
Do you want to quit tea when you're older? Suggestion: After the age of 50, don't drink these 3 kinds of tea, quit and benefit more

author:Dr. Ng of the Department of Respiratory Medicine

In the long river of years, tea is like a faithful old friend, accompanying us through many quiet times. However, as life enters the age of 50, like a ship sailing into a new course, we may need to be more careful when it comes to choosing tea.

Do you want to quit tea when you're older? Suggestion: After the age of 50, don't drink these 3 kinds of tea, quit and benefit more

Tea has always been regarded as a fresh gift from nature to human beings. Its elegant aroma and warm taste can always soothe our body and mind inadvertently. But just like there are two sides to everything, some teas may no longer be a cup of "intimate comfort" for people over 50 years old, but like a "little trouble" hidden in the shadows.

First of all, strong tea is like an overly violent storm. After the age of 50, the functions of the human body begin to gradually decline, and the digestion ability of the stomach and intestines is not as good as before. The large amount of theophylline and caffeine contained in strong tea irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa like a storm, which can easily lead to indigestion, stomach pain, stomach distension and other problems. Imagine that the originally peaceful stomach is like a peaceful little garden, and the invasion of strong tea is like a fierce storm, destroying the flowers and tender grass in the garden.

Do you want to quit tea when you're older? Suggestion: After the age of 50, don't drink these 3 kinds of tea, quit and benefit more

There used to be an Uncle Zhang who has always had the habit of drinking strong tea. As he grew older, he found that his stomach became more and more uncomfortable, and he often felt heartburn and acid reflux. After going to the doctor, I realized that it was caused by drinking strong tea for a long time. The doctor advised him to reduce the amount of tea and drink weak tea instead, and after a period of time, Uncle Zhang's gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms were significantly reduced.

Secondly, overnight tea seems to be a "messenger of spoilage". After overnight sitting, the nutrients in the overnight tea have been lost, and a large number of bacteria and microorganisms may also grow. These bacteria and microorganisms are like a group of "tricksters" that can trigger intestinal infections when they enter the body, leading to symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain. Drinking overnight tea in the stomach is like opening the door for these "troublemakers" to enter the body, which is harmful to health.

Do you want to quit tea when you're older? Suggestion: After the age of 50, don't drink these 3 kinds of tea, quit and benefit more

Aunt Li is a frugal person, and she is often reluctant to pour out the overnight tea and continue to drink it the next day. As a result, she had to be hospitalized because she drank overnight tea and vomited and diarrhea. Since then, Aunt Li has never dared to drink overnight tea.

Moreover, spoiled tea is like a "toxic trap". If the tea leaves are not stored properly and become damp and moldy, mycotoxins will be produced. These toxins are extremely harmful to the liver, kidneys and other organs of the human body, just like poisonous snakes hiding in the shadows, ready to attack at any time. After the age of 50, the body's metabolism and detoxification capacity decreases, making it more difficult to defend against these toxins.

Uncle Wang likes to collect tea leaves, but due to improper preservation methods, some tea leaves have deteriorated. He didn't care and continued to drink, but as a result, he developed symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue, and went to the hospital for examination and found that it was mycotoxin poisoning.

Do you want to quit tea when you're older? Suggestion: After the age of 50, don't drink these 3 kinds of tea, quit and benefit more

Therefore, after the age of 50, for the sake of physical health, we should avoid these three types of tea as if we were vigilant against the invasion of the enemy. Choose the fresh, lighter tea that suits you, so that tea can continue to be a beautiful part of our lives.

For example, light green tea, like a breeze in spring, gently blows, bringing freshness and comfort; Mild black tea, like the warm sun in winter, gives warmth and nourishment; Mellow Pu'er tea, just like a calm and wise man, silently accompanies and brings tranquility and peace of mind.

Do you want to quit tea when you're older? Suggestion: After the age of 50, don't drink these 3 kinds of tea, quit and benefit more

In short, in the second half of life, we need to know how to care more for our bodies. The relationship with tea may need to be readjusted, but this does not mean that we should say goodbye to the world of tea completely, but to enjoy it in a more sensible way. Let's continue to savor life in the aroma of tea, but avoid those "health traps" that may be hidden, so that every sip of tea becomes a nectar that nourishes the body and mind, rather than a "poison" that harms health. I believe that as long as we make the right choice, tea will still be a caring "partner" in our later life, accompanying us through every warm moment.