
Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

author:Yu Xiaoyu

If you want to talk about the most popular variety show in recent years, then "Sister Lang" can definitely be ranked.

When the first season of the show aired, the popularity was really unprecedented.

I believe everyone has also discovered that because of the explosion of "Sister Lang", many sisters have successfully come out of the circle, from unfamous eighteenth-tier artists to continuous resources.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

When people saw the gold-plated ability of the show "Sister Lang", they really wanted to participate.

In these seasons of the show, there are many sisters who recommend themselves every year, and even some sisters who are very persistent in recommending themselves for many years.

Obviously, the advantages of this show are still quite large.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

Now the show has aired its fifth season, and this season is coming to an end soon.

In these five seasons of the show, too many sisters have made a deep impression on the audience.

However, after watching the guest lineup of this season, many people are not too optimistic.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

Looking at the sisters of this season, if you want to talk about the number of people, it is indeed quite a lot, more than every previous season.

But if you want to talk about coffee positions, then this season obviously does not have sisters like Tranquility, Na Ying, Wang Xinling, etc.

Of course, variety shows like "Sister Lang" have an advantage, that is, the more you watch it, the better it gets.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

With the broadcast of each episode of the show, all kinds of plus more derivative versions have caught up, and there will definitely be a few sisters who can poke your heart.

For example, this season's Chen Haoyu, Chen Lijun, Zhang Yuxi, Miao Miao, Wanida, etc., many sisters are big dark horses.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

Compared with the previous two seasons, this season has a big upgrade, that is, it has added a live broadcast mode, and it is broadcast live many times.

In fact, here in Mango, such things often happen, because Mango will draw inferences from one another.

When Mango saw the explosion of "Sister Lang", he immediately thought of doing "Brother Phi", and after seeing the popularity of the live broadcast of "Singer", he immediately thought of putting the live broadcast mode on "Sister Lang".

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

Because of these live broadcasts, "Sister Lang" can be said to have raised the popularity to a notch again.

Although the show has not ended yet, the live broadcast has ended, and the final group of sisters has all come out.

In other words, now the show doesn't seem to have ended, but it's actually over.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

In the end, a total of twelve sisters formed a group this season, they are Chen Haoyu, Chen Lijun, Qi Wei, Shang Wenjie, He Jie, Sa Dingding, Liu Yan, Cai Wenjing, Liu Xin, Joyce Jonathan, Han Xue, Yuan Yawei.

For this group list, it is actually expected by the audience.

From the analysis of the personal popularity ranking of each performance and the background of the sisters, it can be said that there is no surprise in these twelve.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

Although the list of this season's group has ended, the feature film has just finished the eleventh episode.

In the eleventh episode of the show, there was no training and performance, just the graduation carnival of the sisters.

In this party, there is an award session, and there is an award that is still very embarrassing.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

One award is the "Training Room Residency Award".

As the name suggests, the older sister who has been training for the longest time can win the award.

The first sister nominated this time is Chen Lijun, and the second is Zheng Nicole.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

Chen Lijun's total training time is more than 250 hours, while Nicole Zheng's is 223.5 hours.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

When the training hours of Chen Lijun and Zheng Nicole were released, all the sisters in the audience were shocked.

Everyone looked at Shang Wenjie's expression, it was obviously unbelievable.

Zhu Dan even said that "I really worked hard".

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell
Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

As a roommate, He Jie even said that he had never seen this roommate when he slept at night.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

When Nicole Zheng's training time was released, Han Xue and He Jie expressed their shock.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

At the same time, Zhu Dan said that he saw the gap between everyone and Chen Lijun and Zheng Nicole.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

Judging from the reactions of the sisters after the training hours of Chen Lijun and Zheng Nicole were announced, the training of the two was indeed quite hard.

In other words, there is still a big gap between the other sisters in terms of training time compared to Chen Lijun and Zheng Nicole.

So the question is, Chen Lijun and Zheng Nicole are indeed the ones who have the longest training time among these sisters, but are they really as exaggerated as other sisters think?

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

In fact, Chen Lijun and Zheng Nicole are just normal operations for the audience.

If you talk about "Sister Lang", the sister who fights the most must be the sister of the first season, there is no doubt about this.

What is the level of training time like Chen Lijun and Nicole Zheng if they are placed in the first season?

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

Let's take a look at Bai Bing who left after the end of the Five Princes, this is about the same as the current time period of this season, her training time is 291.5 hours, which is far more than Chen Lijun and Zheng Nicole.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

To tell the truth, all the sisters in the first season of "Sister Lang" are quite hardworking, and Bai Bing is just one of them, but she is definitely not the one who has the longest training time.

I dare to say that the training time of Chen Lijun and Zheng Nicole is the most difficult in the fifth season, but it is definitely lower than the average duration in the first season.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

Chen Lijun and Zheng Nicole's training time really slapped the other sisters in the face.

In other words, Chen Lijun and Zheng Nicole's business ability is one of the best in this season, and powerful sisters are working so hard, shouldn't those who are not strong practice more?

Seeing this, I really fully understand why "Sister Lang" is declining more and more.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

It's very simple, it's an indisputable fact that my sister now doesn't fight as much as she used to.

It is said that many of the sisters in the first season are super strong, but they are also quite ruthless in practice.

To put it bluntly, the sister in the first season is very rolly, and the current sister is definitely not comparable in terms of status.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

is the so-called one minute on the stage, ten years of work off the stage.

When the sisters have trained enough, the quality of their stage will be very high.

Why do many viewers call it like the first season after watching these seasons of "Sister Lang", isn't it because they haven't practiced enough?

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

The comprehensive strength of the sisters in these seasons is not as strong as in the first season, and the training time is also like the first generation of sisters, isn't the show not good?

The two sisters, Chen Lijun and Zheng Nicole, are quite dedicated, and it can be seen that they have a sense of awe for the stage.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

With the professional abilities of Chen Lijun and Nicole Cheng, they can completely paddle, but they work harder.

As it turns out, it's not for nothing that Chen Lijun and Zheng Ni may be successful.

There are so many opera actors, why Chen Lijun can be popular, there are so many girl groups, why Zheng Ni may become the ceiling, just look at their strict requirements for themselves.

Chen Lijun's "training time" slapped everyone in the face, and also made the audience understand why "Sister Lang" fell

After seeing this training time, I really think it's too unsatisfying for Zheng Nicole not to form a group, what do you think?