
Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

author:Bu Xiao Nuan said notes

Today's topic: Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old?

The netizen replied: Let's talk about it when I'm old, and I have money, I can go to a nursing home when I'm old.

Rebuttal: When you go to a nursing home when you are old, others will bully you, you have no children and no daughters, and laugh at you.

Netizens replied: There are many people who go to nursing homes, and there are children and daughters who also go to nursing homes, I don't know who laughs at whom?

It is said that "raising children to prevent old age, mothers are more expensive than children", and now the world has become "raising children to gnaw the old"


Let's take a look at the sharing of netizens

Well, when I get old, I am most afraid of Alzheimer's disease, because several elderly people in my hometown are like this, and they can only be locked up at home by their children

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

Hahaha, the world is sober, and the soldering iron pierces the heart

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

It is also a strength to be able to blend into the five guarantee households, after all, the water industry cannot guarantee that you will live to be 60 years old

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

There are always more ways than difficulties, take one step at a time

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

This one is kind of weird and scary, what do you think?

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

No way, the oil and salt are high in oil and fat, and now young people like Gao Tang

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

This is a good way, take precautions, I didn't mix in the rich second generation in my previous life, and I went to play hard

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

Well, I'm relieved about this, and I have one more reason not to get married and have a baby

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

Is it really, living all my life to punch in?

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

I understand, no matter how you persuade you, the more you persuade, the more you persuade, the more you will be strong, and you will think about the way back

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

Yes, yes, 80% of nursing homes now have children

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

I've really seen a lot of old people being disliked, and it's really sad

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

Well, how to say it, generally at that point, you can't go yourself

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

Hahaha, hold on a little longer, you have hope to enter the ranks of the five guarantee households

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

I can't finish it, I can't spend it, I can't spend it at all

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

This is a bit exaggerated, are you sure it's not a joke?

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

Be sober, raising children does not prevent aging, and if you want to prevent aging, do a good job of sun protection first

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

Too talented, how do you have a long brain

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

It's okay, regret and regret have passed half a lifetime, and the loess has been buried in the chest

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

You think that sometimes SI also depends on luck, some people can sleep forever, and some people have to suffer a lot

Young people don't get married and don't have children, what should they do when they get old? Netizens in the comment area don't eat oil and salt, and they can't laugh anymore

Write to the end

Life is indeed full of unknowns and uncertainties, and we cannot predict what will happen in the future.

It's your own choice, as long as you don't regret it and enjoy life

It is up to each of us to be brave enough to face the challenges and uncertainties of life and actively seek our own direction and purpose.

Believe in your own ability, persevere, and you will be able to create your own wonderful life!
