
The 5 zodiac signs that are more blessed in later years: the year is gained, you meet nobles everywhere, and you will definitely come out in your life

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

As a unique symbol of Chinese culture, the zodiac not only carries people's expectations for the future, but also contains a deep understanding of the philosophy of life.

In the reincarnation of the zodiac, there are so many genera, as if they are treated very favorably by the years, and they are more blessed in their later years. Let's explore the "lucky stars" of these five zodiac circles in a relaxed and happy mood.

The 5 zodiac signs that are more blessed in later years: the year is gained, you meet nobles everywhere, and you will definitely come out in your life

"The dragon soars all over the world, and the evening scene is brilliant" - Chenlong

"The dragon soars all over the world, and the evening scene is brilliant", this statement not only contains the magnificent color of ancient mythology, but also entrusts the best wishes for the people who belong to the dragon.

In ancient poetry, the dragon is often given a symbol of otherworldliness, and Du Fu's "Twenty-two Rhymes for Wei Zuo Chengzhang" has a cloud: "The white is the head of the person, and the green cloud enters the strong heart." Although this poem does not directly describe the dragon, it seems to depict the indomitable, old and strong spiritual outlook of the dragon people.

There is a proverb: "There is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure." "The glory of the dragon in his later years is not only reflected in the success of his career, but also in the fact that he has become the spiritual pillar of the family and a model for future generations to learn.

Just like the ancient fashion of respecting the old and the virtuous, they use their wisdom and experience to contribute to the family and even the society, as the "Book of Rites: Qu Lishang" said: "Eighty rods in the court, ninety people, so that people can receive it." This glory in his later years is the highest praise for his life's struggle and dedication.

As the saying goes: "Ginger is old and spicy." These simple words are a profound reflection of respect for the wisdom and experience of the elderly.

People who belong to the dragon, with the accumulation of years, can not only show the "old and spicy" decisiveness in their careers, but also reflect the profound wisdom of life in handling family relationships and educating future generations. They are like old wines, the older they get, the more mellow they become, exuding a unique aroma that attracts the admiration and love of the people around them.

The life of a dragon person is a process of continuous exploration and transcendence.

Their ambition of "soaring all over the world", with the precipitation of time, finally bloomed in their later years with the brilliance of "evening glory".

It is not only a portrayal of personal destiny, but also an inspiration to all those who pursue their dreams and work tirelessly - no matter how old they are, as long as they have a dream in their hearts and are strong in their feet, they can live their own glory at every stage of life.

The 5 zodiac signs that are more blessed in later years: the year is gained, you meet nobles everywhere, and you will definitely come out in your life

"The snake walks straight, and the wisdom is far-reaching" - the snake

"The snake walks straight and the resourceful is far-reaching", this quote reminds people of the famous "farmer and snake" story in Aesop's Fables, although it warns against trusting the enemy easily, but also reflects the snake's agility and survival wisdom.

Looking to the East, in "Zhuangzi, Inner Chapter, Health Master", "Ku Ding Jie Niu" said through the mouth of Ku Ding: "According to the principles of heaven, criticize Da He, guide Da Yao, because it is certain." This philosophy is just like the serpent's people who are well versed in the world, flexible in response, and comfortable in complex environments, showing their far-reaching wisdom.

The ancient Chinese poet Lu You has a cloud in "Reading Books on a Winter Night": "The ancients spared no effort in learning, and the young and strong worked hard to achieve the old." Although this poem does not specifically refer to the serpents, it just reflects their unremitting efforts in their youth and the brilliance of their achievements in their later years. Those who belong to the snake are like the molting of the snake, which has undergone many self-innovations, and finally under the baptism of the years, wisdom and wealth are harvested together.

There is a proverb: "The road knows the horsepower, and the people will see the hearts of the people for a long time." "The resourcefulness and perseverance of the serpent man often take time to prove. In the modern world, as shown in Jack London's "Call of the Wild", the snake can always find a way out of the predicament with his keen insight and deep planning in the face of challenges, and finally win respect and success.

