
Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

author:A light smile

The Magnolia Award, like a shining pearl in the TV drama industry, has witnessed the growth and glory of countless actors. Recently, the Magnolia Award at the 29th Shanghai TV Festival was announced, and Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the Best Actor and Actress again with their superb acting skills, which aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

On the evening of June 28, the Shanghai Lingang Performing Arts Center was star-studded, and the Magnolia Award Ceremony of the 29th Shanghai TV Festival was held here. Hu Ge won the Best Actor for his outstanding performance in "Flowers", while Zhou Xun won the Best Actress for his wonderful performance in "Imperfect Victim", and their performances were highly praised.

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun's awards are not accidental. Hu Ge played the role of Ah Bao in "Flowers", who has experienced the changes of the times and the ups and downs of life, and his inner world is complex and profound. He deeply understands the background of the character, figurs out the inner life of the character, and vividly expresses Po's joys, sorrows, and sorrows. And Zhou Xun played the lawyer Lin Kan in "Imperfect Victim", who is independent, confident, and full of wisdom. In order to better interpret the role, she deliberately went to the law firm to experience life, had in-depth exchanges with lawyers, and accurately conveyed Lin Kan's inner world and emotional changes to the audience. The superb acting skills and professionalism of the two have won unanimous praise from the judges and the audience.

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

Comments from netizens poured in like a tide, expressing their congratulations and opinions on the winners:

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

Best Actress thought of everyone, but I didn't expect Zhou Xun [tears]. Zhou Xun's acting skills were once again affirmed, which was very moving.

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

Strength proves everything, imperfect victims are good-looking and have legal significance. This drama not only has a compact plot, but also has the significance of popularizing law, which is worth watching.

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

Zhou Xun: This palace sits on the phoenix seat you want to sit on the most, you praise it as the back of the eye, and the black is also the back of the eye [compare the heart] [cover your face] It is worthy of you [covering your face]. Zhou Xun's domineering response is admirable.

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

Imperfect Victim ??? I haven't heard of this drama [covering my face] [covering my face]. It seems that this drama still needs to be promoted, so that more people know how wonderful it is.

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

Can you not be embarrassed? Imperfect victim, Zhou Xun's role as a lawyer in it is really good. There are always people who deny all the actors because of a drama, which is too extreme.

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

I remember when Ruyi broadcast, anyway, in my circle of friends, Douyin said that it was good-looking, and all kinds of Lan Yin flocculent brushes. Zhou Xun's acting skills have always been online, and I look forward to her future works.

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

Get this white magnolia, and in the future, the magnolia orchid will be [呲tooth]. This humorous comment makes people laugh.

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

Is it really great that no one says the lines of imperfect victims? And it's very popular. The lines of this drama are also a highlight, which is impressive.

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

The announcement of the Magnolia Award once again proved the strength and charm of Hu Ge and Zhou Xun. Their award is not only an affirmation of their individuality, but also an encouragement and promotion of the Chinese TV drama industry. I hope that more outstanding actors and works will emerge in the future, injecting new vitality and passion into the Chinese TV drama industry!

Magnolia Awards announced! After Zhou Xun and Hu Ge were crowned emperor again, netizens hotly discussed: Who is the best in your heart?

Source of inspiration: Nine News

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