
Angelababy Shibuya street show is haute couture, bringing 17 million goods in one hour, and the fashion queen is upgraded again!

author:Funny breeze pY



Angelababy walks the streets of Shibuya, and her appearance is like a well-planned fashion show. The haute couture clothes she wears not only show her cool and elegant, but also a deep understanding of fashion. Her makeup is meticulous, and every detail reveals her unique vision of fashion. In Shibuya, which is at the forefront of fashion, Angelababy has undoubtedly become the center of attention. Every time she turns, every time she smiles, she feels her charm as a fashion leader. Netizens have left messages on social media, some praising her fashion sense, while others imitate her outfits in an attempt to capture the essence of her fashion.

Angelababy Shibuya street show is haute couture, bringing 17 million goods in one hour, and the fashion queen is upgraded again!

The amazing results of live streaming

In a recent livestream, Angelababy showcased her ability to wear haute couture as an everyday wear, a move that not only attracted more than 1 million online viewers, but also generated more than 17 million sales in less than an hour. Her ability to bring goods has been proven once again, whether it is a high-end luxury brand or an affordable brand, she can maximize the benefits of the brand. Netizens reacted enthusiastically to this, some said that "Sister Nose's ability to bring goods is really unmatched", and some joked that "watching Angelababy's live broadcast, I feel that I can also become a fashionista". This ability of hers has undoubtedly made her influence in the fashion industry to a higher level.

Angelababy Shibuya street show is haute couture, bringing 17 million goods in one hour, and the fashion queen is upgraded again!

Controversy and expectations in the fashion industry

Despite Angelababy's immense influence in the fashion industry, each of her appearances has also been accompanied by controversy. While other post-85 female stars have proven themselves through their acting skills and works, Angelababy seems to be more inclined to attract attention through beauty and couture. This approach may seem immature to some, and some even think that she has set a not-so-good example for other female stars. However, many netizens said that every look of Angelababy is exciting, and her changeable style can always surprise people. Netizens had a heated discussion in the comment area, some supported her fashion choices, and some hoped that she could make breakthroughs in other aspects.

Angelababy Shibuya street show is haute couture, bringing 17 million goods in one hour, and the fashion queen is upgraded again!

The expectations and ridicule of netizens

Every public appearance of Angelababy has become a hot topic among netizens. Recently, one of her looks once again sparked heated discussions among netizens. Her easy-to-handle "princess style", "hot girl style" and "daughter style" and other styles are eye-catching every time. Netizens left messages on social media, some saying that "I am always looking forward to Angelababy's next look", while others joked that "Angelababy's style is changeable, it is simply a chameleon in the fashion industry". This versatility of hers not only keeps her in the fashion industry in the spotlight, but also makes her fans look forward to her.

Angelababy Shibuya street show is haute couture, bringing 17 million goods in one hour, and the fashion queen is upgraded again!

Controversial summary

Angelababy's influence and controversy in the fashion industry coexist. Every appearance of her, whether it is through live streaming or daily street wear, has sparked a wide range of discussions. Her fashion choices, on the one hand, show her deep understanding of fashion and superb matching skills, on the other hand, it has also sparked some controversy about whether she relies too much on her external image. However, it is undeniable that Angelababy's influence in the fashion industry is huge, and her every attempt may become a bellwether for trends. The heated discussion among netizens in the comment section not only shows her popularity, but also reflects her versatility and complexity in the fashion industry.

Angelababy Shibuya street show is haute couture, bringing 17 million goods in one hour, and the fashion queen is upgraded again!
Angelababy Shibuya street show is haute couture, bringing 17 million goods in one hour, and the fashion queen is upgraded again!