
In '08, I was admitted to university and asked my dad for tuition, and my stepmother's words made me unable to let go for many years

author:Osmanthus in autumn


Text/Osmanthus Material/Zheng Xiuwen

(This article is created based on the life experience of the people around you, in order to complete the structure of the article, some plots are slightly fictionalized, please read rationally)

When I was 5 years old, my father and my mother divorced because of their relationship. After the divorce, my mom asked for custody of me. Since then, my mother and I have lived a simple life in a 10-square-meter rental house.

In 2008, I was admitted to university, and my mother couldn't make up enough for me to pay for my tuition, so I went to my dad to ask for money, and my stepmother's words kept me from letting go for many years.

In 1986, my mother graduated from junior high school, did not enter high school, worked in the family farm for two years, and went to work in a factory in Guangdong with her cousin. Half a year later, at a gathering of friends, I met a fellow villager from the same county.

After my mother and this fellow villager became acquainted, with the increase in the number of interactions, the two got closer and closer.

Because the two of them don't work in the same factory, my mother's fellow works in an electronics factory, because the distance is not too far, my mother and this fellow meet once every three or five days.

This fellow took special care of my mother, and when there was someone in a foreign land who often shushed me and asked for warmth, my mother gradually developed feelings for this fellow.

My mother's fellow is called Zheng Cheng, Zheng Cheng is the team leader in their factory, one day after work Zheng Cheng asked my mother: "He Mei, our factory is ready to expand the scale and recruit a group of employees, are you interested in coming to work in our factory?" ”

My mother heard that Zheng Cheng's factory was recruiting workers, and after a few months of getting along, she also wanted to work in the same place as Zheng Cheng, and after the two got off work, they didn't have to run back and forth with Zheng Cheng. After work, the two of them can go to eat together.

"It's good to go to work in your factory, you can help me sign up, when is the interview?" You'll let me know when the time comes. My mother said to Zheng Cheng.

"You are new to Chinese, pre-job training, if you are qualified, you can officially sign a contract to work in our factory." Then I'll help you sign up first. Zheng Cheng added.

Zheng Cheng originally wanted my mother to work in the same place with him. When my mother agreed to work in his factory, he was overjoyed. When I went back to work, I immediately signed up for my mother.

Half a month later, my mother quit her job at the factory and officially went to work in the electronics factory where Zheng Cheng worked. After passing the training and assessment, my mother officially became an employee of the electronics factory.

After being together often, the relationship between my mother and Zheng Cheng became stronger and stronger, both of them felt that they were the person they were looking for, and after more than a year of love, my mother and my father came back from Guangdong together, returned to my father's hometown, and discussed the marriage of the two.

In '08, I was admitted to university and asked my dad for tuition, and my stepmother's words made me unable to let go for many years

My grandmother's house is an ordinary family on the edge of the town, and my father's house is in another town, although they both live in the town, but the two families are separated by the two farthest counties and towns, from my mother's house to my father's house is more than 65 kilometers, and next to my father's house is another urban jurisdiction.

In the past, the woman's family usually sent someone to the man's house to inquire, but my mother was too far away from my father's house, and even if I inquired, I couldn't find out what the affairs of my father's family were and what the family background was.

My grandmother objected to my mother's marriage and was worried that my mother would not marry well, but my mother was only 18 or 19 years old at that time, which was the age when she was hazy about love and the age of longing for love.

In order to achieve the goal of marriage, my mother lied to my grandmother that she was already pregnant with a child, and if she didn't get married, she would be pregnant.

In the 80s and 90s, people's thinking was still relatively conservative, and if anyone had an unmarried pregnant girl, the people in the village would know about it, and they would have to drown people with spit.

Unlike those who are pregnant out of wedlock now, as long as your parents don't say it, who will care about you? At that time, if your daughter was disobedient and did something she shouldn't do, she not only lost the face of her parents, but also the face of her relatives.

