
In the Huaihai Campaign, Chen Shiyu was slow to send troops, and Liu Bocheng said frankly: How did you choose the person?

author:Sweet Path

In November 1940, Chen Shiyu, then chief of staff of the division, received a new task: to assist the central Luzhong area in carrying out anti-sweeping operations and attacking Ganyu County.

Chen Shiyu is well aware of the arduousness of the task, and if it can be successfully completed, it will have a positive impact on the subsequent battle. However, in the face of the obvious superiority of the Japanese forces defending the city in numbers and equipment, how to achieve victory with minimal casualties became a formidable challenge.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent is invincible.

In order to finally achieve victory, Chen Shiyu first spent a period of time to conduct a detailed investigation of the situation of the Japanese troops defending the city. After discovering that there was a contradiction between the commanders of the 141st and 142nd regiments of the Japanese army, Chen Shiyu decided to seize this flaw.

Through ingenious tactics, Chen Shiyu successfully rebelled against the commander of the 141st Regiment.

In the Huaihai Campaign, Chen Shiyu was slow to send troops, and Liu Bocheng said frankly: How did you choose the person?

With the internal response, Chen Shiyu successfully promoted his plan and captured Ganyu at the lowest cost and as quickly as possible.

Chen Shiyu showed outstanding military wisdom in the Battle of Ganyu. However, not only in this battle, but also in the Huaihai Campaign, he also showed outstanding military skills, but it caused a misunderstanding.

What's going on? Let's go back to the Battle of Huaihai.

In September 1948, the Battle of Jinan was victorious, and the battle situation gradually became clear. At the same time, political commissar Su Yu put forward a new proposal to the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China: "Take advantage of the victory to pursue and launch a counteroffensive against the national army in Huaiyin, Huai'an, Baoying and other places, and strive to completely annihilate the enemy army." ”

Because this proposal conformed to the guiding ideology of "the Chinese Communists annihilated the enemy north of the Yangtze River," the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China quickly agreed to this proposal, and thus the prototype of the Huaihai Campaign was formed.

However, there has been no clear plan for the deployment of the campaign. Of course, the Huaihai campaign was not unplanned, and its goal was clear: to seize the initiative and fight a decisive battle.

Although things still don't have a definite direction, subsequent developments seem to be logical.

On October 11, 1948, Chairman Mao sent a telegram to Huaye after careful consideration: "The main objectives of the Huaihai Campaign can be summarized as annihilating Huang Baitao's corps, occupying Xin'an Town and other places, attacking the Zhengxu line, pinning down Sun Yuanliang's corps, and reducing the pressure on Huaye's main force." ”

An idea was launched, and everyone expressed their support.

Subsequently, the Nakano troops successfully captured Zhengzhou, Kaifeng and other places after fierce battles. At the same time, Liu Bocheng, commander of the Central Plains Field Army, and Li Da, member of the Central Plains Field Army, contained the Kuomintang Zhang Gan's 3rd Corps and Huang Wei's 12th Corps, ensuring the eastward transfer of the Chinese Army to the Xuzhou battlefield.

At that time, the battle situation was already clear, and due to the coordinated operations of the two major field armies in East China and the Central Plains, the original Xiaohuaihai Campaign had completely evolved into the Great Huaihai Campaign.

War was about to break out, but Su Yu did not let up, because he realized that the expansion of the army required more rapid and accurate command.

In the Huaihai Campaign, Chen Shiyu was slow to send troops, and Liu Bocheng said frankly: How did you choose the person?

Therefore, Su Yu put forward a request to Chairman Mao for "unified command by Commander Chen and Political Commissar Deng", and Chairman Mao agreed to it as soon as he received the news.

When everything went according to plan, the war officially began.

2. Controversy over the immobility of the troops According to the original plan, the first phase of the Huaihai Campaign was aimed at annihilating the "Huang Baitao Corps", so all the armies concentrated on attacking the Huang Baitao Corps.

