
How do people love themselves? Netizen: Treat yourself as a child and raise yourself again

author:Pink sweet peach peach

Think of yourself as a child and raise yourself all over again! Comfort yourself when you're sad, allow yourself to make mistakes once in a while, and let yourself go! Make peace with yourself!

Just summarize your mistakes and correct them after you make them! Give yourself permission not to be perfect! Allow yourself to be mediocre! As long as you're happy! Don't care what anyone thinks! Your own feelings come first!

How do people love themselves? Netizen: Treat yourself as a child and raise yourself again

I will always be completely and absolutely in charge of myself, accept everything about myself, and the good and the bad are all myself.

How do people love themselves? Netizen: Treat yourself as a child and raise yourself again

It's almost the same as me, haha, I have to open the shopping app every day!

How do people love themselves? Netizen: Treat yourself as a child and raise yourself again

I am very willing to buy things for myself, but it is easy to belittle and deny myself, and often have internal friction!

How do people love themselves? Netizen: Treat yourself as a child and raise yourself again

It's so hard to love yourself, I feel like I've already entered a vicious circle, the worse it gets, the more resentful it is, and the worse it is. I can't be my own teacher and parent for such a bad person, why can others get on the right track and develop good habits from a young age, but it's so difficult for me to even fight against my own emotions!

How do people love themselves? Netizen: Treat yourself as a child and raise yourself again

Now I feel like I'm slowly gaining self-confidence!

How do people love themselves? Netizen: Treat yourself as a child and raise yourself again

In the past, I would wait for what I wanted, wait for others to give it to me, and hope that others would give it to me, but now I give it to myself!

How do people love themselves? Netizen: Treat yourself as a child and raise yourself again
How do people love themselves? Netizen: Treat yourself as a child and raise yourself again

I didn't know how to love my neighbor before loving myself,

so that he suffered a great loss,

Now I've learned to be selfish,

Love yourself well,

It hurts like a daughter!