
When a man says these things to you, it's not that he's bored, but that he misses you too much in his heart


It's not that I miss you because I'm lonely, but I feel lonely because I miss you. The reason why the feeling of loneliness is so deep is only because the longing is too strong.

The belt is wider, and even though it is painful, there is no remorse; For the sake of his sweetheart, let himself be haggard and emaciated. This short sentence profoundly depicts the pain of lovesickness for lovers, and only after the heart is moved, will it be painful because of lovesickness.

People who are deeply immersed in longing, even if they usually seem solemn and serious, will be overshadowed by the immersion of love, because just thinking about the word can make people sleepless at night.

There is no need for gender in the world of feelings, when love comes, he will also toss and turn because he thinks of you, and will not hesitate to say "fleshy love words" that have never been expressed, it is not that he is bored, but that he misses you deeply.

When a man says these things to you, it's not that he's bored, but that he misses you too much in his heart

Xiaolan and her boyfriend He Guang began their relationship in high school, and they have been together all the way through the journey from campus friendship to true love, and their story has become what alumni call "perfect love".

Although He Guang treats her very well, there are few love words, whenever Xiaolan and the people around her mention this matter, everyone will say: "Isn't the benefit of so many years enough?" Xiao Lan knew that this was just a small regret.

Unexpectedly, Xiaolan and her boyfriend were separated because of work, but her boyfriend actually chatted with her every once in a while and said some different "local words".

He Guang said that he didn't say it before because we were together wherever we went, and the most important thing was her good, but now that we are separated, my thoughts have made me uncontrollable, and only love words can best express my feelings.

When a man says these things to you, it's not that he's bored, but that he misses you too much in his heart

01 "Earthy love words" are obvious expressions of missing someone

In the emotional world, when two people have been together for a long time, the ideas between partners will be more unique. Women believe that even if they are together for a long time, they need a sense of ritual; Men, on the other hand, value a more ordinary life.

Compared to the woman's direct "I love you", men often find it difficult to express their affection, they feel that as long as you are good to you, you can understand their heart.

So if a man who doesn't often say sweet words suddenly says something "earthy love words" to you, it is very likely that he misses you, but he is embarrassed to tell you directly, and can only use these words to express his thoughts.

Where are you? What are you doing? Busy?

If it's two people who don't know each other, they won't care what you do or where you are, they will ask you if you're there before talking about other things.

When a man says these things to you, it's not that he's bored, but that he misses you too much in his heart

When a boy thinks about you, he will naturally look for you and ask you where you are, what you are doing, whether you are busy or not, in fact, it is all a cover-up, what he really wants to say is: "Actually, I miss you so much, I want to see you." ”

Because I miss you so much, but I'm afraid of disturbing you, that's why I ask so much, and if your boyfriend asks like this, you have to understand that he just needs to hear the sentence that I miss you very much.

03 I miss you a little, so let's come out and meet you

When you miss someone to the extreme, you often don't want to talk nonsense, and ask directly: Are you free now? I miss you a little, can we meet?

Men and women are not the same, and sometimes many of their emotions and feelings may be more hidden. You see, he doesn't seem to love you that much, but in fact he may just not be as obvious as he is.

When a man says these things to you, it's not that he's bored, but that he misses you too much in his heart

When a man really misses you very much, his feelings are no longer the attitude of "being in control", and he will spontaneously tell you how he feels. At that time, you will deeply realize how deep his love for you is.

Emotional Conclusion:

"I Do" sings that longing is a very mysterious thing, like a shadow, silently sneaking in the bottom of my heart, engulfing me in silence in an instant, I am powerless to fight, especially at night, I miss you so much that I can't breathe.

When you fall in love with someone, it's like putting on armor, but at the same time, it also means that you have a soft side. Especially when you miss each other, you can't control your emotions at all, and you can only be swayed by them.

If a man suddenly says to you, "I miss you," it means that the longing in his heart has reached a point where it is difficult to control himself. At this time, you should give a gentle response to make the relationship between you sweeter.