
The large-scale influx of the rural population to wash their feet and work in the fields has led to a de facto decline in the rural areas

author:Lady Luck is round

During my visit, I stepped into a village with a registered population of more than 1,400 people, but the sight in front of me made my heart tight. The village chief told me that there were only a hundred or so people living here, and that the once familiar scenes of laughter and smoke were now empty fields and silent villages. This phenomenon of the rural population washing their feet and going to the fields on a large scale and concentrating on them has caused a de facto decline in the rural areas, and this crisis should arouse the great attention of each and every one of us.

Looking back at those old days, the village was so vibrant. In the fields, the golden rice is swaying in the wind, and the villagers are working hard, and their faces are filled with the joy of a good harvest. Children chased and frolicked in the fields, and laughter filled the village. However, as urbanization accelerates, all this is changing.

The large-scale influx of the rural population to wash their feet and work in the fields has led to a de facto decline in the rural areas

Young people are leaving the countryside and flocking to the cities in search of better lives and development opportunities. They are uprooted from their homeland and under great pressure to live in their lives, but their hearts are full of longing and anticipation for the future. Most of those who remain in the countryside are elderly people and young children, who silently guard the land and look forward to the return of their loved ones.

However, the consequences of this population movement are clear. The demographic structure of rural areas has undergone tremendous changes, and problems such as labor shortage and serious aging have become increasingly prominent. At the same time, due to the declining population, the rural economy is also facing great challenges. Much farmland has been abandoned, agricultural production has gradually shrunk, and the economic base of the rural areas has been seriously weakened.

I agree with Ho's point of view. She pointed out that rural areas are the cornerstone of the country's security. In times of crisis, rural areas can provide important material and spiritual support for the country. However, if rural decay continues in this way, the foundations of our security will be shaken. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the problem of excessive hollowing out of rural areas and take practical and effective measures to solve it.

The large-scale influx of the rural population to wash their feet and work in the fields has led to a de facto decline in the rural areas

First, we need to strengthen infrastructure in rural areas. Improve the infrastructure conditions such as roads, water conservancy, and electric power in rural areas, and improve the production and living standards in rural areas. At the same time, we also need to strengthen the construction of public service systems such as education and medical care in rural areas, improve the level of education and medical care in rural areas, and attract more young people to return to rural areas for development.

Second, we need to develop the rural industrial economy. Through the development of characteristic agriculture, rural tourism and other industrial economies, the economic income of rural areas will be increased, and more labor force will be attracted to return to rural areas. At the same time, we also need to strengthen the ties and cooperation between rural areas and cities, and promote the integrated development of urban and rural economies.

In addition, we also need to strengthen cultural construction in rural areas. Through the excavation and inheritance of rural cultural heritage, the cultural spirit of rural areas will be carried forward and the cultural soft power of rural areas will be improved. At the same time, we also need to strengthen the building of spiritual civilization in the rural areas, improve the moral quality and civilized quality of the peasants, and create a harmonious, civilized, and beautiful living environment in the rural areas.

However, solving the problem of rural hollowing out will not happen overnight. It requires the joint efforts and long-term struggle of our whole society. In this process, each of us should play our part and contribute to the development of rural areas.

As a government department, it should increase its support for rural areas, formulate more preferential policies and measures, and encourage farmers to return to their hometowns to start businesses and find jobs. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen supervision and management of rural areas to prevent the emergence of all kinds of violations of laws and regulations and hidden safety hazards in rural areas.

As enterprises and social organizations, they should actively participate in the development and construction of rural areas. Provide necessary support and assistance to rural areas through investment and business development, donations and materials. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen propaganda and popularization in rural areas and enhance their visibility and reputation.

As individuals, we should pay attention to the development of rural areas and understand the needs and difficulties of rural areas. By participating in volunteer services, donating money and materials, etc., they will contribute to the development of rural areas. At the same time, we should also strengthen publicity and promotion in rural areas, so that more people can understand, pay attention to, and support rural areas.

The large-scale influx of the rural population to wash their feet and work in the fields has led to a de facto decline in the rural areas

However, even with these measures, the issue of rural hollowing out remains a long-term and complex problem. It requires the joint efforts and long-term struggle of our whole society. In this process, we may encounter various difficulties and challenges, but as long as we persevere and persevere, we will be able to achieve the ultimate victory.

So, in the face of the problem of rural hollowing, what should we do? Will we continue to let the countryside fall into the quagmire of recession, or will we take practical and effective measures to solve it? This is a question worth pondering. I believe that as long as the whole society makes concerted efforts to promote the development and construction of rural areas, we will be able to usher in a better future!

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