
A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

author:Mo Shangshi was speechless
A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

[Sun] used to have a lot of products, under a variety of high-end marketing methods, as soon as it was launched, it was a hot sales, was praised as a smash hit, and even one of the best choices for business negotiations and gifts.

But now, consumption has returned to the cooling-off period, even if the online advertising is good, consumers will still choose cost-effective, do not choose the expensive one, choose the right one, some of those hot goods have been eliminated by the market.

Who are those hot products? Why are they silent?

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?
All statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are reproduced in the article

Non-stick pan

I believe that many people who have cooked will have a headache, sticky pot, a few days ago I cut the lean meat and then marinated it, hung the starch, obviously has been very careful low oil temperature smooth cooked, but the meat is still quickly sticky to the pot, the bottom layer is sticky, and the bottom of the pot is pasted again, so you can only turn off the fire and brush the pot again.

Not only stir-fried meat, but even making a pot of noodles, after boiling the pot and adding water, the water is boiling, the noodles will unconsciously stick to the bottom of the pot, and the noodles can only be turned off and reheated before they are cooked, which is very torturous.

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

Maybe it's because the induction cooker I use doesn't have enough firepower, or maybe it's because the pot is too cheap, but I look at the ads on those shopping platforms, and the easy non-stick pan is fake.

Until now, various brands have basically promoted non-stick pans, saying that their products can be non-stick without coating, in a few years ago, when the honeycomb non-stick pan first came out, the overwhelming publicity of the network platform has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and I feel that I have to buy this kind of pot to buy it, and it is easy to sell millions of dollars.

In fact, you will know when you use it, the sticky pan will still stick, everything is the same, you can't put less oil, not to mention the oil-free in the publicity, cut a fish that is called a miserable, and the fish skin can stick to the bottom of the pan.

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

If you want a non-stick pan, in addition to the way of cooking, there is also the usual maintenance, just buy a pot and come back and want to be non-stick, it is still too difficult, many netizens complained after using it, this kind of pot is bulky, and they dare not use a metal spatula, which is expensive and difficult to use.

More people choose to continue to use the iron pot, after all, the iron pot is now the manufacturer has opened the pot, even if it is negligent and rusty, it does not take much to reopen the pot by yourself, the hot pot is cold oil in hand, and the stir-fry is not sticky.

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

Small pots of tea

Ten times on a plane, six times to see a small pot of tea advertisement, think back then, small pot of tea advertising focused on high-end, specifically pick rich people to start, very good, do not pit the poor, now, everyone knows that small pot of tea is an "IQ tax", no longer fooled.

If you want to buy tea, buy it directly, either buy it online, the amount is full, or buy it offline, exquisite and fragrant, if you want to give a gift, choose "Ming Qiantou tea" or "Qingming New Tea", and there are tea leaves specially used as gifts for people to choose.

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

The sales of small pots of tea plummeted, and gradually faded out of the field of vision of ordinary people, after all, now people's money is not blown by the wind, the province should spend money, ride a bicycle to the bar.

As far as I am concerned, I don't like to drink drinks, but I can't stand the tastelessness of boiled water, I like to drink tea since I was a child, and now I buy my favorite jasmine tea from the Internet, pure ration tea, which is cheap, dozens of dollars to drink for a long time.

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

Good back

In 2004, the "08 version of the back of the best" advertisement in the major TV stations can be described as overwhelming, especially with the strong support of the "TV shopping giant", but also invited celebrities to endorse it, for a time, the advertising effect was blessed, and many people began to scramble to buy.

After seeing the effect in the advertisement, and then seeing that their children do seem to have a tendency to hunchback, then buy it, just to correct the children's bad sitting posture and correct spinal deformities, and the parents' starting point is good.

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

In 1997, he decided to resign and bought the patent of "correcting sitting posture" with 5,000 yuan, and founded the brand of "Beibeijia".

Beibeijia quickly became popular at the beginning by relying on the strong promotion of TV commercials, and achieved sales of 450 million yuan in just one year, becoming a "famous brand" of that era, but with the passage of time, its popularity gradually decreased.

In 2005, Du Guoying sold Beibeijia to Acorn International, and in 2022, Kefu Medical acquired Beibeijia, bringing the brand back into the public eye, this time targeting the adult orthodontic belt market.

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

The actual situation is that many people think that this thing is an IQ tax product, and it is more of a psychological factor, which makes people's backs have a sense of restraint and reminds people to straighten their bodies, but it is very uncomfortable to sit upright for a long time, and they will relax habitually.

There are also people who believe that this is not only useless, but also will have various negative effects on the body, some netizens found a hunchback in high school, bought a good back, after a while, the physiological curve is straight, but their waist bearing capacity is too poor, and it will flash to the waist if you are not careful.

There are also doctors in Sanjia Orthopedic Hospital said that the back can not be used often, the more you use the back, the more boring the back, if you really want to correct the posture, the effect of standing against the wall is better, and the back is good for a long time, the back is broken by external forces, which does not mean that the muscle groups are exercised.

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

Long-term use, the opportunity for muscles to be exercised is less and less, which is not conducive to the health of the spine, and the orthotic belt is a palliative but not a cure, which may be like this, so that many consumers no longer trust TV commercials, and the sales of good back are silent.

Early electronics

In 1999, a certain Wutong advertisement created a business miracle at the end of the 20th century with a brainwashing-like marketing strategy, and back then, it was quite a luxury to be able to spend more than 2,000 yuan to buy a non-essential item to carry with you.

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

After all, in those days, a month's salary was just that, and it was not for anyone to be able to take out such a sum of money to consume, and the user group targeted by a certain Wutong was also the kind of people who were rich and powerful, or that sentence, it was good not to pit the poor.

Now a certain Wutong has been eliminated because of the laws of the market, and it is strange that IQ tax products can be alive, in addition, there is a certain person who has a certain book, the same early electronic products, the same marketing, and even spent a lot of money to invite celebrities to endorse, and it was bought by many people as soon as it was launched.

At that time, someone had a book of average quality, but the price was not cheap at all, and the sales volume reached 1.6 billion at that time, and it was for this reason that there was a saying at that time that straw could be sold at the price of gold.

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

It was praised very high in a short period of time, in fact, it couldn't stand the test, and after more and more bad reviews appeared on the market, someone was exposed to false propaganda and the product was eliminated from the market.


Today's consumers are much happier than in the early days, and there are various channels to understand and verify whether the promotion of a product is in line with reality, depending on whether consumers have this will.

A few products that used to be a smash hit and sold well, but now they have fallen to the altar, how many do you know?

More consumers pursue cost-effective, only buy the right not expensive, a product is very expensive, but there will always be a functional experience of the same price of cheap goods, now shopping around is already the norm, if the business does not improve the quality of the product, it is destined to not go far.