
Warm-up match: The women's basketball team has been defeated repeatedly, losing 7 of 9 games, Zheng Wei's answer sheet, fans don't buy it!

author:Ink Sports

The Chinese women's basketball Olympic warm-up series has been defeated more and more, losing again and again, losing 9 games and 7 defeats, this is the performance of Zheng Wei's team in this Olympic warm-up series, and the answer sheet handed in! Zheng Wei's training and preparation have lost their meaning, treating the players unfairly, not treating them equally, people who want to play the game are struggling to sit on the cold bench and have no chance to perform, such as Zheng Ming, Tang Ziting, Tang Yu, these three have been following the training of the large army, but in the nine warm-ups, the playing time was less than 20 minutes, and Zheng Ming couldn't get a minute, so he was out of the game seven games in advance, this god's operation is puzzling, and the other two are estimated to be out of the game, rather than wasting time, it is better to leave the game in style!

Warm-up match: The women's basketball team has been defeated repeatedly, losing 7 of 9 games, Zheng Wei's answer sheet, fans don't buy it!

There are always a few people on the list who are dragging their feet, such as Jin Weina, Li Yuan, Wu Tongtong These players, obviously the decline in state and strength is too serious, and it is no longer suitable to continue in the team, but Zheng Wei still gives them a chance, and would rather give the old players a chance to prove themselves when the state has been sluggish, can almost make people feel speechless, these lines, whether it is data or performance on the field, are very bad, physical confrontation is not good, passing is not good, stopping the ball is wrong, taking the ball is stealed, too sticky ball, frequent mistakes, reading the game ability is too poor, on-the-spot play and adaptability are too weak, in the final analysis, the basic skills are not solid, there is no overall situation, and the mind is not clear and calm enough.

Warm-up match: The women's basketball team has been defeated repeatedly, losing 7 of 9 games, Zheng Wei's answer sheet, fans don't buy it!

has to make fans feel that Zheng Wei is suspected of "suppressing newcomers", and the state of the veterans can no longer be changed, but they just refuse to give these young players a chance, such coaching ability has to remind people of the head coach of the women's volleyball team, Cai Bin, stubborn and self-serving! Cai Bin and Zheng Wei are both walking the same path, refusing to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the fans, and unwilling to adopt the good strategies of the fans! For Zheng Wei's various operations, fans don't buy it!

Warm-up match: The women's basketball team has been defeated repeatedly, losing 7 of 9 games, Zheng Wei's answer sheet, fans don't buy it!

As the name suggests, the warm-up game is to check the state and actual combat ability of the players by playing the game. What's the point of having people selected in this way? Is it a face-saving project or a perfunctory matter? At least you Zheng Wei have to test the water for the young players, after playing the warm-up game and finding that it is not suitable, this fan will understand and understand, however, almost no chance to perform, and finally returned the person, what kind of international joke is this? It's child's play! Anyone is unconvinced and unhappy, and the fans are even more unhappy and incomprehensible. Since he can be selected for the training camp, there must be something outstanding, but everything is fake, purely to cover up some facts.

Warm-up match: The women's basketball team has been defeated repeatedly, losing 7 of 9 games, Zheng Wei's answer sheet, fans don't buy it!

Zheng Wei's series of mysterious operations have caused the anger and dissatisfaction of fans, the results of the Olympic Games determine Zheng Wei's speed, the warm-up game is no longer extravagant to be able to achieve a victory, according to the current state and performance of the Chinese women's basketball team It is difficult to stand out in the Olympics, after all, Rome is not built in a day, high-rise buildings are not built in a day, so don't expect too much luxury for the women's basketball team to suddenly break out in the Olympic Games The mysterious "Oriental Power", which is not realistic, today's warm-up games, not only tormenting these players, It is even more tormenting the hearts of fans who support the women's basketball team, although the reference value of the warm-up game is not much, but you can't run to mess up, right?

Warm-up match: The women's basketball team has been defeated repeatedly, losing 7 of 9 games, Zheng Wei's answer sheet, fans don't buy it!

Every time you lose, the players' fighting spirit and mentality, patience, perseverance, will, and thoughts will be slowly worn out, and the warm-up games are not played well, why should fans believe that you Zheng Wei has the ability to turn the tide? The strength is here, how much can it be played? What stage has the tactical arrangement reached? How far has the fixed lineup been rehearsed? Are you ready for normal situations and special situations? Has the player's injury completely healed? Will it affect the performance? All of this, we are not sure!