
It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

author:Big mouth to talk about entertainment

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It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless
It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

Zhou Xun caused an earthquake in the entertainment industry after the second lockdown! Netizens fired a volley, and the Magnolia Award fell into a credibility crisis

Hello, dear! Recently, the entertainment industry has been blown up by a shocking gossip! is the well-known "old drama bone" Zhou Xun in our family, at this year's Magnolia Film and Television Festival, he won the throne of the actress in one fell swoop and became a god for the second time! As a result, as soon as this news came out, the entertainment industry fell into a "bloody storm" full of artillery fire.

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

Unexpectedly, such a seemingly ordinary award actually triggered many mouths in the entertainment industry. Netizens even brushed the social platform to the bottom, and all kinds of ridicule, questioning, and even abusive "hardcore" comments can "earthquake" this Magnolia Award!

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

That night, the editor saw a barrage of complaints in the live broadcast room. The people who eat melons were annoyed by this "controversial award list", and they all said: "I haven't seen the shortlisted movies this time, what are you doing?" Even if it's an old drama bone, the actress has to be judged by Rory, right?"

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

Alas, it is estimated that many people who eat melons are like me, and when they saw this hot search title, they instantly fell into confusion mode, right? After all, we are no longer surprised by Zhou Xun's acting skills in the past few years. was first touted to the sky for his acting skills, and then was jokingly called "Da Ru Chuan" in "The Legend of Ruyi", so how can the bad review be a "embarrassing" word?

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

So, this actress throne can win Sister Zhou, maybe it's just because her mythical aura is still there, but in terms of acting skills, even she knows where to review, right? As a result, the authoritative award list that controls the trend with one hand is given to Sister Zhou this "timely rain"! Of course, netizens are excited!

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

Do you think, as ordinary film and television lovers, can we accept an "old artist" with mediocre acting skills and unknown drama works to win the throne of the actress?

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

Isn't this just a joke on the strength of the fans who like her? What's more, there seem to be rumors that Zhou Xun knew in advance that he could be sealed, which is unheard of! Doesn't the influence of indisputable words make people doubt the fairness of the award?

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

In addition to the fanatical fans who were so excited that they didn't recognize their relatives, some other rational netizens also showed doubts about this matter in the comment area. "Some awards are too subjective, and the judges always choose the winners based on personal preferences and commercial interests, so they are superficial and lose their impartiality and authority."

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

"Of course, we have to respect Zhou Xun's artistic life, but it doesn't mean that all her works should be affirmed and praised.

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

For this wave of questioning voices, the editor couldn't help but nod. You must know that if a national-level film and television award wants to be long-lasting, in addition to the organizer's ability to operate, the most important thing is the authority of the evaluation mechanism.

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

Only by relying on a professional and rigorous scoring system and a jury composed of a group of truly knowledgeable and authoritative figures can the list of winners have wide recognition and appeal.

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

Otherwise, if we are blindly swayed by the interests of individuals or groups, won't it become a trick of "internal consumption" by the elites? At that time, its status in the hearts of the outside world and ordinary audiences will naturally disappear.

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

Whenever they spit out the judging mechanism of this type of authoritative award, many rational netizens like to take the opportunity to criticize the shortcomings of the stereotypes and bad habits of the domestic entertainment industry. The lack of aesthetic orientation and artistic innovation of domestic film and television dramas is just an inevitable result of being controlled by officials and lords.

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

If anyone can really wear the halo of "grand prize" for any work, even if it has no excellence in itself, won't that kind of entertainment industry be completely reduced to an "anchor of the mean"? If such a "mediocre phenomenon" is infinitely magnified, and it is rare to encounter a masterpiece in the last hundred years, it will really make people sigh!

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

Of course, at a time when we are bombarding authoritative awards, we can't ignore the helplessness of the judges who have to compromise. Imagine, if the Magnolia Award awarded the Best Actress to an "upstart flower" in the entertainment industry, I wonder if it will cause the outside world to question the judges' "looking the other way"?

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

After all, under the standard of "location, harmony", I am afraid that the old actors will still insist that this title of "actress" that they have been talking about all their lives should be shared by themselves and their peers. Therefore, the judges are just compromising once between "Weng and son-in-law", in order to make all the participants have a "step".

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

In the final analysis, the reason why the Magnolia Award has caused such fierce controversy and criticism is because it has already carried too much heavy "responsibility baggage". More than just an ordinary awards event, it symbolizes the ultimate recognition of outstanding film and television works, artists, and their century-long dedication.

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

However, in reality, there are often shortcuts and detours. Careerists overtly or covertly gather their opinions, reach out to the sacred temple of authoritative awards, and tarnish them into the self-serving tools of certain interest groups. Faced with the choice of "Qingjun side" and "dirt", the latter has the upper hand in the entertainment industry today.

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

This made the Magnolia Award have to move towards "compromise", and finally became a short-lived "floating cloud". Even a well-known veteran actor like Zhou Xun is destined to expose his "mediocre" side on the throne of this award.

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

In this way, it is not difficult to explain the continuous questioning and accusations of the masses about the Magnolia Award. It already carries the banner of "the important weapon of the country", and its impartiality and professionalism are naturally important goals that people have high hopes for. But there is often a gap between reality and ideals.

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

For ordinary film and television lovers, whoever wins the award is actually secondary. Most importantly, authoritative organizations should stick to their original mission and rely on a fair and equitable judging mechanism to select the real best works and outstanding artists of the year, so as to improve the artistic value of the entire industry

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

If the authoritative organization fails to fulfill its duties and be fair and just in the first place, it will not only chill a large number of practitioners, but also make the audience wonder whether the entire industry is worth running again.

It's hard to rate! After the 58-year-old Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, there was no applause, only group ridicule, and netizens were speechless

As for a well-known veteran actor like Zhou Xun, if he wants to be truly invincible, he needs to review the artistic height of his acting career. We look forward to the day when there will be no trace of "meritorious service" on the curtain of "Magnolia", but also the brilliance of the blazing truth!

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