My grandmother was afraid that she would lose face because of her daughter, she listened to my mother's lies, and hurriedly handled my mother's marriage, just like that, my mother's goal was achieved, Zheng Cheng and my mother officially became husband and wife, but because the age did not reach the legal age, they did not register when they got married. (Later, I was of legal age to register for the book.) But not long after the registration, because of my dad's betrayal, they divorced again).

A year after getting married, my mother gave birth to me, and Zheng Cheng became my father, and when I registered, my mother learned that my father was 7 years older than her, but at this time, the raw rice had been cooked into cooked rice, and it was normal for men to be 7 years older than women.

They have all become husband and wife, and they have children, so my mother doesn't care so much about my dad, but she always has a thorn in her heart, and she always feels that she was deceived by my dad.

After marriage, there is no more of the pre-marriage me, more of the hard work of raising children, and a bunch of trivial things in the face of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

My dad was a bit of a machismo, he thought that all housework should be done by women, and he and my mom sometimes got into arguments over housework. When they quarrel, sometimes they will have a cold war, ignoring each other for a few days or even half a month.

My mom is a very delicate woman, she can tolerate this, and my mom thinks that my dad is like a different person when he gets married, and he doesn't love her anymore. Once people's cognition changes, and no one resolves it in time, it will become more and more extreme.

My dad and my mom started to quarrel, from a small quarrel in three days to a big quarrel in five days, and no matter how good the relationship was, it would be exhausted in the quarrel.

At this time, in order to escape from arguing with my mother all day, my father chose to go to Guangdong to work, leaving my mother alone to live with my grandparents.

In '08, I was admitted to university and asked my dad for tuition, and my stepmother's words made me unable to let go for many years

Since ancient times, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a difficult problem, my father and my mother have a bad relationship, plus she and my grandmother have different ideas about teaching children, my mother and my grandmother often have conflicts because of educating me.

My mom had a cleanliness fetish, and my grandma was a very casual person, my mom wouldn't let me sit on the floor and play, and she asked me to wash my hands before every meal. My grandmother is different, she thinks that children must be grounded, and down-to-earth children will have strong resistance. My grandmother's philosophy was that my dad's generation who didn't crawl on the ground and grow up, the more squeamish the child, the more likely it was to get sick.

The relationship with my husband is not handled well, and the relationship with my mother-in-law is not handled well, and my mother feels that I don't know how long this marriage can last. The trigger for their divorce was more than half a year after my dad went to Guangdong.

Without his wife's warm care, not long after my father went to Guangdong, his thinking also changed, and he secretly hid from my mother and looked for a lover outside. and his lover lived a life of a home away from home.

My dad is not bad-looking, 1.76 meters tall, he is a handsome guy when he dresses up a little, he declares that he is not married outside, and 90% of women will believe it.

If you don't want people to know, unless you don't do it, my dad has a lover outside again, and it reached my mother's ears after more than half a year, because he went to work and didn't send the money home for several months.

My mom couldn't stand my dad's betrayal in the end, and finally chose to divorce, I was only a few years old when they divorced, and after the divorce, my mom asked for custody of me, and my dad only had to pay me child support every month. (But then in fact, after the divorce, my dad never took care of me and didn't give me much child support.) I've been haunted by this for years. )

After the divorce, my mother didn't dare to go back to her parents' house, because when she married my father, my grandmother didn't agree to her marriage, and now that she is divorced again, how can she have the face to go back to her parents' house?

After learning the hard way, my mother decided to rent a house in the city, but she didn't have much money, so she finally rented a small house of 10 square meters and took me to live in the county alone.

During the day, she worked as a cashier in the supermarket, while I went to kindergarten nearby, and at night when she didn't have a job, she went out to set up a stall or find odd jobs to support the family.

How difficult it is for a woman to live with a child of a few years old is only known to my mother. In order to save money, my mother picked up the unwanted vegetables in the supermarket and brought them back. Some of them are overnight, and some of the leaves are rotten and don't look good, so the supermarket won't deal with them.

