
#鲁迅和胡适谁的文学水平更高#关于鲁迅和胡适的文学水平, this is a question of personal preference and subjective evaluation, so there is no clear answer

author:Kezhen looks at history

#鲁迅和胡适谁的文学水平更高#关于鲁迅和胡适的文学水平, this is a question of personal preference and subjective evaluation, so there is no clear answer. Everyone's understanding and preference for literature is different, which makes Lu Xun and Hu Shi have unique and incomparable characteristics in terms of literary level.

Lu Xun is one of the most important writers in the history of modern Chinese literature, and he is known for revealing social problems and human dilemmas in depth. His works are full of a strong critical spirit and profound thinking, which have had a great impact on shaping China's modern consciousness.

Hu Shi is known as the father of the modern Chinese prose movement and made outstanding contributions to the vernacular prose movement. He advocated modernization and internationalization, and helped promote the development of China's overall intellectual level and ideology.

Therefore, it is impossible to simply answer who is higher, and both have made outstanding contributions in their respective fields in historical evaluations. The best way to properly evaluate the literary quality of two writers is to read and appreciate their works, feel them for yourself and form your own evaluation.

#鲁迅和胡适谁的文学水平更高#关于鲁迅和胡适的文学水平, this is a question of personal preference and subjective evaluation, so there is no clear answer
#鲁迅和胡适谁的文学水平更高#关于鲁迅和胡适的文学水平, this is a question of personal preference and subjective evaluation, so there is no clear answer
#鲁迅和胡适谁的文学水平更高#关于鲁迅和胡适的文学水平, this is a question of personal preference and subjective evaluation, so there is no clear answer

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