
Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

author:Tan Gongzi emotional

With the hit of the TV series "The Story of Rose" starring "Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei, the plot has also sparked heated discussions.

Among them, "Huang Yimei" played by Liu Yifei unfortunately met the scumbag "Fang Xiewen", which made many netizens gnash their teeth, and some people even ran to Fang Xiewen's actor Lin Gengxin's Weibo to scold.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

Fortunately, the ending of the TV series was very happy, and Huang Yimei finally woke up, decisively said goodbye to Fang Xiewen, and strode forward.

I have to say that Liu Yifei's vision for selecting scripts has become better and better in recent years. She has debuted in the entertainment industry for many years, and she has a very clear positioning for her acting career, and she also knows what kind of role she is suitable for.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

Like "Menghualu", "Going to a Windy Place" and "The Story of Rose" in the past two years, these three dramas have achieved a win-win situation in word-of-mouth and ratings, and also made Liu Yifei's acting skills more and more perfect.

As an 85 flower who debuted earlier, she has been popular for nearly 20 years, not simply by her beauty, but also by strength.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

However, it is such a talented and good-looking female star who is recognized as a "fairy", but she has also been hurt by a scumbag.

On June 28, at the 29th Magnolia Awards ceremony, Liu Yifei appeared as the overseas promotion ambassador of Chinese TV programs. During the live broadcast with Li Xiao, the screenwriter of "The Story of Rose", Liu Yifei talked about her understanding and feelings about the role of rose. She also bluntly said:

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

"Actually, I'm not like a rose. Rose's experience is not my experience in real life, but the only thing I have had, meeting a scumbag, I have encountered. ”

She also added: "Regarding roses, I just want to say that the ones she has encountered are really not scum. ”

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

The subtext of this sentence is obvious, she has met a scumbag who is more scumbag than the character Huang Yimei in reality, but she did not directly name her name.

This sentence caused an uproar on the Internet, and everyone speculated who the scumbag Liu Yifei was talking about?

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

As we all know, Liu Yifei has since her debut, and the only relationship she has admitted is with Korean actor Song Seung-hun.

The two sparked because of the play, and after the relationship was made public, it caused quite a stir for a while. Because everyone is curious about the eyes of the immortals to pick men, after knowing that it is Song Chengxian, they also received a lot of blessings, after all, Song Chengxian's appearance is quite high, and Liu Yifei is a handsome and beautiful couple.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

Unfortunately, the relationship lasted less than three years before it ended in a breakup. The two revealed that the reason for the breakup was that they were separated from each other, getting together less and leaving more, and their relationship gradually faded, without much explanation.

This made netizens point the finger of the "scumbag" at Song Chengxian, and they all "made up" the plot.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

For example, Song Chengxian made up a series of things and asked Liu Yifei why she didn't go to South Korea, and after getting her, she got rid of it immediately, her brain hole is rich and big enough.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

Another man who has a close relationship with Liu Yifei is her godfather Chen Jinfei. Tan Gongzi wrote before that the reason why Liu Yifei entered the showbiz was due to the great help of her godfather.

And this godfather knew her mother when she was young and has been friends for many years.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

Moreover, in "The Story of Rose", it is written that Chen Jinfei is the producer. At that time, this information was also on the hot search, and everyone knew why Liu Yifei was able to get the resources of this drama.

Therefore, some netizens ridiculed whether the "scumbag" in Liu Yifei's mouth alluded to his godfather, who loved and hated him.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

Of course, the above is just the words of netizens and nonsense, who the real scumbag is, only Liu Yifei knows in his heart.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

Many people sighed that even the beautiful fairy sister would be scum. It seems that when you meet a love that is not going well, you must not have internal friction, don't accuse yourself of not being good enough, maybe more problems lie with the other party.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag, and several men who had a relationship with her could not escape the brains of netizens

Being beautiful is an advantage, and living a beautiful life is the ability. Managing love and marriage well is a compulsory lesson in everyone's life, just having beauty does not mean that you will become a winner in life, the combination of beauty + wisdom is the invincible king bomb.



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