
He Ziming's road to recovery from depression: how can his current wife become his salvation?

author:Funny breeze pY

He Ziming's new life: from depression to happiness


He Ziming recently publicly admitted the news of his remarriage, which surprised many people who follow him. He admitted that after divorcing his ex-wife He Jie, he went through a very difficult period and even suffered from severe depression. In those dark days, it was his current wife who never gave up, quit her job and took care of him wholeheartedly, helping him out of the haze. He Ziming's words made people full of curiosity and respect for his current wife. Netizens left messages saying: "This sister-in-law is really an angel! "He Ziming, this is true love! ”

He Ziming's road to recovery from depression: how can his current wife become his salvation?

He Jie's reaction: Is it to rub the heat or innocently lie down?

As soon as the news of He Ziming's remarriage came out, He Jie's name was inevitably mentioned again. Some netizens questioned that He Jie was taking this opportunity to gain popularity, thinking that she didn't care about her children after the divorce and was not qualified to mention He Ziming again. But some netizens said that He Jie, as a public figure, her name is always easy to be associated with her ex-husband's news, which does not mean that she is taking the initiative to gain popularity. Netizens have a lot of discussions about this: "He Jie is lying down, right?" "Isn't it okay to be okay after a divorce? ”

He Ziming's road to recovery from depression: how can his current wife become his salvation?

He Ziming's fitness meal: a sweet daily life

He Ziming posted a fitness meal for his current wife on social media, and the food in the photo is colorful and looks healthy and delicious. This gesture not only shows his cooking skills, but also reveals the sweetness of the daily life of the two. After seeing it, netizens said: "I ate this dog food!" "Is He Ziming going to transform into a food blogger? ”

He Ziming's road to recovery from depression: how can his current wife become his salvation?

He Jie's response: Silence is golden

In the face of all kinds of speculation and comments from the outside world, He Jie chose to remain silent. She didn't respond to anything on social media about the matter, which reassured some fans who supported her. They believe that He Jie's silence is the best respect for herself and others. Netizens also have different opinions on this: "Is He Jie proving himself with actions?" "Silence is sometimes the best answer. ”

He Ziming's road to recovery from depression: how can his current wife become his salvation?

Summary of the controversy: everyone is fine, why bother?

He Ziming's remarriage and He Jie's silence made the former couple the focus of public discussion again. Some people wish He Ziming to find new happiness, and some people feel distressed by He Jie's silence. But in any case, they have all found a new direction in their respective lives. Netizens also have a variety of opinions on this: "Everyone is fine, why bother?" "I hope they can all find their own happiness." ”

He Ziming's road to recovery from depression: how can his current wife become his salvation?

In this discussion about love, marriage, and life, everyone has their own opinions and positions. But in the end, we all hope that everyone can find their own happiness, whether it is He Ziming, He Jie, or everyone who continues to explore on the road of love.

He Ziming's road to recovery from depression: how can his current wife become his salvation?

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