After my mother picked it up, she threw away the rotten parts, and fried the selected parts, cleaned them and fried them. Even if it's a bad dish, but we think it's very delicious when we eat it, and the poor can just eat enough. How can you pay so much attention? (Actually, I can't pay attention to it)

After my mom and my dad divorced, she was bent on raising me alone, and I learned to cook my own rice and noodles when I was 7 years old. Even if my mom wasn't home, I wouldn't be starving.

In '08, I was admitted to university and asked my dad for tuition, and my stepmother's words made me unable to let go for many years

One day after school, I finished the homework assigned by the teacher as usual, and there was a bit of homework that night, and after finishing the homework, I realized that it was almost dark. Winter days are short, so I have to cook for myself quickly. With this in mind, I started cooking.

That night, I didn't know how to do it, the gas stove couldn't catch fire, and that night my mother finished her supermarket work and went to do odd jobs, and I waited hungry until about nine o'clock, and I was so sleepy that I fell asleep.

When my mom came back, it was almost 10 o'clock, and every time I went home, she would ask me if I had dinner with concern, and I didn't know if it was a grievance or something that day, and when she asked me, I cried all of a sudden. I told her that the gas stove was broken and she hadn't eaten yet.

A seven or eight-year-old child, who is alone at home, will not get the gas stove when it is broken, so he can only wait for the adults to come back hungry, my mother listened to me and said that she did not eat, she quickly went out and bought me some food to come back to let me fill my hunger.

When I was in the third grade of elementary school, my mother's job in the supermarket was changed to a tally clerk, and after sorting the goods, she had half a day to rest, and she used this half day to do odd jobs, as long as there was an opportunity to make money, she would not let go.

She often said to me, you are still young, your task is to study hard, and she hopes that I can go to high school and college in the future, so that she can rely on me in the future.

And since I was a child, I have witnessed my mother constantly working to make money in order to live, and she is not good at studying, how can she buy a big house and live a good life in the future?

Since I was a child, I lived with her in a 10-square-meter rented house, I never dared to bring my classmates to my house to play, I had strong self-esteem because I was afraid that my classmates would laugh at me, because my home except for a bed, there was no decent furniture, not even a toilet, so it was convenient to go to the public toilet next to the building.

A good teacher can change the fate of a student's life, when I was in the fourth grade of primary school, the Chinese teacher who taught me was transferred away, and a new female teacher was replaced as my homeroom teacher, this female teacher was different, she was very good at observing students, after she took over teaching our class, she understood the actual situation of my family, she did not discriminate against me, but often encouraged me to study hard.

Maybe I like her teaching method very much, after she taught our class, I think learning Chinese is very interesting, I used to hate the ancient poems, under her explanation, I actually learned with relish, no pressure at all, and mathematics is my strength, that semester final exam, I actually rushed to the first place in the class. And the overall score is far ahead, and my teachers and classmates are impressed with me.

Later, this teacher taught me until I graduated from primary school, and I was admitted to the key junior high school in the county with excellent results. In the three years of junior high school, my grades have always been among the best, and after graduating from junior high school, I was admitted to the key high school in the county.

In order not to fall behind in my studies for three years of high school, I lived on campus from Monday to Saturday, and only went home to eat on Sunday afternoon to improve my food, which was also the warmest and happiest day for my mother.

On Sundays, my mom usually doesn't take odd jobs after finishing her work in the supermarket, and at three or four o'clock, she is busy in the corridor outside the rented house, and the house we rented is at the end of the corridor.

In '08, I was admitted to university and asked my dad for tuition, and my stepmother's words made me unable to let go for many years

On Sundays, school ends at 4:30 p.m., and I get on my bike and head home, and I can get home in 15 minutes without traffic jams.

Often when I come home, my mom has already prepared my favorite meals, and I can only go home once a week, and the meals at home are delicious. My mom wasn't in a hurry to eat at this time, she watched me eat from the side.

Seeing me gobbling up, she often reminded me: "Xiuwen, eat slowly, eat slowly, and no one will earn food with you." You eat when you're full, Mom. "The way my mother looks at me is always the kind of mother who is full of love for her children.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, I felt sour when I watched my mother slowly grow from a young girl to a middle-aged aunt for me. A relative once persuaded her to find someone to live with again, but after a marital injury, she finally refused, she didn't want me to be hurt on the way to grow up.