Looking at the ancient books again, in the 64 hexagrams of "Zhou Yi", the hexagram of "Xun is the wind" symbolizes suppleness and penetration, just like the agility of the snake, implying that the snake can adapt to the times, overcome rigidity with softness, and skillfully solve problems.

Just like the cosmology embodied in the modern literary work "The Three-Body Problem", wisdom and strategy are often more important than direct force, and the snake is a model of outwitting to win.

Snake people, with their wisdom, patience and flexibility, slowly unfold a wonderful picture on the stage of life. They taught us that true success does not lie in temporary gains and losses, but in how to move forward in twists and turns, find opportunities in changes, and finally achieve a double harvest of wisdom and wealth.

The 5 zodiac signs that are more blessed in later years: the year is gained, you meet nobles everywhere, and you will definitely come out in your life

"The horse is successful, and the blessing is long" - noon horse

"The horse is successful, the blessing is long", these eight characters not only contain the best wishes for the people who belong to the horse, but also remind people of the American writer Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" in the tenacious old fisherman, he with the indomitable spirit, sailed out of the boat alone, and fought against the big fish, although the process was difficult, but the persistence and courage, just like the spirit of the afternoon horse, finally won the respect and peace of mind.

This is in line with a Chinese saying: "Don't be afraid of slowness, only be afraid of standing." "No matter how the years change, the horse can always move forward with an unremitting fighting spirit.

There is a cloud in "Caigen Tan": "Those who have been in the bush for a long time will fly high, and the pioneer will be Xie Duzao." This sentence has a special meaning for the horse people. They may work silently when they are young, but just like the birds of Fuku, once the time is ripe, they will soar into the sky and achieve extraordinary achievements.

The seemingly endless running and pursuit of those young people is precisely for the ultimate leap and the realization of "horse to success".

The ancient poem "Liangzhou Ci" in the "grape wine glow-in-the-dark cup, want to drink the pipa immediately urge", depicts the heroic and free and easy of the border soldiers, the horse people also have an uninhibited and comfortable, they enjoy life, good at finding fun in life, even in the face of difficulties, can also be optimistic attitude, easy to resolve, as the Song Dynasty poet Su Shi wrote in "Dingfeng Wave" "bamboo cane shoes light horse, who is afraid?" A cloud of smoke and rain is Ren Ping's life. ”

The 5 zodiac signs that are more blessed in later years: the year is gained, you meet nobles everywhere, and you will definitely come out in your life

"Monkeys climb the peak, and they will be ambitious in their later years" - Shen Monkey

"The monkey climbs the peak, and the ambition is achieved in his later years", this saying exhausts the life trajectory of the monkey person, just like the Tang Dynasty Li Bai's "Will Enter the Wine": "You don't see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, rushing to the sea and not returning." "The life of a monkey is just like the rushing river, although it twists and turns, it eventually returns to the sea, and achieves a magnificent wave.

There is an ancient legend that the Monkey King, the great sage of Monkey King, has seventy-two changes and somersault clouds of 108,000 miles, and his wisdom and courage are the symbols of the monkey people. Sun Wukong went through nine hundred and eighty-one difficulties to obtain the true scriptures and achieve positive results, just like a monkey person, he worked diligently all his life, and finally climbed to the peak of his life in his later years, realizing the good story of "late bloomer".

"Dripping water through stones, not by force, but also by time." This old proverb is like the best commentary on the people of the monkey. They may not have had a smooth start, but they persevere, outwitted, as the modern saying goes, "If you are not afraid of slowness, you are afraid of standing." In the face of every challenge, they were able to respond flexibly and turn danger into relief, which ultimately proved that "the road knows the horsepower and sees the hearts of the people over time".

When it comes to folk customs, every Spring Festival, every household sticks the word "Fu" upside down, meaning "blessing", this beautiful prayer for the future, but also a beautiful sustenance for the monkey people in their later years.