Although Huang Baitao's corps seemed to be an insurmountable force at that time, after Huaye and Nakano jointly attacked, Huang Baitao's corps was in a desperate situation. Even the corps commander Huang Baitao himself did not expect that his once-glorious troops would fall into such a situation. However, will Chiang Kai-shek see this elite force annihilated?

Chiang Kai-shek, of course, was not going to sit idly by. As soon as he learned the news, he immediately dispatched the elite unit of the army, the "Huang Wei Corps", which quickly divided into two routes and launched an attack on Anhui with lightning speed.

At the beginning of Chiang Kai-shek's operation, Chairman Mao quickly learned of the information. In the face of Chiang Kai-shek's sudden move, Chairman Mao immediately formulated a blocking policy and sent Liu Bocheng to lead troops to block it.

Uncle Liu did not dare to slack off after accepting the task. Huang Wei's corps performed well in both military capabilities and equipment, even surpassing Nakano's level. In order to avoid misfortune for the Anhui comrades, Liu Bocheng immediately ordered: "Put down all heavy weapons." ”

This decision allowed them to catch up with Huang Wei's corps and trap it in the double stack. However, due to the lack of heavy weapons and the advanced weaponry of Huang Wei's corps, the two sides fell into a long stalemate and were unable to distinguish the winner from the loser.

Faced with the impasse, in order to get out of the predicament, Liu Bocheng decided to ask Huaye's assistance. After learning the news, Su Yu carefully considered it in the army and finally chose Chen Shiyu.

After receiving the order, Chen Shiyu quickly reorganized his team and marched towards the designated battlefield. Soon after, Huano and Nakano successfully met.

Liu Bocheng was overjoyed by Huaye's arrival, after all, Huaye's equipment was obviously superior to Zhongye's, and as the number of people increased, the enemy army would inevitably be completely annihilated. However, reality often has a certain gap with imagination.

In the fierce battle, when the soldiers continued to fight, Liu Bocheng was surprised to find that Chen Shiyu and his troops had been standing still. In this regard, Liu Bocheng was angry.

In the Huaihai Campaign, Chen Shiyu was slow to send troops, and Liu Bocheng said frankly: How did you choose the person?

3. Behind the strange action When the fighting stopped temporarily, he called Su Yu and said angrily: "How did you choose the person? Why did Chen Shiyu not move like a mountain, did he plan to see that the middle field was defeated? ”

Su Yu was not on the battlefield and knew nothing about it. He promised to investigate clearly, and found Chen Shiyu and asked: "Why don't you take action on the battlefield?" ”

Chen Shiyu explained: "I did this because I felt that the deployment was not reasonable enough. The personnel who came to support Huaye were well-equipped and had sufficient combat effectiveness, but now they were scattered. This will not only fail to completely destroy the enemy, but will also have a negative effect on follow-up. Therefore, I chose to stand still and wait for the right moment to annihilate Huang Wei's corps in one fell swoop. ”

Chen Shiyu's analysis is reasonable, but due to insufficient communication, it has led to some misunderstandings. After the misunderstanding was resolved, when Chen Shiyu was about to lead the Huaye warriors to capture the main battle area, he encountered opposition from the Nakano warriors.

In fact, it was not that there was any objection to Chen Shiyu and Hua Ye, but that Nakano was eager to obtain the equipment of Huang Wei's corps, because Nakano was relatively short of armaments. Subsequently, Su Yu communicated with Liu Bocheng, and after the communication, Su Yu specially informed Chen Shiyu: "After the Huang Wei Corps is annihilated, we don't want weapons, and all of them will be returned to Zhongye." ”

After the unanimous consent of Huaye and Nakano, Wang Jinshan, the commander at the time, also handed over the command without hesitation.

After Chen Shiyu gained command, he successfully annihilated Huang Wei's corps and captured the enemy leader Huang Wei with the help of Huaye's strong equipment and personnel advantages.

After the war, Liu Bocheng admitted his mistake and spoke highly of Chen Shiyu's military talent and conduct. Since then, the two have formed a deep comrade-in-arms, and there is no personal grudge between each other, only common feelings for their home and country.