Sometimes I look at my mother's aging back, and I secretly swear in my heart that I must get ahead and let my mother live a good life. In the three years of high school, I never dared to stop studying, I took a break when I was tired of studying, and asked my teachers and classmates if I didn't understand.

Due to my own efforts, my grades in high school were still good, and I performed normally in the college entrance examination, and I estimated that my score could reach the first line.

Later, the college entrance examination score came down, I was 15 points more than the estimated score, when the college entrance examination volunteered, my mother wanted me to be a teacher, she said that being a teacher has two summer vacations and holidays, but I later combined my interests and hobbies, and filled in the medical major.

Later, I received the admission letter of the first choice of the university as I wished, and on the day I received the letter, my mother gave herself a day off not to go to work, and cooked a table of good dishes for me, congratulations to me.

In order to make up for the tuition of the university, I worked in a hotel in the county seat, although I was so tired that I couldn't straighten my waist every day, but I thought that I would be able to enter the university gate soon, and I persevered no matter how tired I was.

Just when I was going to school in 15 days, I came home from a busy job at the hotel and saw my mother curled up in bed with a very painful expression.

I asked her worriedly, "Mom, what's wrong with you?" Do you need to go to the hospital? I'll take you to the hospital. ”

"Maybe it's the old problem again, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, I don't need to go to the hospital, I've already taken medicine, just lie down for a while."

My mom comforted me and said she thought she would be relieved of the pain by lying down for half a day as usual. Who knew that in the middle of the night, she was getting more and more painful, and she was rolling on the bed in pain.

I was so frightened that I went to knock on my neighbor's Aunt Wang's door in the middle of the night, and with the help of my neighbor's Aunt Wang's family, I took my mother to the hospital.

In '08, I was admitted to university and asked my dad for tuition, and my stepmother's words made me unable to let go for many years

The emergency physician diagnosed acute appendicitis and necessitated surgery. When I was 18 years old, I was so scared, I was afraid that my mother would have surgery and she would never wake up.

Later, I went to my uncle who lived in the county seat, he was my mother's cousin, and with his help, my mother had a smooth operation. A few days after the surgery, my mom was worried about spending too much money, so she was discharged from the hospital.

My college tuition, if my mom hadn't been sick, she would have saved me enough, but when she got sick, she spent half of the money.

When I came back from the hospital, one night, I was cooking, my mother stopped me, she said a little sadly: "Your mother can't make up for your tuition, it's all because of my uncompetitive body, I got sick at this juncture, and I put your tuition into it." ”

"Ask your dad to borrow 1200, he hasn't taken care of you for so many years, if I wasn't sick, I wouldn't let you ask him to borrow." My mom looked at the 10-watt electric light and said worriedly.

"Mom, can he borrow it if he asks him to borrow it? Then I'll try it at his house tomorrow. I replied to my mom's words and continued to cook dinner for the two of us.

When I was in the fifth grade, my dad only gave me a few hundred yuan for living expenses, and then he didn't give me any more. After he remarried, my mom and I never asked him for a penny.

That night, lying in bed, I wondered how I would ask him to give money when I went to my father's house tomorrow. Because of the burden on my heart, I didn't sleep very well that night.

The next morning, I didn't go to the hotel to do odd jobs, so I took the earliest bus from the county seat to my father's house, and when I went to my father's house, my third uncle told me that my father had opened a repair shop in the town. I asked for the address and went back to town to find my dad.

When I walked to a ×× repair shop and stopped, from the outside, I didn't see my dad in the shop, there was a middle-aged woman sitting in the shop, I guessed she was my stepmother.

I asked her where my dad had gone? My stepmother told me that he was in the store next door, asking the neighbor about something, telling me to wait and my dad would come back.

I stood in the store and waited for about 5 minutes, my dad came back outside, and when he saw me, my dad was quite surprised: "Xiuwen, why are you here?" ”

"Dad, I was admitted to university, it is a college in another province, but the tuition fee is not enough, and my mother asked me to ask you to give 1,200 yuan. Mom was sick some time ago, and the operation cost some money, so the tuition fee was not enough. With that, I glanced at my dad with my eyes.

