
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fire Evil and Plague and Plague Qi

author:Word and body inheritance
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fire Evil and Plague and Plague Qi

The fiery fire belongs to the birth of Yangsheng

Xiao Wang asked again: "Teacher Xie, let me ask you about the etiology and pathogenesis of fire evil in traditional Chinese medicine." I don't quite understand the concept yet, I hope you can guide me. ”

Teacher Xie nodded, smiled and said, "Very good, Xiao Wang, the etiology and pathogenesis of fire evil is an important part of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, you have to listen carefully." ”

Teacher Xie then explained: "From the spring equinox to the beginning of summer, it is the season of fire and energy, and the fiery fire belongs to the prosperity of the yang, but it also has the distinction between inside and outside. The heat of the external feeling mostly belongs to external lewdness, such as wind heat, summer heat, damp heat, etc.; The endogenous heat is often caused by the imbalance of yin and yang qi and blood in the internal organs, such as inflammation of the heart, excessive liver fire, and rebellion of gallbladder fire. ”

Xiao Wang recorded it intently, and then asked: "Teacher Xie, you just mentioned that 'Yang Sheng is too much, and when it becomes a fierce fire and dissipates the body's righteous qi, it is a disease and evil (called 'strong fire'). 'What is the danger of strong fire to the human body?' ”

Teacher Xie smiled slightly and continued to explain: "Strong fire refers to the excessive yang energy, which consumes the righteous energy of the human body. The fiery evil burns the flames, opens the flames, and hurts people usually has symptoms such as high fever, vicious heat, polydipsia, sweating, and pulse count. When the fire evil dissipates the righteous qi of the human body, it may lead to problems such as upset, insomnia, manic delusion, and delirium. ”

Xiao Wang nodded, with a serious look on his face: "Teacher Xie, I understand." Another point, I have heard that the heat can also deplete the yin and jin, leading to symptoms such as thirst, dry throat, dry tongue, constipation and drowning, what is going on? ”

Teacher Xie looked at Xiao Wang with a smile and approval: "Very good, you remember very carefully." That's right, the fiery evil is most likely to force the Jin to leak out, dissaliate the yin fluid, and cause the Yin and Jin to be depleted, resulting in thirst and drinking, dry throat, constipation and drowning and other symptoms. ”

Xiao Wang has more and more records in his notebook, and he is full of interest in the theory of fire evil in Chinese medicine. "Teacher Xie, will the heat cause other symptoms?" He continued to ask.

Teacher Xie nodded and said, "Yes, the fiery evil invades the human body, often burning the liver meridians, dissipating yin fluid, and causing the muscles and veins to be nourished, resulting in high fever, coma, convulsions of the limbs, eyes looking upward, neck stiffness, angular arch reflexion and other symptoms, which is called 'hot extreme wind'. The fiery evil is also easy to burn the pulse and veins, forcing blood to act in vain, resulting in a variety of blood syndromes, such as vomiting blood, blood in the stool, blood in the urine, skin spots, collapse and leakage, etc. At the same time, the heat may also gather locally, corroding the flesh and blood and causing carbuncles and sores. ”

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fire Evil and Plague and Plague Qi

Xiao Wang listened with relish and asked curiously, "Teacher Xie, will that anger be too strong and have an impact on other viscera?" ”

Teacher Xie nodded and smiled: "That's right, the fire evil is too grand to punish the gold and hurt the lungs." When the heat invades the lungs, symptoms such as wheezing, fever, coughing up blood, and blood will appear. ”

Plague and plague

Xiao Wang recorded intently, and then asked, "Teacher Xie, I heard that there is a very serious acute disease called plague in Chinese medicine, what is it?" ”

Teacher Xie smiled and explained: "Epidemic disease is a highly contagious disease caused by feeling the poison of epidemic disease. They are usually highly contagious, spread rapidly, severely ill, and cause high morbidity and mortality. If there is an epidemic, we have to know the epidemic. ”

"The main pathogenic characteristic of epidemic gas is that it is highly contagious and epidemic." Teacher Xie's voice was calm and clear, "The epidemic can spread among people through air, food, contact and other ways. ”

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fire Evil and Plague and Plague Qi

Xiao Wang couldn't help but feel vigilant, he understood the power of this contagion, and also deeply felt the vulnerability of people in the face of the epidemic.