In their later years, they not only have a successful career, but also know how to enjoy life, just as the ancients said: "Life must be happy, don't make the gold bottle empty to the moon." "In their world, success and joy go hand in hand, and wisdom and fun coexist.

When it comes to ancient poems, there is a cloud in Du Fu's "Wangyue": "It will be the top of the mountain, and you can see the mountains at a glance." This is not only a praise for the majestic scene of Mount Tai, but also a vivid portrayal of the achievements of the monkey people in their later years.

In their later years, they climbed high and looked far away, looking back at the way they came, all the hardships and hardships became clouds of the past, leaving only an open-mindedness and calmness.

The life journey of the people of Shen Monkey is a climb of wisdom and courage intertwined, they are clever and flexible, flying over many difficulties, and finally in the high place of life, smiling at the wind and clouds, enjoying the supreme glory and satisfaction of "monkey climbing the peak, and achieving ambition in old age".

The wisdom and perseverance that transcend time and space make their stories like bright stars, illuminating the past and the present, and inspiring those who come after them to move forward bravely and pursue a higher state of life.

The 5 zodiac signs that are more blessed in later years: the year is gained, you meet nobles everywhere, and you will definitely come out in your life

"Pig arches the door of wealth, and the blessing is profound" - Hai pig

"Pig arches the door of wealth, and the blessing is profound", as soon as this statement comes out, it can't help but remind people of the spirit of "leisurely travel" in "Zhuangzi Foreign Things", although it is not a direct description of the pig, but it means that the pig people are at peace and enjoy their life attitude when they encounter it.

As the modern writer Lin Qingxuan said: "Life is just like this, do it and cherish it." "Pig people, with their peace and contentment, interpret the philosophy of happiness in ordinary life.

There is an old proverb: "Pigs come to be poor, dogs come to be rich, and cats come to bring sackcloth." Although the first half of the sentence is full of jokes, the pig people have proved with practical actions that their arrival is actually a symbol of good fortune and wealth.

In them, we see the vivid embodiment of the saying "blessing is self-cultivation", and their kindness and tolerance seem to be invisible magnets, attracting good luck and happiness.

The Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi has a cloud in "Spring Trip to Qiantang Lake": "The eastward journey of the favorite lake is insufficient, and the white sand embankment in the green poplar yin." This kind of love and enjoyment of the details of life is just like the attitude of a pig person towards life.

Not only satisfied with material wealth, but also pay more attention to the pleasure of the soul, every trip and every family gathering in his later life is full of laughter, which confirms "contentment, happiness and well-being".

Modern psychologist Martin Seligman has proposed "positive psychology", emphasizing that happiness stems from the positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement within the individual. The life philosophy of pig people coincides with it, they are willing to share, cherish interpersonal relationships, and every satisfaction and happiness in their later life is the best feedback to the blessings they accumulate on a daily basis.

Looking at the West, the British writer Jane Austen wrote in Pride and Prejudice: "Once happiness is rejected, it is not worth pursuing." Pig people know this very well, they do not force, do not complain, with an almost philosophical indifference, accept everything that life has to offer, and finally reap full happiness and satisfaction.

Pig people, even when they wake up from a dream, the wine in the cup is still sweet, because they understand that the true meaning of life lies in cherishing the present moment and enjoying every ordinary and beautiful moment.

The 5 zodiac signs that are more blessed in later years: the year is gained, you meet nobles everywhere, and you will definitely come out in your life

Although the theory of the zodiac is not scientific, it carries people's yearning and sustenance for a better life. Each zodiac sign has its own unique charm and fortune, and the important thing is how to give full play to your strengths and face life with a positive attitude in the journey of life.

The blessing of old age not only depends on the blessing of the zodiac, but also on personal cultivation and hard work. No matter which genus you belong to, grasp the present, cherish every encounter, live with heart, and believe that everyone can write their own glorious chapter in their old age.