While my dad and I were talking, my stepmom was outside greeting customers and she didn't hear our conversation.

"I don't have any money on me, I'll ask your aunt." After my dad finished speaking, he went outside to discuss with my stepmother. After two or three minutes, they walked in one after the other.

The stepmother said: "Xiuwen, don't look at the store I have with your father now, in fact, our business income is only enough for daily expenses, and there is no extra money, you want as much as 1200 all at once, we really can't take it out." ”

In '08, I was admitted to university and asked my dad for tuition, and my stepmother's words made me unable to let go for many years

"Zheng Cheng, give her 300, no matter how much she has, our family now has two children to raise, including your mother, there are 5 mouths to eat every day, and our family has to live."

I heard my stepmother say to give me 300, but only gave 1/4 of the money, so where can I make up the rest, I am anxious when I think about it.

I hurriedly said, "Auntie, I won't ask for the money you gave in vain, and when I graduate and have a job, I will pay you back." After I finished speaking, I looked at my stepmother with eager eyes.

"However, it's all given to you, and we have to live." After my stepmother finished speaking, she went into the store and opened the drawer and counted 300 yuan from the drawer for me.

I looked at the 300 yuan, although I really wanted to take it, but the 300 yuan was not enough for my tuition and fees. Seeing that my stepmother was so stingy, I was so angry that I didn't even want 300 yuan and left.

My stepmother said behind my back, "You don't want it, so don't say that your dad won't give it in the future."

I was holding back my tears and not letting them flow out, but after listening to her words, my tears still couldn't help but flow.

When I got home, my mom heard that I hadn't borrowed any money and cursed my dad angrily. However, at noon on the third day, my dad still pooled 1,200 yuan for me and sent it to me, as for how he made it, I didn't ask.

But the scene when my stepmother refused to give me money made me unable to let go of it for many years.

After graduating from college, I chose to go back to the county to work in order to take care of my mother. In the 4th year of work, I found someone who loved me, and later we bought a house in the county seat. My mom lives with me.

One day, in my sixth year on the job, I was working the night shift as usual, and I was in the office when I heard someone outside shouting, "Where's the doctor?" ”

Hearing the noise outside, I hurried out of the office and saw a middle-aged man holding a middle-aged woman, looking anxiously towards me.

When they got closer, I saw that this wasn't my stepmother? My stepmom's attention was on her illness, and she didn't even recognize me.

After careful questioning, I initially suspected that my stepmother was suffering from kidney stones, and I examined her the next day, which confirmed my suspicion that my stepmother had multiple kidney stones.

In '08, I was admitted to university and asked my dad for tuition, and my stepmother's words made me unable to let go for many years

At noon the next day, my father came and asked me how to deal with my stepmother's illness. I remembered what my stepmom did to me when I was admitted to university, and I didn't want to give her too much advice.

Later, I thought about it, my job is to save lives, people may have a selfish side, and my stepmother was thinking more about her own family at that time.

Later, I gave her advice and contacted the best surgeon in the hospital to perform surgery on her, and the operation was successful.

One Sunday, after my stepmother recovered, I was cleaning up at home, and my dad brought my stepmother to my house to thank me and buy a lot of gifts.

I asked my husband to cook for them, and at the dinner table, my stepmother was very embarrassed and said, "Xiuwen, I was sick this time, thanks to your help, I recovered so quickly." ”

My dad also said next to him: "Xiuwen, what you have to learn that year, my dad hopes you don't take it to heart, don't blame your aunt, we really didn't have that much money at that time." ”

"Your aunt was told later, and she regretted it too, and later she asked her brother to borrow 400 yuan to get together 1,200 yuan for you."

After listening to my father's words, I instantly let go of my years of obsession, and my stepmother said that I hope we can interact as a family in the future. Let the grievances and grievances of the past go with the wind.

Later, I thought, people should be generous, people are not saints, who can be without fault?