
"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

author:Leyi watched the movie entertainment
"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

In the TV series "Spending the Year of China", the fates of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong are intertwined, narrating an emotional entanglement that spans two lifetimes. Pei Wenxuan has been silently guarding Li Rong, the two were separated due to misunderstanding in their previous lives, and now they are reborn and returned, and their fates are intertwined again. Li Rong once thought that Pei Wenxuan only had Qin Zhenzhen in his heart, so he mistakenly loved Su Rongqing, but Pei Wenxuan has always been in love with Li Rong. This time, Pei Wenxuan bravely expressed his heart, so that Li Rong finally understood the miss of the previous life.

Pei Wenxuan's true confession shocked Li Rong, she once thought that Pei Wenxuan only had Qin Zhenzhen in her heart, and she herself fell in love with Su Rongqing. In her opinion, although Pei Wenxuan's confession was frank, how to face the misunderstanding in her previous life and the old relationship between Pei Wenxuan and Qin Zhenzhen made her fall into an inner entanglement. Netizens expressed their opinions on this relationship, some supported the true love of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong, thinking that they should cross the shadow of their previous life and start over; Some people are also skeptical, thinking that Pei Wenxuan's confession may be just a momentary impulse, and his true feelings are doubtful.

"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

"I think Pei Wenxuan is quite sincere this time, he has been silently guarding Li Rong for seventeen years, and he should really like her." A netizen left a message in the discussion forum. His views have been shared by many netizens, who believe that Pei Wenxuan's confession makes the story more touching and more real. However, some people are skeptical of Li Rong's attitude, "Li Rong's feelings for Su Rongqing are not simple, will she accept Pei Wenxuan's love?" After all, she has been in love with Su Rongqing for seventeen years. ”

The love story of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong is not only gripping in the plot, but also arouses the audience's thinking about complex emotions in real life. Regarding Pei Wenxuan's sincere confession, the audience felt moved on the one hand, but on the other hand, they were also worried about whether this relationship could develop smoothly. "If Li Rong really falls in love with Su Rongqing, then Pei Wenxuan's feelings may be rejected." A netizen expressed his doubts, "After all, seventeen years of relationship is not so easy to erase." ”

"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

Under Li Ming's political layout, the marriage of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong is not only an emotional entanglement between the two, but also involves family interests and political schemes. Netizens also have their own opinions on these complex factors. "It's hard to tell the real feelings behind the political marriage, but the story of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong makes people sweat for their fate." A netizen commented.

How the relationship between Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong will move forward in the interweaving of politics and personal emotions is the focus of the audience of "Spending the Year of China". Their choices and decisions not only affect the development of the plot, but also touch every audience's thinking about love, responsibility and choice. "I hope Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong can bravely face the past and welcome a new life." One loyal fan left his expectations, "No matter what happens, I hope they can be happy." ”

"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

With its vivid character portrayal and gripping plot, "Du Hua Nian" has attracted the attention and discussion of the audience. The story of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong is not only the background of a political marriage, but also a profound exploration of the authenticity of love and the complexity of human nature. What kind of twist will their choice bring to the plot? This is one of the answers that the audience is most looking forward to.

Some netizens raised questions about the setting in the play: "The male and female protagonists are reborn after death, and Su Rongqing can be reborn if he doesn't die?" This question does reflect the confusion and curiosity of some viewers in the development of the plot.

"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

"I also think it's a bit far-fetched." A netizen left a message in the comment area, saying, "Su Rongqing is obviously not dead, how can it be regarded as reborn?" Is this a bit reluctant for the screenwriter to want to increase the dramatic tension. His opinion was supported by some other netizens, who believed that this setting in the plot might make the audience wonder.

