
High School Essay Writing Skills (26)


Clarify the level and have a clear context

Chapter 4 1-8 (Continued)

Argumentative Essay Basic Structure Pattern 3: Contrastive

That is, in this part of the thesis, the sub-arguments are put forward from the positive and negative aspects, or the positive and negative arguments are selected for comparative argumentation.

It is characterized by a positive and negative relationship between two views or arguments, either through the positive and negative ratios to distinguish between the right and the wrong, or through the positive and negative ratios to highlight the correctness of one of the aspects. This structure can serve as a contrast and highlight the deepening of the viewpoint.

High School Essay Writing Skills (26)

Example sentences

Answer the exam paper of happiness

Happiness is people's common vision, and how to answer the exam paper of happiness is worth pondering.

A young man of great talent and extraordinary origin, who could have lived an "upper-class" life, had his ambitions at the end of secondary school and resolutely chose "the profession in which he could best work for the welfare of mankind".

For the sake of this "happiness that belongs to millions of people", he suffered from displacement, poverty and illness all his life, but he unswervingly devoted his life to the great cause of human liberation. He is Marx.

High School Essay Writing Skills (26)

In the face of happiness, different world views, outlooks on life, and values will produce completely different hopes and feelings. If you seek wealth, you will be blessed with a thousand pieces of wealth; Seeking power, you will be blessed with soaring prosperity; Seeking enjoyment, we must take Zhong Ming Ding food as well-being; If you seek immortality, you will be blessed by feathering and ascending to immortals......

However, in the dictionary of the Communists, happiness is a kind of determined pursuit of faith and belief, a kind of dedication practice that transcends selfishness, and a kind of life value of the highest state.

Li Dazhao said: "Happiness is the search for revolutionary truth. "In order to answer the happy answer sheet of national independence and people's liberation, the Chinese Communists do not hesitate to go to the trouble and go forward one after another.

Adhering to this belief, Zhu De, He Long and many other prominent figures abandoned high-ranking officials and resolutely embarked on the revolutionary road full of bloody thorns; Xiang Jingyu, Zeng Zhi and many other rich sons and daughters gave up their affluent lives and threw themselves into the revolutionary struggle without hesitation;

Peng Pai resolutely distributed "the land that crows can't fly" to the tenant farmers, and he generously stated before his inauguration: "For the sake of our children and grandchildren to strive for a happy life, even if you sacrifice your own life, you will not hesitate." This is the road for the Communists to abandon their own small blessings and seek happiness in the world.

High School Essay Writing Skills (26)

"I hope that the people will be full of warmth and work hard to get out of the mountains and forests" is the original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists, and it is also the vision of happiness that they are striving for. This pursuit, in the years of revolutionary war, needs to be interpreted with blood and life; In the period of peacebuilding, it is necessary to practice it with struggle and dedication.

Only by caring about the well-being of the people can we win the hearts and minds of the people. From Gu Wenchang, who is worshiped by the masses in Dongshan, Fujian, who "respects Gu Gong first, and then worships the ancestors", to Liao Junbo, the "people's woodcutter" who turned the poor county into the "top ten in the province", and then to Li Baoguo, a party member and professor who "has been rooted in Taihang Mountain for 35 years and only seeks happiness for the masses......

Countless communists have benefited the people, sacrificed their ego in exchange for their big self, and "blessed the happiness of others" with their faith and dedication that they firmly pursued, and built monuments in the hearts of the people.

High School Essay Writing Skills (26)

Needless to say, there are many people today who regard wealth, status, pleasure, and comfort as the only standards of happiness, and strive to draw their own "happiness" circle with fame and fortune as the center.

On the grounds that "they are human beings and have seven emotions and six desires," some cadres use power for personal gain, frantically accumulate wealth, indulge in alcohol, and are content to enjoy, and are driven by the distorted concept of happiness to fall into the abyss, resulting in the tragedy of life in which "at first glance they are shocked by wealth and wealth, and their gaze is like smoke."

"The times are the people who produce the papers, we are the respondents, and the people are the people who read the papers", and happiness is the voice of the times and the expectations of the people. Only by keeping the original intention of joining the party with firm faith, promoting development with unremitting struggle, benefiting the people with selfless dedication, and writing history with brilliant deeds can the communists answer the question of happiness worthy of the people and the times.

High School Essay Writing Skills (26)

【Structural Illustration】Beginning: Raise questions and aim high.

Paragraph 2: How to answer the questionnaire? The author cleverly borrows the example of Marx to answer the question.

Paragraph 3: In the comparative argument, clarify what true happiness is.

The fourth and fifth paragraphs: Positively explain the happy answers made by countless people with lofty ideals in the revolutionary war years and the new era.

Paragraph 6: From the negative side, "not seeking happiness for the people", greed and selfishness, will eventually taste the consequences.

Conclusion: Turn to a positive appeal and point out how to answer the happiness exam well.

【Tips】When using the control structure, you should pay attention to:

(1) The contrast must be sharp and strong, and the characteristics of things should be highlighted through the contrast between right and wrong, merit and fault, honor and disgrace, etc.

(2) Between the lines, the author's full feelings of praise and disapproval, love and hatred should be infiltrated, showing a clear position.

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