"Therefore, the presence or absence of a history of exposure to epidemic gas is an important basis for diagnosing epidemic disease." Teacher Xie emphasized, "When we are in an area where the epidemic is prevalent, regardless of men, women, children, and people, whether they are strong or weak, anyone who touches it can get sick. ”

Xiao Wang couldn't help but feel a sense of alarm in his heart, and he realized how real and pervasive the threat posed by the epidemic was.

"The outbreak of epidemic gas can be a large-scale epidemic or a scattered occurrence." Teacher Xie's tone was serious, "This uncertainty makes people always vigilant and not careless. ”

"Most of the epidemic qi is the evil of heat and poison, and its sex is violent." Mr. Xie's tone revealed a deep understanding of this evil spirit, "Therefore, its injury and illness have the characteristics of rapid onset, ferociousness, change, and sinister condition. ”

Xiao Wang couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine, and he had a deeper understanding of the vicious nature of the epidemic.

"Critical symptoms such as fever, disturbing the nerves, blood, wind, and severe vomiting and diarrhea are common." Mr. Xie continued, "It is recorded in the "Treatise on Warm Epidemics" that some epidemic diseases 'die in the morning and evening, and those who are serious die instantly', which shows that the disease caused by epidemic qi is dangerous and the mortality rate is high. ”

"In the literature of traditional Chinese medicine, plague is also known as 'epidemic poison', 'epidemic gas', 'foreign qi', 'poisonous gas', 'perverse qi', 'plague' and so on. Plague is a highly contagious external disease that is different from the six prostitutions. Plague can be spread through a variety of routes, including airborne transmission, mouth and nose invasion, food, skin-to-skin contact, and mosquito bites. These routes will infect the human body with the evil qi of the epidemic, and the disease is similar, but the transmission mode is not the same. ”

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fire Evil and Plague and Plague Qi

"Teacher Xie, I'm sorry, I would like to ask for another consultation on the clinical manifestations and pattern analysis of the epidemic syndrome." Xiao Wang said.

Teacher Xie smiled slightly and said, "Epidemic syndrome, in clinical practice, its manifestations include rapid onset, violent onset, rapid transmission, and change. Fever, thirst, upset, short urine, red tongue, pulse flood, even rash, vomiting, convulsions, dizziness, etc. ”

Xiao Wang recorded intently, and he understood that this was precious knowledge of Chinese medicine.

"The epidemic causes disease, abrupt and violent, and the heat poison is repulsed, and the heat is high, accompanied by thirst, irritation, short urine, red tongue, and pulse flooding. At the same time, it is also easy to spread invagination, resulting in wind, blood, occlusion, rash, vomiting, convulsions, dizziness and other symptoms. The pathogenic characteristics of epidemic disease: first, it is highly contagious, once it is epidemic, regardless of men, women and children in the epidemic area, they will be sick; second, the onset is abrupt, the condition is critical, and the transmission is rapid; Third, the transmission route is mostly from the mouth and nose, which is both airborne and contact. Fourth, the formation and epidemic of epidemics require certain natural and social conditions, such as climate reversal, flooding, frequent wars, poverty, and extremely poor environmental sanitation. Fifth, there is a certain selectivity in the cause of epidemics, so 'cattle are not sick but sheep are not sick, chickens are sick but ducks are not sick, and humans are sick but birds and animals are not sick'. ”

Xiao Wang listened to it with relish and carefully wrote down this knowledge in his notebook.

"In addition, the key points of syndrome differentiation lie in the strong contagiousness, acute onset, severe disease, rapid transmission, and similar symptoms as the key points of syndrome differentiation." Teacher Xie concluded.

Attached to the "Eight Outlines of Dialectical Merger and Transformation Color Table"

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fire Evil and Plague and Plague Qi
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fire Evil and Plague and Plague Qi
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fire Evil and Plague and Plague Qi

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