
Amazing effects of quitting smoking! Study: Quitting smoking for more than 10 years, mortality rate is close to that of never-smokers

author:Dr. Ng of the Department of Respiratory Medicine

On the stage of life, cigarettes are like a cunning "demon" that quietly erodes the health of smokers. However, when people bravely break free from its shackles and choose to quit smoking, a magical health "counterattack" journey begins.

Let's first take a look at the harm caused by smoking, which is like a "time bomb" planted by the devil inside the body. The harmful substances in cigarettes, such as nicotine and tar, invade the lungs like invisible "killers", making the original pink and fresh lung lobes gradually become black and fragile, like rice paper soaked in ink. Long-term smoking will also narrow and harden the blood vessels, as if the originally wide and smooth highway is gradually congested and dilapidated.

Amazing effects of quitting smoking! Study: Quitting smoking for more than 10 years, mortality rate is close to that of never-smokers

Smoking is also like a silent "thief" who steals our health and vitality. It increases the risk of many serious diseases such as heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases, etc., and makes the light of life dim without realizing it.

However, as soon as you decide to quit smoking, the body immediately initiates a "miracle program" of self-healing. It is like a timely spring rain that moistens the parched earth and rejuvenates life.

Within a short period of time after quitting smoking, a series of positive changes begin to occur in the body. For example, blood pressure and heart rate will gradually return to normal, like a runaway carriage being pulled back on track. The function of the respiratory system will also gradually improve, and symptoms such as coughing and wheezing will gradually reduce, as if it is a deep "massage" for the tired lungs.

Amazing effects of quitting smoking! Study: Quitting smoking for more than 10 years, mortality rate is close to that of never-smokers

Over time, the benefits of quitting smoking become more apparent. One year after quitting smoking, the risk of a heart attack is greatly reduced, like defusing a bomb that could go off at any moment. Five years after quitting smoking, the risk of stroke dropped significantly, like a potential storm for the brain.

And when you quit smoking for more than 10 years, it's a healthy "triumphant". At this time, all indicators of the body have been greatly improved, and the mortality rate is close to that of those who have never smoked. It's like a warrior who has gone through vicissitudes of life, and finally got rid of the entanglement of illness and put on a solid armor again.

In order to make you feel the amazing effect of quitting smoking more intuitively, let me share a true story with you.

Amazing effects of quitting smoking! Study: Quitting smoking for more than 10 years, mortality rate is close to that of never-smokers

Mr. Li is an elderly smoker with more than 20 years of smoking and smokes at least one pack of cigarettes a day. In his world, cigarettes seem to have become indispensable companions. However, as he grew older, he began to have various problems with his body. Frequent coughing and difficulty breathing made his life miserable. The doctor's warning was like a wake-up call to wake him up. So, Mr. Li made up his mind to quit smoking.

In the early days, Mr. Li was like a beast trapped in a cage, restless and unbearable. But with a strong will, he persevered.

Half a year after quitting smoking, Mr. Li's cough has significantly reduced and his breathing has become much easier. A year later, he went to the hospital for a follow-up examination, and the doctor was pleasantly surprised to tell him that his heart function had improved significantly.

Amazing effects of quitting smoking! Study: Quitting smoking for more than 10 years, mortality rate is close to that of never-smokers

After years of perseverance, Mr. Li has now quit smoking for 15 years. He felt as if he had been reborn and full of energy. He could easily climb the stairs and was no longer out of breath as before; He can enjoy the outdoors to the fullest and no longer be bothered by coughing and breathing difficulties.

Mr. Lee's story is just one of many successful examples of quitting smoking. Everyone who successfully quits smoking is like overcoming a difficult battle and reaping the "spoils" of health and happiness.

Amazing effects of quitting smoking! Study: Quitting smoking for more than 10 years, mortality rate is close to that of never-smokers

So, dear friends, no matter how long you've been smoking, if you take the first step to quit smoking, you have a chance to embrace a healthy future. Quitting smoking is like a chance to be reborn, to get rid of the shackles of cigarettes and welcome the sunshine of life. Let's take action together and say "no" to cigarettes for the health of ourselves and our families!

I believe that in the near future, you will also become the warrior who has achieved brilliant victory on the road to quitting smoking, and write your own health legend. Let's look forward to the day when the flower of life blooms more brilliantly in a smoke-free environment!