rational middle-aged person. ”

If a person does not have knowledge in his head, even if he has mountains of gold and silver, he will inevitably end up sitting on empty mountains.

For ordinary people, the greatest significance of reading is to better grasp the card of destiny.

Not only will it be able to solve all kinds of problems in your life with ease, but it will also make your heart more abundant and grounded.

The books you read when you were young and the hardships you have suffered will eventually become the hard armor for the rest of your life.

Most of the people who live past the age of 90 often do these 3 things before the age of 40, and I hope you will take them all

Keep moving and refuse internal friction

Many times, it is never the event itself that makes us miserable, but the fact that we think too much about ourselves.

Excessive anxiety and internal friction will only make people stagnate and increase their troubles.

Only by reducing unnecessary internal friction and increasing execution can we find the best solution to the problem.

Writer Fan Haitao recorded his own story in the book "Thirty No Limits".

At the age of 30, she decided to study oral history at Columbia University in the United States.

But around her, there were voices of opposition everywhere, which made her fall into deep internal friction for a while.

Friends persuaded her that it was really a pity to give up a stable job, and she only went abroad at this age, would it be too late, and would she achieve nothing at that time;

Relatives said that she was too unfilial to go abroad regardless of her mother's health.

These distractions tormented her to sleep and eat poorly, and she became thinner and thinner.

But after learning the hard way, she decided to listen to her inner voice and take action.

She felt that instead of being anxious and miserable all day long, she should take action.

Most of the people who live past the age of 90 often do these 3 things before the age of 40, and I hope you will take them all

So, she began to stop her distracting thoughts, and with an optimistic and positive attitude, she began to study for the GRE exam.

She would often study until the wee hours of the morning in the unheated classroom, and would get up from her bed before going to bed and call out to her sleeping husband to discuss problems.

With the accumulation of a large amount of knowledge, the uncertainties became clearer and clearer, and her heart became more and more determined.

Later, she broke through many difficulties, successfully received the admission notice, and finally fulfilled her dream of studying abroad.

Every time she recalls the past, she will sigh with special emotion: "Thank you so much for acting in time." ”

When she returned to China after 2 years of studying abroad, she received various job offers in China.

Shi Xinyue said in "Self-Consistency": "Opportunities are tried, not thought out, and it is not advisable to be resourceful and indecisive." ”

Whether a person can achieve success or not, in the final analysis, depends on execution.

Once you think too much, you'll be trapped in anxiety; If you hesitate, you will be exhausted by internal exhaustion.

Improving execution and taking action is the best panacea to cure anxiety, and it is also the fastest path to success.

Many times in life, we are always envious of the rich and leisurely middle-aged life of others.

As everyone knows, such a good life is based on the praise accumulated step by step when I was young.

Only by polishing skills and cultivating skills can we reap more remarkable achievements;

Only by insisting on reading and improving knowledge can we see a broader world;

Only by improving execution and rejecting internal friction can we achieve more dazzling results.

For the rest of my life, I hope you and I can have enough capital and confidence to live elegantly and calmly in the second half of our lives.

Author | Shuxin, who likes to walk in the text, feels the beauty and warmth of the soul being redeemed!