
Huo Yuhao transformed into the sect master of the body, and the experimental body No. 1 was in hand, and he also accepted the Snow Emperor's beauty

author:Shen Boi

The 55th episode of the second part of Douluo Continent has been updated, judging from the new episode, I have to say that it is really exciting, and it is really good-looking, and a lot of information has been revealed. From Huo Yuhao's transformation into the sect master of the body, to the arrival of the experimental body No. 1, and then to the final acceptance of the Snow Emperor's beauty.

Huo Yuhao transformed into the sect master of the body, and the experimental body No. 1 was in hand, and he also accepted the Snow Emperor's beauty

First, Huo Yuhao transformed into the sect master of this body

The first is Huo Yuhao. Judging from the new episode, the beginning was when Huo Yuhao secretly infiltrated the Mingde Hall of the Sun Moon Empire's Royal Soul Master Academy, and then found that there were already people inside. However, this person is not from the Sun Moon Empire's Royal Soul Master Academy, but from the Ontology Sect. Huo Yuhao was immediately taken aback, and then quickly hid.

Huo Yuhao transformed into the sect master of the body, and the experimental body No. 1 was in hand, and he also accepted the Snow Emperor's beauty

However, seeing that this person from the Ontology Sect took away the things of Mingde Hall, he was unwilling, so he thought of a way, that is, to use his own simulated soul technique to transform into a person, who did he transform into? This person is the Sect Master of the Ontology Sect, Poison Immortal.

After all, Poison Immortal is the person with the highest status in the Ontology Sect, and the people of the Ontology Sect have to listen to him, Huo Yuhao felt that after he transformed into a Poison Immortal, he could openly ask the people of the Ontology Sect to hand over the treasures obtained in the Mingde Hall.

Huo Yuhao transformed into the sect master of the body, and the experimental body No. 1 was in hand, and he also accepted the Snow Emperor's beauty

Here I have to say that Huo Yuhao's simulated soul skill is really powerful, and he can actually simulate all the people or things he sees. The people of the Ontology Sect never thought that someone would dare to pretend to be their own sect master, so they didn't suspect it, and directly handed over a treasure they had obtained, that is, the Fengshen Platform.

Huo Yuhao transformed into the sect master of the body, and the experimental body No. 1 was in hand, and he also accepted the Snow Emperor's beauty

Huo Yuhao originally wanted to put it in his storage bag, but he didn't expect that there were living things locked in this shrine, and there were living things that could not be put into the storage bag, which made the people of the Ontology Sect suspicious, and then Huo Yuhao was exposed, and he was hunted down and killed because of this. But fortunately, Huo Yuhao found a way to solve this opponent later, and then continued to collect treasures in Mingde Hall.

Huo Yuhao transformed into the sect master of the body, and the experimental body No. 1 was in hand, and he also accepted the Snow Emperor's beauty

Second, Subject 1 arrives

And then there's Subject One. Judging from the new episode, after going deep into Mingde Hall, Huo Yuhao found a very huge metal robot more than ten meters high. What is this metal robot? It is the No. 1 War Weapon Experimental Body that Mingdetang spent several years researching.

This test subject No. 1 can be said to be very powerful, it can play a huge role on the battlefield, and the soul guide rays emitted can destroy the city wall. Since Huo Yuhao came to Mingde Hall, he naturally couldn't return empty-handed, so he got the experimental subject No. 1 in his hands, and then put it in the storage bag.

Huo Yuhao transformed into the sect master of the body, and the experimental body No. 1 was in hand, and he also accepted the Snow Emperor's beauty

Third, I also accepted the Snow Emperor's beauty

This time he infiltrated the Mingde Hall of the Sun Moon Empire's Royal Soul Master Academy, Huo Yuhao not only accepted the experimental subject No. 1, but also accepted the Snow Emperor's beauties. This Snow Emperor beauty originally lived in the far north, but was plotted by others, and then after several tosses, she fell into the hands of the people of Mingdetang, and was also locked up in the Fengshen Terrace. Huo Yuhao got the Fengshen Terrace, and naturally got the Snow Emperor, and then hurriedly left Mingde Hall. After all, if you don't leave, if the people from Mingdetang rush over, then you won't fall.

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