
Don't understand, a woman who is a little "stupid" in her relationship is more popular with men


In this era of vigorous development, there will always be people who care about details, and what others say always has to explore the truth, or ask for a distinction between right and wrong.

This kind of behavior, not only is not likable, but will alienate everyone, most people's lives are very ordinary, it is not easy to be able to deal with difficulties happily, why should you be difficult with others, and why you can't get along with yourself.

"He Ouyang Young Master to Shi Qi" once wrote: "The brave are often cowardly; The wise are foolish. It means that the true wise man does not show himself too much, and seems to be stupid or stupid on the surface, but in fact he is deep inside.

In fact, whether in the relationship or in life, as long as you pay attention, you will find that those who live a truly comfortable and comfortable life will never blindly dwell on trivial things, they pursue a wise and foolish attitude to life.

In a relationship, a woman doesn't need to be so smart, which can increase the depth of feelings between each other in many cases, so that the conflict can be better resolved.

Don't understand, a woman who is a little "stupid" in her relationship is more popular with men

When I was in college, there were two pairs of lovers in our class, and the funny thing is that one pair was a beautiful woman and an ordinary boy, and the other was a handsome guy and an ordinary girl, and everyone would also discuss privately which pair of lovers would last long.

Unexpectedly, the couple broke up, and the boy asked her boyfriend puzzled, why she didn't cherish having beautiful women, and her boyfriend replied: Beautiful women are beautiful, but getting along is really too hard, I can't stand it.

It turns out that this girl cares a lot about the details, although her boyfriend has already admitted her mistakes and apologized, it seems that every time she quarrels, she will be taken out and said.

Two people don't get along like sweet partners, it's more like partners who cooperate tacitly, everything is clear, I give it to you, you will naturally reciprocate, I won't do anything against your will.

Women need to understand that the other person may not like your so-called "good for him", and opening your eyes will make your relationship more harmonious.

Don't understand, a woman who is a little "stupid" in her relationship is more popular with men


A "stupid" woman knows how to tolerate it, rather than grabbing the pigtails

Everyone is not perfect, and when you choose to be with each other, appreciate the good in the other person and accept the shortcomings in the other person.

If we are always obsessed with taking care of each other's shortcomings, then our relationship will only become more and more difficult to maintain. We must learn to accept each other and tolerate each other's negligence and mistakes, which will not only give the other party more leeway, but also make it easier for the other party to tolerate us.

Those women who seem to educate their boyfriends are extremely correct and dignified, often end up in their own ways. Maybe just be a little more stupid, not really stupid, but learn to be patient with your loved ones.


A "stupid" woman can see the seriousness and sincerity in the eyes of the other party

In the world of feelings, there is no concept of right or wrong, and it is impossible to accurately measure who gives more. The most important thing in the relationship is that two people can show sincerity and give honesty.

Don't understand, a woman who is a little "stupid" in her relationship is more popular with men

Many people choose to break up, not because they feel that there is anything wrong with the relationship, but because they are persuaded by the people around them. They listen to the words of outsiders, but they dare not believe their eyes. I am often told that my partner's efforts are simply not enough, and all kinds of negative comments lead to the final decision to break up.

A slightly silly girl knows that love is not a balance, and what she says can't explain paying, she can only feel it with her own heart. She knows that her eyes and feelings are the most credible.


A "stupid" woman is wise and foolish, and she will not play tricks in her feelings

After getting along for a long time, you can see a person's sincerity, this sentence applies not only to people and things, but also to feelings. The person who has just started to walk into love with you must be full of anticipation and sincerity.

But no one is too stupid, some women always want to prove that they are smart, so they will make some unreliable moves, but they don't understand that love can't be easily played by people with intentions.

No man likes feelings that are hidden or counted behind them, and those women who are innocent in heart know this. They can win the sincere attention and treatment of men, and walk out of a smoother and smoother road on the road of affection.

Don't understand, a woman who is a little "stupid" in her relationship is more popular with men

Emotional Conclusion:

In these busy times, it seems that each of us has had to learn many clever ways and methods, but these ways are not suitable for feelings.

"Simple" women know how to use their intelligence and wisdom to treat the outside world, but they will hide their true feelings in their hearts and are willing to treat their families with all their hearts. This is not only an attitude towards life, but also the wisdom of life.

In relationships, those women who are a little more "naïve" are usually better at understanding and giving in, and at the same time, they also know how to keep secrets, and they are more able to understand the sadness and pain behind men. Those women who will subtly cover themselves can better win the hearts and gratitude of men.