
Doctors are also ordinary people, not gods, so ask Guanyin in times of crisis


The editor has been on the Internet for many years, and I have seen all kinds of news about keyboard warriors spraying doctors, and I am really angry! casually seek medical treatment, or even punch and kick, is it really muddy to be a doctor? In today's article, the editor will talk about how difficult it is for doctors, and those natural expectations, are they a little too unrealistic?

Doctors are also ordinary people, not gods, so ask Guanyin in times of crisis

First of all, we have to admit a basic common sense: doctors are human beings, not gods! They face high-intensity work pressure every day, bombarded with various incurable diseases in turn, and have to fight with the thesis data after work, how can they have spare time to play Hua Tuo Bian Que? If nothing else, let's just talk about ordinary outpatient clinics, dozens of patients wait to see them all day and night, one by one, they ask questions, explain their conditions, and deal with all kinds of questions from family members, and mistakes are inevitable. Besides, the doctors in the operating room, after a few hours of operation, are engrossed, and the consequences of a slight mistake can be a world of difference. In this case, you expect them to play perfectly every game without making a mistake? Isn't that a little too unreasonable?

Doctors are also ordinary people, not gods, so ask Guanyin in times of crisis

Think about it from another perspective, you yourself are surrounded by dozens of people asking the same questions every day, how many of them can be patient and good-natured? Doctors are also mortal and have their ups and downs, they are not AI robots and cannot be on standby 24 hours a day. In the face of patients and family members who do not understand, they will also have grievances and anger, but due to professional ethics, they can only suppress these emotions in the bottom of their hearts. I would like to say that the relationship between doctors and patients should be one of mutual respect, if the patient and the family are full of blind worship and unreasonable accusations, I wonder, in this environment, how can doctors perform at their best?

Furthermore, to put it bluntly, for those critically ill patients who are particularly critical, I really think that blindly trusting doctors sometimes does not help. What doctors can do is to do their best to develop a treatment plan based on their own expertise and experience, but sometimes the direction of the disease is really beyond human control. At that critical moment, perhaps prayer is more effective than questioning the doctor. Of course, I am not here to promote superstition, but to emphasize that medical treatment is sometimes a combination of science and miracles, doctors are working hard, and patients' families should also be mentally prepared.

Doctors are also ordinary people, not gods, so ask Guanyin in times of crisis

Finally, I would like to appeal to everyone to be more understanding and less critical. Doctors are not omnipotent, they also walk on a tightrope every day, under tremendous pressure. If you are not satisfied with the doctor's plan, you can seek a second opinion, but do not verbally attack or even violently respond to it. Try to put yourself in the doctor's shoes, and maybe you will understand more of their difficulties. Only when doctors and patients work together can we create a harmonious medical environment, so that doctors can truly save lives, rather than being worshiped as gods or criticized as prisoners.

Dear doctors, you have worked hard! Kudos to you guys! I hope you will not be affected by these rumors and continue to stick to the front line of saving lives and helping the wounded!

Doctors are also ordinary people, not gods, so ask Guanyin in times of crisis
Doctors are also ordinary people, not gods, so ask Guanyin in times of crisis