However, there are also some netizens who disagree. "Maybe it's a screenwriter's innovation." Another netizen put forward his opinion, "Although Su Rongqing has not experienced death, if he undergoes some major change in his heart or starts over, it can also be understood as a kind of 'rebirth'." ”

For the definition and explanation of "rebirth", netizens launched a more in-depth discussion. "I don't think you have to be born again to be dead." An enthusiastic audience member participated in the discussion, "Experiencing a major change in life or a new understanding in the heart can be understood as a kind of 'rebirth', after all, everyone understands it differently. ”

"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

The emotional entanglement between Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong also triggered the audience's thinking about the authenticity of love and the complexity of human nature. "If both of them had experienced the emotional intricacies of their past lives, the choice now would have made more sense." According to one commenter, "Whether they are truly reborn or not, what matters is how they face the shadows of the past and move towards a new future." ”

Regarding the emotional choices of the characters in the play, netizens also expressed different opinions and expectations. "I hope to see Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong overcome all obstacles and finally come together." A loyal viewer left his own expectations, "Although the emotions are complicated, as long as they truly love each other, they will be able to overcome everything." ”

"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

Pei Wenxuan stood in front of the grand palace, pondering everything in front of him. As the bloodline inheritor of the Shangguan family, his identity is destined for him to be tied to political forces. Li Ming's order led him to marry Li Rong, and this marriage was seen as an important step in consolidating power and stabilizing the situation. However, Pei Wenxuan's heart is not as calm as it seems. He is grateful to Li Rong because she fought alongside him in the Yang family's dispute and defeated the Yang family's conspiracy together, which made their marriage even more emotionally real.

As the eldest princess, Li Rong has been living in the shadow of the court. Her feelings for Pei Wenxuan were full of doubts and confusion at first. She knows that behind this marriage is the consideration of political conspiracy, but at the same time she is also trying to understand Pei Wenxuan's inner world. The relationship between them is not only a superficial marriage, but also a trace of warmth and support found in the political struggle.

"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

Su Rongqing was another key player, as a supporter of Li Xin, who played an important role in the political struggle. However, his fate changed dramatically due to the betrayal of his family. In his last life, he embarked on the path of revenge due to a misunderstanding, which eventually led to a tragic ending. In this life, when he faced new opportunities and choices, his inner struggle and hesitation became the intersection of his fate.

In the plot of "The Year of China", Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong's love road is not smooth. They must face the shadows of their past lives and the challenges of the new era. Pei Wenxuan's sincere confession broke Li Rong's misplaced feelings, but the authenticity of this emotion faced the shadow of the past life and the challenges of the new era. Li Rong's doubts and fantasies about Pei Wenxuan, as well as her complex emotions for Su Rongqing, make the plot even more confusing.

"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

"Their feelings are so intricate, just like real-life relationships." A viewer left a comment on social platforms, "How will the choice of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong determine their future?" I look forward to seeing how they find their happiness in their political struggles and inner entanglements. ”

"Su Rongqing's role is very heart-wrenching, he has paid too much for his family and beliefs." Another netizen also joined the discussion, "But I think his heart is complicated, he may not be so bad, but he was forced to make a choice in the intricate palace struggle." ”

"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

The love between Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong is also a symbol of political intrigue and the complexity of human nature. "Their decisions and actions not only affect their own destiny, but also affect the direction of the entire world." One enthusiastic viewer wrote in the comments, "Hopefully the writers will give them a real ending, good or bad, real." ”

In the plot of "The Year of China", the story of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong is gradually unfolding, and their emotional choices and inner struggles will continue to be the focus of the audience's attention. Their love and hatred are not only a dramatic performance, but also a profound exploration of human nature, fate and emotional authenticity. This intricate plot will surely bring more thinking and insights to the audience.

The TV series "Du Hua Nian" has attracted the attention of the audience through vivid character portrayals and tense plot development, making people think deeply about the complex relationship between human nature and fate. How Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong will choose in this reborn love game will bring more thinking and moving to the audience. Their story is not just a drama, but also a deep reflection on love, trust and revenge, which is worth exploring and reflecting on.

"The Year of China" was not until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, and Li Rong didn't know that he had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

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